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Hydrofoil Aircraft Carrier "The Leviathan"

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So all aircraft carriers in the real world are disappointing.. Why? Well they have no hydrofoils! So we've done the Navy a favor and built this fancy design. Spacebar to activate all engines. 

Build link: https://kspbuilds.com/build/Hydrofoil-Aircraft-Carrier-"The-Leviathan"

Fun facts:

  • Parts: 693 (not much but they are mostly big parts).
  • Lots of lag due to water physics? 
  • Big splashdown on launch. 
  • it can't be tipped surprisingly, trust me I've tried.
  • To 'fly' the aircraft on top. The first decoupler in staging will disconnect it from the ship. The problem? The A10 Warthog will phase through the carrier ship...its obviously imbued with secret technology.  
  • Is it controllable? No. Its too big and laggy. 
  • 3 different types of jets on the runway and they have missiles, though the staging is weird once you disconnect the jets:
    • Boeing F-15EX Eagle II Fighter Jet
    • Northrop YF23 Black Widow II Stealth Fighter
    • Aa10 Warthog








Is this useful in KSP? No, but it looks cool. Perhaps we could make a useful exploration hydrofoil ship.


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19 hours ago, Madishmike said:

That is so cool! What a beast:cool: Yeah shame about the FPS when you build this big. Hopefully this will improve in time. One thing though is although FPS is low, when you speed up the video it's surprisingly smooth. Good frame timing I guess.

Thank you, great point! Would be cool to see some practical hydrofoil ships for science, might make a mini version in the future!

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