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Liquid Engines are overheating on multi-mount


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Hi Community,


I was wondering if this behavior is correct.
My Nerf LVN Nerf Engines are overheating, as they are mounted on a multie engine mount, is this expected?

Build looks like this:









Edited by DuBisch
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This happens to me alot. Test then on the runway before launch and adjust slightly.

It seems to happen to me when the engine  plume effects collide with the other engines.

Smaller engine with smaller plume effects seem to allow a little overlap. Bigger engine go boom.

In the situation ypu have shown. I may be inclines tp attach the large radial hydrogen tanks using 4x symmetry two times.

Then you can attach 4 NERV  to one of the radial arrays.

Good luck in the next one. 

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Yes I experienced the same that it was working for smaller enginges, which is why it got me curious if that's what supposed to be happening.

Your explanation makes sense to me Fizzlebop, thanks for that!
Will try again and test properly in atmosphere this time :rolleyes:

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Never ran into it. I would rater put them on the other set of tanks. This let you put an central tank with an docking port shortening the design. 
Or have cutoffs in the stack for engines like here 
Don't look like the tanks take damage from some plume, first version of this did not have the strut pushing them back. 
As an added benefit an rear 2.5 meter docking port. 

Your ship looks like my Gilly class restricted to small fairings. My Moho class idea should still work well 

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I think the engine plates have a cleaner aesthetic for all but nuclear. With Nuclear i find attaching the engine along the radial array allows for more versatility in design.  (Like Magnemoe said)

My problem is with the node separation distance on Nuclear. It creates a large area of unusable space. The entire Distance Spanned by the Fairing is less than ideal for attachments.

This was the interstellar section for my Duna Explorer.

The nose cone was a last minute satellite relay bc it was a one way mission & I needed to beam the data home.


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