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Qol/Features Wishes- Feel free to add your own!

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This is a list of QoL features / plain features / improvements/ whatever at this point, that I'd personally like to see in KSP 2. Be it today or months from now. There is no particular hierarchy. Feel free to add your own!

Adding more to this as I read replies because I'm just one person and have limited thinking prowess! That is to say, I wish to add ideas to this list as I read them because I didn't think about it. Not even going to try and keep this ordered by-effect/change. Will try and keep duplicates out

If an idea is from another, I will put their name in parathesis and italicized. "Many" will refer to just that; more than one (including myself)

  1. Manuveur Node Window / fine controls, just like we had in KSP 1
  2. More minimized Delta-V readout in VAB / flight. There's a lot of unused black space thats not neccessary sometimes. Another toggle for just Delta-V and not fuel tracker is this wish
  3. Option to reduce entering / exiting gravity well "pulse" effect. I love this feature, but its quite huge sometimes for me.
  4. Mouse Sensitivity options
  5. Mouse direction options (inverse, etc)
  6. Seperate VAB / Flight Camera Pan options (sensitivity, inverses, etc)
  7. "Warp to Day" / "Warp to Night"
  8. "Warp to Encounter" (So as to warp to a few seconds before entering or exiting sphere's of influence)
  9. Transfer Window Warp Timers
  10. Manuveur Node Editing while Paused (unsure if this is a bug, or a feature, to not be able to do this while paused)
  11. Rocket Plumes follow the rockets path opposes to statically locked. More specifically related to effect smoke, to have the sight of your smoke trail as you launch
  12.  "Do Science" button only flashes when there is truly a new science to do (Unsure if this is bug or not)
  13. Make Re-entry effect more flashy (I like the current effect , but it feels almost too static and needs more particles or variation.)
  14. Thermal bars less out-of-place feeling (Feels duck-taped on. Which I like, but a more visually in-line one later would be a nice thing)
  15. Symmetry automatically goes to correct option when trying to apply new parts to something (example, add struts to a quad-symmetry booster automatically sets symmetry to quad.) (Unsure if this is a bug)
  16. Scream bloody murder at the player if they forget to put even a single parachute.
  17. Do seperatrons seem weaker?
  18. Icon Improvement (WiS3)
  19. Darkness settings (WiS3)
  20. Easier map movement / less clunky (targetting, manuveur node stuff, etc)  (WiS3 & Gluckez)
  21. VAB camera/movement fixes/improvements/options (Gluckez)
  22. Better Exhaust (Jeq)
  23. Better Docking / Structure for them (Gluckez)
  24. Better plant-dust for wheels, landing, landing gears, etc (Jeq)
  25. Exploding parts cause more explosions (difficulty setting maybe) (Jeq)
  26. Improved parts manager (inflight + VAB) (WiS3)
  27. Robotics (Many)
  28. More intituative action group setting
  29. Fuel Flow Priority
  30. Correcting Delta-V readouts (Many)
  31. Entering/Exiting SOI sphere of influence color or effect difference (perhaps a pulsing in as well for entering, pulsing out for exiting) (WiS3)
  32. EVA Construction (Gluckez)
  33. Snap rotation to world (Jeq)
  34. "Ore" equipment (I'd have to imagine this will be a thing in some way for Colonies?) (Gluckez)
  35. Waypoints/Map Markers on surface (Steveman0)
  36. A mechanic to make precise sub-15meter target landings? (It's kind of a pain to do it perfectly first try. Seems like a thing that would be really nice for Colonies)
Edited by Aevitas
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What I want to see being improved/added:

- Pixelated fonts/icons: Personally I don't like them.
- Ambient Lighting settings: Dark is too much dark
- In the Tracking Station/Map View the vessel icons cover up the entire planets and to Set Target I have to first Focus, zoom and Focus again. Also when switching from Flight View/Map View should not change the current focus.
- Different Icon/Type for vessels. (Probe, Station, Relay.. etc)
- Fairings should protect from heat, and Docking Ports should not burn on ascent above Kerbin at 60KM altitude. Also it's hard to tell from the gauges if temps are going up, down or are stable.
- To add on the Entering/Exiting SOI graphics, they should also be color coded, maybe Blue for entering and Orange for exiting.
- DeltaV/TWR in VAB/Flight: Sometimes the readout is very wrong or just show as 0 even if it's not.
- Increase Timewarp when in low orbit... Please
- In the Tracking Station the "Filter" should also hide the orbit and icon and there should be also the same filtering ability in the Map View.
- Camera view improvements: Very often it jumps around and get stuck in weird angles. Ability to focus and center the view on parts.
- Parts Manager improvements: More info like Fuel/EC for specific parts. Ability to drag out single parts from the main Parts Manager window and keep them open (like in KSP1)
- Vessels Save system improvement: Workspace name, Vessel name, Merging. All is very confusing to me and my vessels saves become a mess very quickly
- Deployables and Robotic parts

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1) Robotics

2) VAB snap rotation to world, so you can align stuff straight.

3) Explosions heats nearby parts and can cause chain reaction. (If not allready doing it)

4) Scars on vessels and terrain surfaces, which remains until end of the end.  Footprints, wheel prints, landing leg markings, engine exhaust burn.

5) Engine exhaust should throw more dust at planets, and that dust should move according to planets gravity. More dust when using wheels too.

6) Bring locked camera mode back.

7) Relay antenna system back, i don't want to be able to cheese everything with small antennas.

8) Warp to transfer window. Warp to intercept. Warp to SOI change.

9) Re-tweak joint system, now parts doesn't bend at all which seems unnatural.

10) Rework wheels.


Edited by Jeq
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1) A flat landing spot in the mohole

2) Robotics

3) More science equipment

4) EVA construction

5) Refueling and mining equipment

6) multipoint docking/attachments

7) permanent docking (for in orbit assembly or larger ships)

8) being able to target a planet from the map view without zooming in on it because there's a ship there

9) scrolling in the VAB, because it's super glitchy and barely works

10) everything else is already listed I think.

Edited by gluckez
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Part Cost Value $$$...

Doesn't have to go beyond simply adding text to part descriptions and a "cost total" readout in VAB. Just having that would create a whole new gameplay loop of challenging yourself to find the most efficient builds cost-wise instead of simply weight wise. It would add a whole new suite of possible developer chalenges and influencer content as well!


I've never played KSP1, and am an avid fan of KSP2! I understand there was cost as part of a whole career mode in KSP1. I'm not talking about any of that! (Yet) just putting one of your developers behind a few hours of assigning a cost value to each part and the sum tool. Very little dev work = HUGE gameplay potential.

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9 hours ago, steveman0 said:

High up on my list is the ability to set our own surface waypoints and ability to set these as navigation targets to aid in precise landings using the navball markers.

Perhaps related but it would be nice if the on-screen indicator of a nearby ship / debris / point of interest  can have a max range greater than 50km. I think KSP1 stock had 70km.

I especially would have liked this on a recent Tylo landing where I wanted to land near a certain feature and my ship actually traversed about 60km horizontally during its retrograde burn - even if I had started the burn as soon as the on-screen indicator appeared at 50km, I still would have overshot it by 10km.

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