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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Relax a bit guys, taniwha is apparently releasing a up-to-date dll soon, and he's damn good at delivering awesome :)

Once again, thank you so much mod devs for making things and keeping everything updated :)

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I rebuilt from source, and KSP is still yelling at startup that kethane is not compatible... I did everything according to enneract's instructions, and still is wonky...

Don't worry, that's harmless. However, you can open CompatibilityChecker.cs and go to line 57. There, update the version to match KSP and recompile.

Relax a bit guys, taniwha is apparently releasing a up-to-date dll soon, and he's damn good at delivering awesome :)

Once again, thank you so much mod devs for making things and keeping everything updated :)

Nice! And agreed on both counts.

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Install this.

Find the 'download ZIP' link on the right side of this page.

Unzip that archive somewhere. Open up VS2013, File -> Open project. Navigate to where you extracted the archive you downloaded, and open the .sln file. Project -> Add Reference. Go to Browse, navigate to where you have KSP installed, go to KSP_Data (or KSP_x64_Data), and add UnityEngine.dll and Assembly-CSharp.dll as references (may need to hit 'browse' twice to accomplish this). Hit Ok. Right click 'Kethane' (probably the second item) on the right side of the screen under 'solution explorer', and select Build. After a few seconds, you should find a Kethane.dll at <path to extracted archive>/bin/debug/.

I do that, and my converter now works.

U save my Jeb. Even if i learn C++ 15 years ago, i'll never be able to do that wizout u, so, ty enneract

EDIT: Yes, KSP loading menu say thats not compatible, but in fact, that work, so...

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taniwha made a merge request to fix this in Git.


If someone wants to PM me I'll send you my build I made a few days ago so I could start making rocket parts again in my orbital station but I'd prefer not to release it to the public given the licensing and whatnot.

I've been recompiling quite a few mods lately, but this one throws an error on line 52 of Misc.cs.

The method: part.GetConnectedResources is looking for a third argument, a ResourceFlowMode... anyone got a workaround?

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yeah drop us the file cause right now majinir is allowing people to post fixes for now. once he gets back they be back to locked and cant distribite

Are you sure he gave permission for kethane? The one post I saw where he said people could distribute the dll was for KAS.

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Install this.

Find the 'download ZIP' link on the right side of this page.

Unzip that archive somewhere. Open up VS2013, File -> Open project. Navigate to where you extracted the archive you downloaded, and open the .sln file. Project -> Add Reference. Go to Browse, navigate to where you have KSP installed, go to KSP_Data (or KSP_x64_Data), and add UnityEngine.dll and Assembly-CSharp.dll as references (may need to hit 'browse' twice to accomplish this). Hit Ok. Right click 'Kethane' (probably the second item) on the right side of the screen under 'solution explorer', and select Build. After a few seconds, you should find a Kethane.dll at <path to extracted archive>/bin/debug/.

Seriously, thanks for this. Now, not only do I have a working version of Kethane, but now I also know this procedure for future releases of KSP. Plus, I have Kethane's code to look at and study to try and figure out how to mod things myself. Now I just need to figure out what I want to mod that hasn't already been modded.

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Seriously, thanks for this. Now, not only do I have a working version of Kethane, but now I also know this procedure for future releases of KSP. Plus, I have Kethane's code to look at and study to try and figure out how to mod things myself. Now I just need to figure out what I want to mod that hasn't already been modded.

Don't take this the wrong way, I mean this with every fluffy thought you can imagine, I really do.

But don't you dare take this procedure, update a mod to a new version of KSP without making actual compatibility changes, and then complain to the mod author that it doesn't work. This will work *in this specific case* because the code is already updated to take into account the changes introduced by the new game version, Majiir just hasn't had the opportunity to package up an official build.

You'll probably even get some more mileage out of this in the future, when new changes don't introduce big problems (or similar instances of git updated but no build), especially if you want to use it to learn some programming. But please, please, please remember that if you do this and it doesn't work, it is not the mod author's problem.

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Why don't you make it so you can harvest Kethane from Jool's atmosphere (hence Jool's greeness) instead of having to "mine" on Jool. The same could be said for other gas giants that might be added.

Just a future mechanic idea.

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Updated .dll files are here since no one else seems to want to post them.

Kethane.dll: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cqqk0anzrira90v/Kethane.dll

KethaneToolbar.dll: https://www.dropbox.com/s/utuz42v6iaxszqf/KethaneToolbar.dll

Download the plugin like normal, then just place these .dll files into the kethane/plugins directory.

Appears to be working, and is free from virus. Thx.

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I wish I could agree with Sutima.

I mean, yes, the files are clean :) But it didn't seem to work totally here. The Oxidizer and Jet Fuel converters are working like a charm. But I still don't have an option for Liquid Fuel, or RCS.

Thanks anyway!

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I have been given permission by Majiir to do a dll-only release of Kethane for the purpose of fixing it for 0.24.2:

Jul 27 08:23:09 <Majiir> If it helps with EL compat, go ahead and release patched DLLs

At least NathanKell was there at the time, too.

[edit]I forgot to mention that you will still need to download 0.8.8 first if you don't already have it. Extract 0.8.8 first, then extract over top of it.

Download Kethane

github pull request with my changes

Changes in

  • The exception when getting connected resources has been fixed.
  • Compatibility Checker has been updated for KSP 0.24.2
  • The Kethane version has been updated to

I have tested the converters with the smelter and rocket parts converters in Extraplanetary Launchpads.

Hopefully Majiir will be able to do an official release soon.

Edited by taniwha
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Thank you, Taniwha. And for everyone else as well.

Everything seems to be working here, and maybe it was already working when I posted my latest one up above.

As a side note: Maybe I am just dumb have a big stupidity bar, or things have changed and I'm not crazy here. If the first one is the case, please apologise my stupidity. :blush:

If my weak (WEAK!) memory is correct, we used to have four buttons on the converters: Jet Fuel, Oxidizer, Rocket Fuel and Monopropellant. Now everything I see are the first two ones (jet fuel and oxidizer) on the medium converter, and the last two ones (rocket fuel and monopropellant) on the heavy converter.


Now, I spent some good ammount of science in a depth research which showed me that "Liquid fuel (is), sometimes called jet fuel". Then, I can assume those are the same and don't need different buttons for the same stuff. But what about the oxidizer and monopropellants?

So, if I'm correct, only Medium Converters are capable of converting Kethane into Oxidizer, while only Heavy Converters are capable of converting Kethane into Monopropellants? Or is there really a bug? I couldn't find anything on the items description or at the Kethane Wiki that told me this. If there is some info proving the contrary and I didn't see it, please, rub my nose into it. :)

P.S.: I'm expecting a 5-word answer. :confused:

Edited by Kowgan
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