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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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I'm having an odd issue where the KE-X270 keeps deploying and undeploying uncontrollably, both in the SPH/VAB and in the world.

Whoops. It looks like Keptin changed the animation names without telling me. Open the part config (GameData/Kethane/Parts/kethane_heavyDrill/part.cfg) and find these lines:

name = KethaneDrillAnimator
DeployAnimation = heavyDrill_deploy
DrillAnimation = heavyDrill_drilling

Change the animation names so it looks like this:

name = KethaneDrillAnimator
DeployAnimation = idle
DrillAnimation = idle0

I'll have this patched in the next update, but I want to wait a bit before pushing out a hotfix.

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I'm going to fill out a full bug report when I have a chance, but I wanted to mention that I'm getting major errors upgrading to v8 after upgrading to KSP .22.

Upgrading to KSP .22 and staying with Kethane 7.7 everything works fine. I get my Ore and Kethane deposits showing up like they did with KSP .21.1 and all is normal.

Deleted the GameData/Kethane folder and replaced it with v.8 download. I made the two animation edits in the drill .cfg file, then fired up KSP. Went into the Tracking Station and the Kethane overlay looks fine, but all the Ore resources are gone. It shows on the overlay as the cells being scanned, but the amount listed is None across the entire planet.

Also, and this is major, I cannot exit the Tracking Station. Alt-F2 log shows Null Exception errors every time I click the Exit button. Forced to hard quit KSP.

Delete the GameData/Kethane folder, and replace it with my backup of .7.7. Fire up KSP, go to the Tracking Station, and everything is back to normal. Ore deposits show up and I can exit the Tracking Station.

Note that this also happens if I start a New Save rather than firing up my save game. Any attempt to exit Tracking Station results in NullException error and no results...

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I'm going to fill out a full bug report when I have a chance, but I wanted to mention that I'm getting major errors upgrading to v8 after upgrading to KSP .22.

Upgrading to KSP .22 and staying with Kethane 7.7 everything works fine. I get my Ore and Kethane deposits showing up like they did with KSP .21.1 and all is normal.

Deleted the GameData/Kethane folder and replaced it with v.8 download. I made the two animation edits in the drill .cfg file, then fired up KSP. Went into the Tracking Station and the Kethane overlay looks fine, but all the Ore resources are gone. It shows on the overlay as the cells being scanned, but the amount listed is None across the entire planet.

Also, and this is major, I cannot exit the Tracking Station. Alt-F2 log shows Null Exception errors every time I click the Exit button. Forced to hard quit KSP.

Delete the GameData/Kethane folder, and replace it with my backup of .7.7. Fire up KSP, go to the Tracking Station, and everything is back to normal. Ore deposits show up and I can exit the Tracking Station.

Note that this also happens if I start a New Save rather than firing up my save game. Any attempt to exit Tracking Station results in NullException error and no results...

Your issue is probably EPLP mod...has not been updated yet far as I know. I have KSP 0.22 and Kethane 0.8 and its working just fine.

Also the technode is 'Experimental Rocketry' and its not so much for Kethene as its a general mod use node. Personally I hope the parts are spread out through the tree...kinda a forced bootstrapping. If not it takes about 5 seconds to assign a part to a technode.

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Your issue is probably EPLP mod...has not been updated yet far as I know. I have KSP 0.22 and Kethane 0.8 and its working just fine.

To be much more precise, it's apparently caused by KethaneResource definition in ExtraSpaceCenters.cfg utterly confusing Kethane plugin because of configuration format change, not by a problem anywhere in EPLP itself.

EDIT: Nope. Neither fixing the cfg nor removing launchpad.dll fixes the problem.

EDIT #2: Removing the config file entirely fixes it, but of course, is not acceptable...

Edited by Mihara
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Mihara: you might need to reset your ore deposits. I'll look into the problem (I'm actually about to dl the latest kethane to do so).

With the way it's currently impractical to generate a kethane resource deposit in a given location, resetting deposits would mean screwing up a save with two bases.

I'm spending more time attempting to recover my saves than actually continuing them, and this is getting mighty tiring.

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Mihara: it's easy enough to reset the ore deposits without actually affecting anything: just delete the deposit info (leave the scan info alone) from your persistence file. They'll be regenerated in the same place.

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Mihara: it's easy enough to reset the ore deposits without actually affecting anything: just delete the deposit info (leave the scan info alone) from your persistence file. They'll be regenerated in the same place.

Yes, but the last time I did that, they were regenerated at the same density on every planet. I'm not sure if this bug is still present, but I'd rather not repeat that with a live save file. :)

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With the way it's currently impractical to generate a kethane resource deposit in a given location, resetting deposits would mean screwing up a save with two bases.

I'm spending more time attempting to recover my saves than actually continuing them, and this is getting mighty tiring.

Golly gee, I'm sure sorry that this unofficial mod for an game still in alpha has some bugs good sir! Get over it, really. If you have to remake the bases, remake the bases.

Edited by forsaken1111
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To be much more precise, it's apparently caused by KethaneResource definition in ExtraSpaceCenters.cfg utterly confusing Kethane plugin because of configuration format change, not by a problem anywhere in EPLP itself.

I'm not sure why you think an EL config file is a bug in Kethane. :wink: In any case, EL has been updated for 0.22 and Kethane 0.8.

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I guess soon we'll be able to define deposit frequency and size by biome. ;)

That would be excellent! I have some new science parts planned for a mod and I'd love to be able to use Kethane deposits in conjunction if possible so there is a bit of searching involved as well.

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I'm not sure why you think an EL config file is a bug in Kethane. :wink: In any case, EL has been updated for 0.22 and Kethane 0.8.

Yea sorry to cause so much confusion. I assumed that the loss of Ore data was an issue with EL, but was more concerned about the inability to exit out from the Tracking Station. I updated EL to 3.3, Kethane to 0.8, and KSP to 0.22 and all are working fine now. Thanks so much for all your work!

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I'm not sure why you think an EL config file is a bug in Kethane. :wink: In any case, EL has been updated for 0.22 and Kethane 0.8.

Because a malformed config causes a problem with Kethane even when the EL plugin itself is not at all present. That sort of thing is typically considered a bug in whatever reads the config.

Sorry, me irony no understand. :)

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The website for the download is being blocked by Avast AV. Is there any chance we could get a Mediafire link or something like that as a mirror?

Its a false positive. Just disable avast briefly.

Avast is rather lazy that way, they will blacklist a whole domain or hosting company when someone else uses it to host malware.

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