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Science multiplier not working for some celestial bodies (Dres, Eve, Vall...)


Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: Alarm Clock, BepInEx, Docking Alignment Display, Flight Plant, Micro Engineer, Node Manager, SpaceWarp, UITK for KSP 2 | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home | CPU: Processor AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor, 3701 Mhz, 12 Core(s), 24 Logical Processor(s) | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti | RAM32,0 GB


Science experiments performed on the ultimate quarterpipe on dres give an unmodified amount of science. This includes at least surface samples, crew observations, environment samples and radiation measurements. These experiments provide science at the same rate as would they would on Kerbin.

I have not tested all biomes on Dres, but it at least does not appear in the Eye of Dres or Equatorial Ridge biomes.

Edited by Spicat
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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: Flight plan | Community fixes | Node manager | Micro Engineer | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 x64 | CPU: AMD R7 5800H | GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3070 Laptop GPU | RAM16GB DDR3


I haven't been to other non-mission specific discoverable biomes so i can't replicate if this bugs repeats in other places. But the science given in this spcecific biome is broken as shown in the attached picture.


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Edited by DibzNr
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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core | GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 | RAM32768 mb

I just dropped some probes on Eve, and the science values for Eve Splashed Seas don't appear to be receiving a multiplier. For example, my Science Jr. Jr. only received 5 science each for the data and samples. Probes that landed in Shallows or Foothills received the full amount. 

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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 | RAM65536MB RAM

Title: Science yield in liquid is inconsistent and too low.

Severity: Med

Frequency: High. Reproductible each time.

Description:  The science reward for the splashed situation on Vall and Eve seem to be wrong. They are far to low.  The science rewards in plashed situation at KerbinBeaches and LaytheBullseyeLake are invalid.

  ExperimentID ResearchLocationID Data Sample Persl. Assessment / Valid
CrewObservation Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinWater 4.0   OK
SurfaceSurvey Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinWater 6.0 18.0 OK
EnvironmentSurvey Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinWater 5.0 5.0 OK
MarineSurvey Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinWater 12.0 28.0 OK
RadiationReport Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinWater 16.0   OK
CrewObservation Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinBeach -   Invalid Research Location
SurfaceSurvey Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinBeach - - Invalid Research Location
EnvironmentSurvey Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinBeach - - Invalid Research Location
MarineSurvey Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinBeach - - Invalid Research Location
RadiationReport Kerbin_Splashed_KerbinBeach -   Invalid Research Location
CrewObservation Vall_Splashed_VallWell 4.0   TOO LOW
SurfaceSurvey Vall_Splashed_VallWell 6.0 18.0 TOO LOW
EnvironmentSurvey Vall_Splashed_VallWell 5.0 5.0 TOO LOW
MarineSurvey Vall_Splashed_VallWell 12.0 28.0 TOO LOW
RadiationReport Vall_Splashed_VallWell 16.0   TOO LOW
CrewObservation Eve_Splashed_EveSeas 4.0   TOO LOW
SurfaceSurvey Eve_Splashed_EveSeas 6.0 18.0 TOO LOW
EnvironmentSurvey Eve_Splashed_EveSeas 5.0 5.0 TOO LOW
MarineSurvey Eve_Splashed_EveSeas 12.0 28.0 TOO LOW
RadiationReport Eve_Splashed_EveSeas 16.0   TOO LOW
CrewObservation Eve_Splashed_EveShallows 4.0   TOO LOW
SurfaceSurvey Eve_Splashed_EveShallows 6.0 18.0 TOO LOW
EnvironmentSurvey Eve_Splashed_EveShallows 5.0 5.0 TOO LOW
MarineSurvey Eve_Splashed_EveShallows 12.0 28.0 TOO LOW
RadiationReport Eve_Splashed_EveShallows 16.0   TOO LOW
CrewObservation Laythe_Splashed_LaytheOcean 120.0   OK
SurfaceSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheOcean 180.0 540.0 OK
EnvironmentSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheOcean 150.0 150.0 OK
MarineSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheOcean 360.0 840.0 OK
RadiationReport Laythe_Splashed_LaytheOcean 480.0   OK
CrewObservation Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShores 120.0   OK
SurfaceSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShores 180.0 540.0 OK
EnvironmentSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShores 150.0 150.0 OK
MarineSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShores 360.0 840.0 OK
RadiationReport Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShores 480.0   OK
CrewObservation Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShallows 120.0   OK
SurfaceSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShallows 180.0 540.0 OK
EnvironmentSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShallows 150.0 150.0 OK
MarineSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShallows 360.0 840.0 OK
RadiationReport Laythe_Splashed_LaytheShallows 480.0   OK
CrewObservation Laythe_Splashed_LaytheLakes 120.0   OK
SurfaceSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheLakes 180.0 540.0 OK
EnvironmentSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheLakes 150.0 150.0 OK
MarineSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheLakes 360.0 840.0 OK
RadiationReport Laythe_Splashed_LaytheLakes 480.0   OK
CrewObservation Laythe_Splashed_LaytheHeartLake 120.0   OK
SurfaceSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheHeartLake 180.0 540.0 OK
EnvironmentSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheHeartLake 150.0 150.0 OK
MarineSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheHeartLake 360.0 840.0 OK
RadiationReport Laythe_Splashed_LaytheHeartLake 480.0   OK
CrewObservation Laythe_Splashed_LaytheBullseyeLake -   Invalid Research Location
SurfaceSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheBullseyeLake - - Invalid Research Location
EnvironmentSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheBullseyeLake - - Invalid Research Location
MarineSurvey Laythe_Splashed_LaytheBullseyeLake - - Invalid Research Location
RadiationReport Laythe_Splashed_LaytheBullseyeLake -   Invalid Research Location

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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 11 | CPU: Yes | GPU: Yes | RAMYes

I went to Vall with a u-dunkit and the science points for all the experiments as well as crew observations and surface samples while splashed down in the Well were way less than other areas of Vall. Also generally the u-dunkit is really poor science points considering how far along the tech tree and the craft design needed to use it

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