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Misadventure around the Mun


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uhh... guys, I have a most precarious situation to share with you. I currently have a spacecraft ferrying three tourists on track to do a free return flyby of the mun. The problem is, however, is that I have never done such a long mission before, and forgor to pack solar panels. (I DIDNT know that probe cores requires elecrticity to stay alive, not just to execute actions) My only hope is the 200 units of electricity and 175 m/s of delta v. Should I decouple , and hope for the best, or should I find some weird shenanigans to do to save it legit? Another fail for me :))

Edited by Copycat
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We'll your're certainly no Robinson Crusoe! I've managed to do exactly the same thing where I had deploy-able solar panels, but forgot to deploy them so ended up with a tourist ship "dead in the water", heading back to Kerbin atmosphere from a Sol orbit! The suggestions above may get you out of the quicksand. However if this doesn't work then an answer may be to build a ship with high delta-V and crew it with an engineer to attach some solar panels to your ship in distress. If your ship in on the way back from the Mun you may have a limited window in which to do a rendezvous and attach the panels. If you have the issue that it will shoot out of the Kerbin Sphere of influence not all is lost, You can still make a rescue, but it may take a long time.  In any case don't scrip on the Delta-V. This is the sort of thing that makes playing KSP both frustrating and rewarding! You can do this, go rescue your tourists. Note: you may end up loosing money on the mission, but at least you wont loose reputation.

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