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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Wait, Kethane randomly generates deposits? I thought they were hard coded.

Oh no,not even close. It will even randomly generate new spots per save game. You should give the API documentation a look (link should be in OP) even if you have no intrest in modding its great insight to how kethane actually works.

@Dub....consider yourself very lucky...out of 100 or so save games I have gotten a deposit under KSC maybe 4 times...

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Oh no,not even close. It will even randomly generate new spots per save game. You should give the API documentation a look (link should be in OP) even if you have no intrest in modding its great insight to how kethane actually works.

@Dub....consider yourself very lucky...out of 100 or so save games I have gotten a deposit under KSC maybe 4 times...

Nice! I'm definately keeping that savegame then.

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Nice! I'm definately keeping that savegame then.

You don't really need to do savegame scamming to get Kethane at KSC. You can just add "Debug=True" to Kethane's settings.cfg file (in the Kethane folder, not the root folder). Then you can reset the Kethane layout for the planet until you get a configuration you like. Please note that this will scramble all of the Kethane on the planet, so handle with care. I think there used to be an option to add a new deposit at the current vessel (or something along those lines), but I can't find that anymore.

Edited by russkey
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any ETA on a small patch / hotfix for the scan and grid disappearing due to other plugins being not "compatible" with 0.23 ? Or do i have to wait until every other plugin is updated ?

(currently doing a kethane-powered Grand Tour, the upgrade to 0.23 put a hold on it since i cannot refuel anymore, due to that bug..)

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any ETA on a small patch / hotfix for the scan and grid disappearing due to other plugins being not "compatible" with 0.23 ? Or do i have to wait until every other plugin is updated ?

(currently doing a kethane-powered Grand Tour, the upgrade to 0.23 put a hold on it since i cannot refuel anymore, due to that bug..)

I fixed it by changing ShowOverlay to true in settings.cfg for Kethane.

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Okay, so why isn't this producing any fuel? As you can see, I have plenty of fuel capacity, electricity, and kethane. <clip>

The easiest way to get Kethane conversion to fill your tanks in a complex setup where you can't connect pipes from tanks to the converter is to mount a small fuel tank to one end of each converter then use TAC Fuel Balancer. Set the oxidizer and fuel to balance all, with the tanks attached to the converter to transfer out.

Then all the fuel that goes into those tanks will continuously be evenly distributed amongst all other tanks on the craft, no matter where or how they're attached. Once all the other tanks are full or almost full, change the mode of the tanks attached to the converters to Stop so they'll also fill.

Would be nice if Kethane converters could have that same system built in. Fuel Balancer doesn't play by the normal fuel path rules, don't see why Kethane should have to.

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Think of Kethane converters as engines. If you had engines where those converters are, would they light? NO. There are no fuel tanks (that hold liquid fuel and oxdizer) connected directly to those tanks. Those tanks must be DIRECTLY connected in one of *3* ways. Any other way and the tank will NOT be filled with fuel. EVER.

1) Actually connected. IE, where those Kethane tanks are. Ironically, the Kethane tanks can be anywhere So can monoprop and xenon tanks. It's only the orange tanks (and any other liquid/o2 tanks) that have this restriction.

2) Connected via BACKWARDS fuel lines. Run the fuel lines the opposite of what common sense would tell you. IE: Run them like you'd run fuel to an engine. So you run it from the tanks you want to fill TOWARDS the converter.

3) Connected to a fuel tank that's connected in a valid way to the converter, in either of the two ways above. Radially won't cut it, in the same way it won't work for engines.

You could connect one fuel tank to a converter, and then connect a 2nd fuel tank with (backwards!) yellow lines to that first fuel tank, and then connect a third tank in the stack with that second fuel tank. All 3 tanks would fill.

In ALL cases, you should ALWAYS test your setup on the ground, in creative mode, first. No exceptions.

Thanks! It wasn't easy, but I managed to engineer a solution to my problem and then had to swap out the *entire* kethane module. That was no small task, and it set the space program back a couple of years, budget wise... But it works! Only refuels the central tank, but that's all I need: I can use the TAC fuel balancer to distribute it to the others. Thanks again!


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In the next update, can you make it so Kethane can't or rarely spawns in the ocean at Laythe, and instead focuses on the islands? It's annoying because often the missions are botched because no Kethane happened to spawn on the islands.

In ALL cases, you should ALWAYS test your setup on the ground, in creative mode, first. No exceptions.

Creative mode? :sticktongue:

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Thanks! It wasn't easy, but I managed to engineer a solution to my problem and then had to swap out the *entire* kethane module. That was no small task, and it set the space program back a couple of years, budget wise... But it works! Only refuels the central tank, but that's all I need: I can use the TAC fuel balancer to distribute it to the others. Thanks again!


That fuel depot looks really cool

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You have to turn it on, check the little box in the green square.

Not a total new person. I had it 'on' it doesn't show up. Ever. Anywhere.

Now, OP I have an Idea that's a bit too crazy to be taken seriously, but... How neat would it be to have Kethane Gas? As in floating in open atmosphere? The way to collect it would be air scoops! But it's not as efficient as drilling. Especially when at a stand still. But, maybe just maybe you could have the engineering skills to make a plane that has air kethane air scoops and refines it in-flight. Maybe even and engine that runs off of kethane gas instead of O2.

But isn't that kethane refining stuff really heavy? You'd need a lot of lift, either with tons of lifting surfaces, or a thick atmosphere... You'd could give eve's atmosphere kethane gas and have functioning aircraft & SSTO's on Eve!!!

Kethane already HAS it's own Jet Engine that uses KIntakeAir and Kethane to function on Eve/Jool.

Edited by JewelShisen
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