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KSRO: Kerbal Space Research Organization


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It's been ten years since the end of the Second Great Kerbin War. The country of Bismarck, after two attempts at world domination, have finally been subdued, and it's fascist politicians replaced with politicians focused on better international relations. However, after the war, much of the world laid in ruin from the horrible battles. Out of the ashes though rises a new age of technological innovation, and with this new innovation comes advancements in technology and science. To further these devlopments, the new Kerbin United organization has set up the KSRO, aimed at advancing Kerbalkind into the future and yada yada yada whatever. I'm sure you've heard the whole thing a million times. It's all anyone can talk about.

Now, I personally believe this whole space program thing is a political stunt. It's not meant to "aid Kerbalkind in technology" or whatever. It's simply a distraction from the actual issues of the world, and a waste of time and money. We haven't even fully recovered from the war yet! Many of Kerbin;s cities still lie in ruin, the economy's whack, and our leaders are frankly incompetent. And Bismarck's politicians weren't replaced, they were lined up on walls and executed. While they had committed terrible war crimes, committing a terrible war crime back is not the way to go. At this point, it's puppet state for Victoria and Bonaparte. What are these places you ask?

Well these are the countries of Kerbin. They're really the big guys of everything happening on the planet. And the living conditions in these countries are absolutely awful though. Bonaparte is a stones throw away from becoming a third-world country, and Victoria's two seconds from becoming a total surveillance state.

Anyways, space program, space program... ah, yes. Where's all this technology coming from? Well, the KSRO isn't starting from scratch. Rocket technology was developed by Bismarck during the war. A horrible machine of destruction called the KV-2.


Picture of said machine

Granted, this was the machine that ultimately led to the downfall of the new Bismarckian conquest. Well, there were several other factors, but still. Adoofus Kerman, dictator of Bismarck and starter of the war, made this machine his passion project. And it scared the very life out of the allies... when it worked. Sure, parts of the Victorian capitol Lundun were destroyed, but this rocket had more failures than successes. Frankly it's a miracle its engineers weren't executed by Bismarck.

Now, I'll tell you more about the story leading up to our first launch later. In fact, the first launch vehicle is still being built. There's a lot of story to tell, and a lot of my anger with this "new era" to be unleashed. For now, you all have a nice day. You can bet I won't have one. I have to write for this stupid agency.

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Alright, so you know. Kerbalkind is about to become fully space faring or whatever. But how did we get here? How did Kerbin United form? How did we get rockets and future jets? This sort of development doesn't just happen overnight. Well, it all starts after the Second Kerbin War. After Bismarck surrendered, several technologies were "borrowed" from the country, particularly by Victoria and Bonaparte. I'm talking fighter jets, missiles, the whole shebang. With their fighter jet point, both countries collaborated on an interesting concept of jet: a jet faster than sound. Sounds crazy, right? Well, it is. Yet those engineers were able to construct what I must admit, is a pretty cool machine.

The plane they created was the Crystal 125, a dual engine flying machine capable of speeds up to Mach 2. The plane was nicknamed "the peacekeeper", as who would dare go up against a country that can just fly right by your defenses?


Now, both countries claimed that the plane was meant to prevent another global war, but I think it was just an excuse for them to go off and start their own conquest. If they started a world war with this technology, it'd be extremely easy to just blow through and blow up any country's defenses. Even so, world domination can only end with one victor. Two powers cannot share the whole world. Not to mention, both Victoria and Bonaparte had for a long time been historical enemies. Even if they're best of friends on the international stage, this sentiment still remains.

And so, a sort of silent war took place. While the countries did have a technology exchange, they still developed weapons only for their own advancment. With captured KV-2s, both Victoria and Bonaparte began developing long range missiles. The most powerful one produced was perhaps Victoria's mighty Spearhead Missile, which could carry almost 1 ton of explosives one continent over.


Whole towns and city blocks could be destroyed with this weapon. A few times they put scientific equipment on the top, as is displayed in the photo above, but most of the time they just blew stuff up in the ocean.


However, while Victoria and Bonaparte were building vast machines of conquest, SOME politicians had SOME sense. They called leaders from all over the world, and began peace talks in Lundun. What was discussed was the possibility of a union of all countries. In the end, the organization created was Kerbin United, with the goal of world peace! Except they've done nothing to achieve this goal. And are completely powerless. No rebuilding, no easing of newfound tensions, all that's come out of this is a space program. A crappy, over-funded, lousy space program. What a great organization everybody!

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