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Vessel survives over 200m/s drop in water


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 11 | CPU: i7 | GPU: rtx 3090 super | RAM32


Watch after 9:00. i don't know why parachutes didn't activate. And how command pod survived that crash.


Edited by The Space Peacock
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This happened to me as well - craft would not deploy the chute through staging - had to manually deploy, and as I did we hit the water.  Craft dove deep and then bobbed to the surface.

Fun fact: after this, I EVA'd the Kerbal - and the ship took off across the water getting up to 120+m/s.  (Separate bug report submitted)

Kerbal Power!

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