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I'm assuming from this list, that docking will not be included in V .18?


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Since "Docking" is not listed in blue on this list, I'm guessing it will not be included in the next update? I'm only asking because people have said that it will be included, and people have said that it won't be included. It would be really nice to just get a confirmation from the Devs as to whether or not it will be included, and if it is, awesome, if not, that's fine.


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The state of that list follows the state of updates, it does not predict them. Docking will only change colour once it has been announced as coming in an update.

Until then, we have to wait.: The devs have a great deal to work on, and sometimes jobs take longer than they expect and so other features get pushed back. In addition, a lot of features are waiting for the release of a new version of Unity which will support better User Interfaces - putting these features in too soon will mean they need rewriting when the UI changes are implemented which will cause a lot of extra work; so it is better to leave them until later. Docking is quite an advanced feature in many ways and I *guess* it is very likely to be one of those features that is best left until later. There's plenty to keep the devs busy until then!

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Personally, I do not mind the wait. Every time they release a new update, it is like a whole new game. Most of the old ships I built need to be tweaked or redesigned. Plus there are planets and other challenges to try before docking. At first, when docking was not included in .15, I was angry. Then I realized, if I want Squad to make something good, I need to give them time. Honestly I would rather see the IVA for the remaining 2 cockpits first, then some sort of expanded IVA (with a payload bay or whatnot), then the idea of interior construction (for Space Lab-esque stations) for long term space missions, then docking and orbital construction.

If I had to guess, I would say that the next update would be the next 2 iva cockpits and sound stuff, possibly with the addition of a payload part.

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I personally think Squad is not quite taking docking seriously enough. Docking is such a vital part of any space program that we might still be trying to land on the moon today had we stuck to direct ascent. As soon as NASA could put a man into orbit they started planning for Project Gemini to get EVA and docking working because these two things are essential to landing on the moon. Seen as we've just got EVA working in KSP the logical step next should be docking.

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umm, i dont believe that list is quite... precise... i mean, i cant believe someone is going to do an update only about sound stuff... honestly id like em to add into game some sort of interface to intercept other bodies, i mean, sure ,we got that calculator, we got mechjeb (i suppose, i dont use it, acctually, i only read in posts it exists) and some other plugins for phase angles etc., but people like me mess it up to the point that an eve intercept, with 0.03 degrees of phase angle missed,and 10 degrees of that ejection angle ,with same speed, im still not even touching eve orbit, actually, im on my way out somewhere between mars and jupiter... i understand that most people out here have a brain, but hell, i dont, and jeb hasnt either, we need help from our program :)

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Whatever ends up in 0.18 and beyond, we all have our own list of features we really want, my big ones are -

1 - Docking w/ fuel and crew transfer

2 - realistic re-entry conditions modeling

3 - more stock parts and an easier way to navigate them in VAB/SPH

4 - more planets/moons/asteroids/strange celestial locations to explore

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  Temstar said:
I personally think Squad is not quite taking docking seriously enough. Docking is such a vital part of any space program that we might still be trying to land on the moon today had we stuck to direct ascent. As soon as NASA could put a man into orbit they started planning for Project Gemini to get EVA and docking working because these two things are essential to landing on the moon. Seen as we've just got EVA working in KSP the logical step next should be docking.

Keep in mind Squad are developing a computer game about a space program, not a space program as such. While docking might be the logical next step in developing a space program, it may, for a variety of reasons, not be (and apparently it is not) the next step in developing this computer programme.

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IMHO docking will come when it's ready.. Like the other planets, they were in development long before we ever saw them, as evidenced by Nova's blog. It's not like they just 'did it all' between .16 and .17.. Docking is likely the same way. They're probably working on it, but we won't see it, or hear much about it from them, until it's (relatively) finished.

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That's what is so great about KSP, it is a difficult task, one I'm sure could be made with several "quick" solutions, but they will take their time to figure it out, and implement it in the best way they can, well designed and thought out like every other part of the game. I will always be a loyal fan as long as they take their time and do it right. Not bad for a game that is still technically beta, eh? :)

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those docking mods made it for me, I dont die to have a oficial docking system now, sice can play with mods, and im confident that when squad releases the oficial docking it will be way better , and some what polish since they are tanking the time.

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  AmpsterMan said:
When they implement docking, I would like it to be feature complete. For now I would like to see 3 meter parts and a weaker but more efficient "Mainsail" type engine.

Wait, the stock game doesn'tt have 3 meter parts? I wonder what mod I downloaded that gave me all my 3 meter parts...

  sal_vager said:
Until we do get docking from Squad, don't forget we have two brilliant docking add-ons now, Erkles warp clamp and the Orbital rendezvous and Docking assistant :)

Thanks, I'll check those out!

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It's evident by the Docking mods available that implementing Docking is no small feat, and is prone to error. The mods currently available also have an issue where objects that are docked are affected by gravity separately; this can be an issue during precise burns, during sphere of influence changes, and over time orbits tend to shift around because of this.

Squad no doubt wants to get docking right the first time, so they are definitely hard at work on it, but I hope they take their time to perfect it.

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