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Resetting Trim with ALT+X also cuts your engines


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500 | GPU: RTX 2060 | RAM40GB


Pretty simple, the default ALT+X hotkey to reset your trim while in flight also cuts your engines due to the X button also being the cut engine button, this doesn't impact gameplay too badly since you can just immediately hit Z to bring your engines back online but it's still rather annoying to deal with.

Edited by The Space Peacock
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I have a GeForce RTX 2060 Super, and nVidia has the default of Alt + Z to bring up the recording control panel.  Hitting the Z key in any capacity, even when the Alt key is depressed, increases thrust to maximum.  This can really throw off game play and/or creating videos to show bugs.

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I don't get it - trim isn't supposed to be used on engine throttle, that makes no sense. The Left-Shift/Left-CTRL keys are in fact the trimming of the throttle with Z being Full On, and X being Full Off.  I just don't see what one would expect Alt-X to doto throttle.


To my understanding, trim is used and supposed to be solely use for attitude adjustments - rather than constantly hit S over and over again to keep a decent AoA on a jet aircraft (holding S down would cause a flip eventually), you can use LeftAlt-S to apply trim to that PITCH control and therefore it will provide a very small amount of CONSTANT pitch increase, which will keep your jet stable and you can nearly be hands free. Its easy for me to remember, as my first flight stick in the early 80s had trim controls, and it took me a LONG time to figure out what they were for.  I never needed them until I go into more releastic flight games, that needed trim to maintain a specific attitude.


The problem I have with using attitude trim, is that I have no idea how much I have applied so getting it zeroed into what I want is a pain - The best way to look at the problems with attitude trim is to try it in a solo capsule in zero-g.  Apply trim step by step is immediately seen in the navball as you start to traverse, faster with each trim application - however, you have no idea what amounts of trim in total have been applied - if trimming out of control, you dont know necessarily how to stop it, or in what amounts are needed to stop it.  There should be a simple "reset all trim" command so you can start your trim from scratch and use normal attitude controls to stop your out-of-control gyration.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows | CPU: Yes | GPU: :) | RAMRAM (required)

Title. Expected behaviour is to not affect the throttle when resetting trim.

Particularly annoying with aircraft, as it takes a while for the engines to spool down, meaning it takes a while for the player to notice that the engine is off.

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  On 11/9/2023 at 11:52 PM, dansiegel30 said:

I just don't see what one would expect Alt-X to doto throttle.


It shouldn't do anything to throttle.  At all.  And that's the point; X will cut throttle entirely, while Z will push throttle to maximum, regardless of other keypresses at the same time.  Which shouldn't happen.  Z should only function when it's the only key being pressed; same with X.  Alt+Z shouldn't be seen as a singular Z.

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