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Since I'm Derp Poasting today: Odd behavior with Maneuver Node... what's my PBKAC this time? (Can't get MN at Minmus to do a circularization burn)


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I've tried this a half dozen times before shutting the game down in frustration.  It's either another PBKAC or a bug.  Appreciate insights.

Here we are trying to capture at Minmus.  Two things I've noticed:

  1. I can focus Minmus - but not interact with the transit line in that view (pe marker on the left) - no MN placement in that view
  2. I can only place the MN on the path from the ship at its Minmus PE (not the one that shows around Minmus - the one in spaaaace along the blue orbital path leaving Kerbin)
  3. I can place nodes on the short section that crosses at the Minmus pe - or along the orbital path and neither seem to change what's bugging me




I cannot get a capture. 

Should be about 200 delta v to capture at Minmus.  Everything I try gets me the orange line ether adjusting my orbit around Kerbin, intersecting the Mun or leaving the system entirely.  I've run the DV from 150 to 1500 at multiple places (because Minmus pe wasn't working).  Sliding the MN along both the orbital path or the crossing intercept path.  I've reverted saves several times and tried different insertions.  Nothing seems to be letting me capture.  I've run the Minmus pe to both sides of the moon, tried it at 4k meters and several hundred thousand meters (and various places between).

Nothing will circularize.

IIRC - going back to memory from March/April - we used to be able to set a maneuver node in [Body] Focus (the left pe tab showing Minmus' SOI ).  Can't do that in this build apparently.  So I'm stuck trying to get the MN placed at the other pe marker (right side).  Still, nothing I do is working.


What am I missing?  Bug or another PBKAC for the day?


Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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Bug.  Or at least known unintended behavior.  Once your ship enters Minmus' SOI, you should be able to place maneuver nodes along your Minmus flight path.  But not from outside, for some reason.

Obviously it makes multi-CB flight paths difficult to plan.

Edit:  Never being afraid to look unintelligent, I have to ask, what does PBKAC mean?

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8 minutes ago, 18Watt said:

Ah!  I like that.  

In my industry (aviation) issues are often blamed on a faulty yoke-actuator.

And in mine: a damaged brain housing group.  Although we have to make things simple enough for Marines to get it by the third try!

20 minutes ago, 18Watt said:

Once your ship enters Minmus' SOI, you should be able to place maneuver nodes along your Minmus flight path.  But not from outside, for some reason.

Whelp - that should solve the instant problem.  Never occurred to me to try that.

Thanks for the tip!

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4 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

Adding maneuver nodes while paused is also a common request.

Indeed.  Oddly, for some reason I never created maneuver nodes while paused in KSP1, so it's not a feature I missed in KSP2.  But I can see how that could be quite frustrating, especially if you need to create a node fairly close to your current position.

@JoeSchmuckatelli, watch out for that also!  I'm guessing that will be addressed eventually, but it's an issue with 0.2.

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