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Fuel Doesnt Appear In Tanks After Docking


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x | GPU: 3070 | RAM16


I left a 'return ship' in orbit with 2 X200-8 tanks attached and plenty of fuel in them with a landing craft that separated with a full X200-8.  It landed, the Kerbal 'did science' and lifted off to rendezvous with the return ship.  Using only fuel on the 'lander craft' to complete the docking... I now cannot get the Kerbal home.

Can't set maneuver node because "No Fuel"

The combined craft is empty?

Reloading a save - the combined ship has 1697 Delta v remaining.  The lander has a full tank of fuel - confirmed by visiting VAB and pulling up the part (0.8 tons of Methane, 3.2 tons of LOX).  I undocked and EVA'd the Kerbal to the lander ship - full tank.  Switching back to the Return Ship - it's got 1.53 tons of Methane, 6.12 tons of LOX.  It now reads that it has 4k delta v.


Why after docking the two ships does the game think that the combined craft has no fuel?


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Edited by The Space Peacock
added save files submitted by author to report
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10 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I will look.  Can I just drop the save file here - or do I need to load it elsewhere?

i dont know if you can add craft files to a comment, but if not; upload a new report, containing only the save file and a link to this report, and tag me in the title. i'll get it to the right place :)

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54 minutes ago, The Space Peacock said:

i dont know if you can add craft files to a comment, but if not; upload a new report, containing only the save file and a link to this report, and tag me in the title. i'll get it to the right place :)

I wasn't able to add files here so I created a second report as suggested.

Thank you.

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14 minutes ago, The Space Peacock said:

added them to your report, thanks! 

It may be pertinent to know that despite not being able to set a Maneuver Node - activating the engines did work; ship still had 'no fuel' as far as Maneuver planning went - but I did get the Kerbal home by eyeballing an intercept and burining in map view until I got the Kerbin PE I wanted.

Thus - some part of the game knew I had fuel while others did not.  Somehow the two systems are not talking to each other.

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