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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Link works now, but the file doesn't seem to take any effect.

It is within the Kethane Folder within GameData as instructed. Is that right?

(Sorry, I'm great with numbers and reason and all that, but I'm very new to actually modding Kerbal)

Also, when I opened up the file to see what was in it, I saw that you used the original output numbers that represent the direct outputs, which isn't correct. The OutputRaito numbers are 0.85 for LFO, 0.925 for Monopropellant, and 0.025 for Xenon, which is the decimal representation of the mass-yield percentage. Both converters actually share the same ratio numbers.

I'm just trying to make sure this override file you've made is in full working order - I'll likely be keeping it around. Thanks a bunch.

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Still can't get it to take effect. ModuleManagar is now up and functioning, thanks to Loqris, and MM shows up on the loading screen, but says 0 patches.

Edited by Camaron
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I'm wondering about the zero-bypass turbine, does it not work at high altitudes? I lost KintakeAir at a point, maybe around 10000 m. Is it not supposed to be used to get into orbit?

Also, I haven't tried yet but does it work in vacuum?

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  federally said:
Is it just me or is almost all the Kethane on Laythe in the ocean where it is unaccessable?

Well it's just you this time because everybody's Kethane deposits are in different places. But Laythe has a LOT of ocean and not a lot of land. It's not that weird for most if not all of the deposits to be under water.

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  federally said:
Is it just me or is almost all the Kethane on Laythe in the ocean where it is unaccessable?

Have a ship in orbit around Laythe then in the Kethane cfg file add the line Debug = True Now when you fly a ship you'll have the Debug window for Kethane - maybe. Sometimes it doesn't display correctly so you have to switch back and forth from space center or sometimes quit and restart KSP.

When it does display right, switch to your Laythe orbiting ship and reset the Kethane until you get deposits where you want them. You'll also need to use the function to reveal all the deposits.

You can also alter the seed value in the persistent file... If you get a Kethane distribution you like, save the seed value(s) to use in new games.

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You know what would be nice to have with this? 2 things actually.

A larger range scanner to scan more than one hex at a time on planets and moons. Maybe the center hex and all around it. Or an intelligent scanner that moves it's camera around (like the large one) to scan all in range till there are no more in range left to scan. It sucks having to fly over a planet or a moon and create 500 nodes at 1m/s difference 1 second behind the last one and turn auto pilot on for several hours while you scan almost everything and miss half of everything in the process.

The second thing, is an option on the kethane map grid, to show "all". Rather than just showing kethane or ore or water or whatever, an all option which'll color squares multiple colors. Maybe 1 square has water and kethane in it, it would be half blue, half green. Maybe it also has ore in it. It'll be 33% of each color. Maybe it has 6 resources in it, it'll be 16.67% of each color. Maybe it has 200 resources in it, it'll just be black then. :P Or perhaps you allow users to set an option which colors squares with 2 resources in them to a certain color, and 3 resources to another color, and so on so forth.

This stuff is still extremely confusing to me though. I've only been able to scan a planet and a moon so far. Trying to figure out multiple mods at once and it's hard to get stuff out there because you can't build your stuff on a new planet, it all has to be build before you even launch which means you have to break apart your components into 50 different loads to set up a base somewhere. :P

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
You know, I remember seeing someone make a sea mining rig on reddit a while back.. lemme see if I can find it..

EDIT: Here it is! I think there was some file editing somewhere along the line though so bear that in mind.

Very nice, I landed a massive floating base on Laythe's ocean with a sub to drill for the kethane, but the sub never worked out.

I'll have to look into this again with the KAS parts.

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  Vas said:
You know what would be nice to have with this? 2 things actually.

A larger range scanner to scan more than one hex at a time on planets and moons. Maybe the center hex and all around it. Or an intelligent scanner that moves it's camera around (like the large one) to scan all in range till there are no more in range left to scan. It sucks having to fly over a planet or a moon and create 500 nodes at 1m/s difference 1 second behind the last one and turn auto pilot on for several hours while you scan almost everything and miss half of everything in the process.

First bit of advice, you don't need a 100% scan. 80 - 85% will usually do just fine.

Second, the best way I have found to scan a planet/moon is to put the satellite or ship in an 85-90 degree orbit, set to 100x time warp and go do something else. It usually takes 2-5 hrs depending on the size of the planet/moon.

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Well... yes. It may happen in a future release of kethane and there are rumors that the next version of ScanSat will have resource scanning. My method works best for me as I don't have to make constant adjustments to its orbit. I will usually do this right before I go to bed at night it gets done while I sleep.

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When I was scanning, I had to keep adding new maneuver nodes to get more of the planet. No matter what orbital path you choose, you are always going to be scanning the same line over and over again. So you constantly need to move your ship. EG; http://steamcommunity.com/id/VasVadum/screenshot/3299197168705548674

I had to manually set all of those lines and click execute. Couldn't get any decent auto pilot to do it. My scan station had plenty of fuel too and infinite energy due to solar arrays and large battery. So I could leave it scanning in orbit for kerbin years with no issues, if only it had intelligent scanning. I could even transfer this ship to 3 different planets and all of their moons and still ahve enough fuel to get back home even. :P It's just without intelligent scanning, you have to sit there creating hundreds of maneuver nodes and nudge yourself 1m/s up after each revolution. It gets tedious and ends up taking many hours.

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  Vas said:
When I was scanning, I had to keep adding new maneuver nodes to get more of the planet. No matter what orbital path you choose, you are always going to be scanning the same line over and over again. So you constantly need to move your ship. EG; http://steamcommunity.com/id/VasVadum/screenshot/3299197168705548674

I had to manually set all of those lines and click execute. Couldn't get any decent auto pilot to do it. My scan station had plenty of fuel too and infinite energy due to solar arrays and large battery. So I could leave it scanning in orbit for kerbin years with no issues, if only it had intelligent scanning. I could even transfer this ship to 3 different planets and all of their moons and still ahve enough fuel to get back home even. :P It's just without intelligent scanning, you have to sit there creating hundreds of maneuver nodes and nudge yourself 1m/s up after each revolution. It gets tedious and ends up taking many hours.

Polar orbit, polar orbit, polar orbit

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  Aedile said:
Polar orbit, polar orbit, polar orbit



Scanning in a polar orbit (85-90 degree inclination) let's the rotation of the planet move your scanning area. Just set up your orbit as low as possible in a near perpendicular line to the direction of rotation. The lower it is the better as this will decrease your orbital period and allow you to finish the scan faster. Using this technique I scanned minmus in just over an hour real time. Satellite in a roughly 45km circular orbit.

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  Aedile said:
Polar orbit, polar orbit, polar orbit

And the right altitude. Once you have the poles fileld in, lean the orbit over to about 80 degrees and you'll get most of what the polar orbit missed. Scanning every hex (and the pentagons) isn't required. I've yet to see any single hex Kethane deposits.

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Ah, I didn't know about polar orbit. I shall try it and see. Just one of those things I'm learning. xP

I still like the idea of a full planet scan though. Is why I'd like the larger scanner that takes more power, or the intelligent scanner that still takes more power and can switch targets to hexes that are unscanned but still in it's range. A full detailed view of the whole planet, it would be nice. Also, I saw a single kethane deposit yesterday. It was 2 hexes away from a large deposit, but still singled out.

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  Vas said:
Ah, I didn't know about polar orbit. I shall try it and see. Just one of those things I'm learning. xP

I still like the idea of a full planet scan though. Is why I'd like the larger scanner that takes more power, or the intelligent scanner that still takes more power and can switch targets to hexes that are unscanned but still in it's range. A full detailed view of the whole planet, it would be nice. Also, I saw a single kethane deposit yesterday. It was 2 hexes away from a large deposit, but still singled out.

Are you sure it was a unique deposit? I've seen similar but they've always been part of the bigger deposit. Same color, exact same number, and in the case where I actually mined the other deposit, its numbers went down in unison with the main deposit's numbers.

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  5thHorseman said:
Are you sure it was a unique deposit? I've seen similar but they've always been part of the bigger deposit. Same color, exact same number, and in the case where I actually mined the other deposit, its numbers went down in unison with the main deposit's numbers.

I had a screenshot but accidently deleted it with the hundred others. :P It was water I found in a single hex and then 2-3 hexes away another singled out water bit. I know in my last save game that I deleted, there was a singled out kethane deposit as well but it was only one hex away from the rest, as in all hexes around it were empty and then outside that the other kethane was there.

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Not 100% sure this has not been reported or if it is a bug (Did a google directed & forum search but couldn't find anything). If it is a bug let me know & I shall submit a bug report;

I have been using another mod to filter my parts (I have a lot of them) and I noticed the following;

The "kethane_tank1mLarge" & "kethane_tank1mStandard" names share the same ingame title of "KE-TM30 Kethane Storage Apparatus" which, as far as I can tell, means that only one of the modules appears in game.

Can anyone else confirm this? Or let me know the Author decided to only give one 1.25m Kethane storage option for the time being?



the External Drilling Unit also has two entries.

kethane_smallDrill & kethane_radialDrill - place holder, error or bug?

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