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On 1/12/2024 at 1:43 PM, jmbailey2000 said:

I installed this last night and it causes KSP2 to hang when trying to load any of my save games. Anyone else see this? Have latest  of everything (loaders, mods, etc.). 

If I remove it, KSP2 works fine again.


Sorry can't help you;.;

I'm still trying to find a description of what it actually does...

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On 2/16/2024 at 2:54 PM, KSRe-dev said:

after getting partway through an early game playtest several key bugs were found. the tech tree also needs some redesign which would break previous saves. once all this and some other minor stuff is done, the first general release should be ready within a few weeks. public beta was just gradually sketching out a rough initial scope with some iterations over the ksp version.

if you're unfamiliar with gameplay overhaul mods, here is a description found via google 


I know what a gameplay overhaul mod does, I don't know what this mod does (or did) or wants to do. 

No description, no examples, no pics...needs better pr:sticktongue:

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In a nutshell:
"KSRe is a overhaul/rebalance mod for KSP2 that is inspired by KSP1 mods like RealFuels and Test Flight." Is that at least somewhat a descriptor for this mod? I know it's a very simplistic description, but hopefully a sufficient '[short summary here]'?

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So that one sentence from @Mitokandria says a lot more than 'it's a gameplay overhaul'. You should explain what it overhauls, what its purpose is. Is it harder than vanilla, more realistic,....

I also wondered if it's compatible with exististing mods, but I suspect it is.

But, I have to say, I understand what you want to achieve a lot better now, thanks @KSRe-dev!

Edit: still, some kind of explanation/manual will be necessary when you go live, I think. Keep up the good work!

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6 hours ago, KSRe-dev said:

alrighty i've added a support thread where people can report bugs and discuss other mod compatibility, and a beginners tutorial, all linked from the mod page, below a more detailed description

if there's anything else people can suggest it, otherwise i will get back to programming, normally i avoid everyone as this is the only way i can focus at all

I know writing documentation can be the hardest/least fun part, but it's very necessary if you want people to use and understand this.

Good job!

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There is also something I wanted to address related to this mod and the OP topic more generally.

There seem to be a lot of people in the community who want to read extensive and exhaustive information about a simulation without ever trying it. I've seen several large mods that alter the simulation, which provide this level of coverage. That's fine. But this mod is primarily designed for other types of people, who like to discover things themselves, and people who just like video games. So, a certain amount of curiosity, and willingness to experience something new without having it explained beforehand, is a kind of prerequisite before even installing it. That is an intentional design decision that I have made, and which can only be bent so far before everything is spoiled for everyone. This is exactly what the original KSP provided, to those of us who had to try to figure out how much fuel we needed to get somewhere without delta V readouts.

The damage mechanics are designed in a way that forces you to play and experiment in order to understand them. This is intentional. If that's not the kind of experience you want, nobody is forcing you to play this mod. [snip]

I think that has fully addressed this topic, and the general trend without going off topic for the thread. If you don't want this thread linked on the download page then say so, and there won't be a discussion thread. My idea for it, was that people can figure out how things work amongst themselves, without my interference.

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I expect nothing from anyone, which is why I end up doing large amounts of work myself, which are often done in teams.

There is also no expectation that anyone would download a mod simply because it was uploaded on SpaceDock. You seem to expect that I was expecting it, just because it's a large overhaul mod? Again, I prefer less downloads and more obscurity, due to my disability, it helps me focus better.

The mod cannot have a forum thread as the source code is not currently available, and that is not something I have a solution for yet. I would be happy to make a thread if not for that barrier.


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Between the plugin and patch manager there are thousands of lines of code in this project. You are never going to get a complete explanation of something of this scope, and being a semi-realistic spaceflight project, there is also a lot of research that would also have to be explained if you want to know why a lot of these things are done. Even a single line that changes fuel tank mass could have multiple paragraphs written about it. If you want that you can request it, and I will say no, because like I keep having to reiterate, I'm a disabled volunteer who came here to program, not write essays. I had something like that on the description for a while


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Since the author has chosen to delete the mod, there's nothing further to discuss here, and so the thread has been locked.

Some content has been redacted and/or removed, due to people making personal remarks. Folks, let's please remember that we're all friends here: modders make what they do out of personal interest and passion for the game, and users like to try the mods for the same reason. So let's keep things civil, please.

Just to be sure we're all on the same page, it may be worth reviewing a couple of points that one presumes we all understand, here:

  • Modders give us shiny toys for free, and don't owe the users anything. (So it's never appropriate to complain about a mod, though of course good-faith constructive feedback is always appropriate.)
  • A mod changes the user's gameplay (and has the potential to wreck savefiles), so naturally users are going to want to know what it does: both to decide "do I want this for my gameplay" and to assess risk. So it's common for modders to provide such information along with a mod. The modder is under no obligation to do so (see bullet point above), but since every user needs to know this basic information, it's to be expected that folks will ask about it if the information isn't included.

Thank you for your understanding.

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