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Haul object into flight career mode

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I've just started a career mode playthrough and I ran into a problem completing one of my contacts, hauling a flea booster into flight above Kerbin. I looked closely at all the objectives and stayed within the required speed while I was at the altitude it wanted, but when I recovered the vessel, the contract wasn't completed. Is this because I only recovered the command capsule, or because I didn't actually activate the booster or some other reason?

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Did you activate the test engine at the required altitude? 

Those contracts are finicky anyway. I only ever did the ones that could be performed while on the pad or splashed down. 

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When in flight, the contract window will put check marks on everything as you complete them.

If you got all the check marks checked at the same time but did not complete the contract, that's a bug. Hit F11, and somewhere in those menus you can force the contract complete. It's "cheating" if you're really strict on cheating, but cheating to fix a bug in my opinion isn't cheating. :)

If one of the check marks doesn't check even though you think it should, take a screen shot and post that here and one of us can probably tell you why it didn't get checked.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with the person above, i only now bother doing splashed, pad or landed test contracts. it could be to do with the part or what type it is. 
I am not sure but if it is a main rocket engine then you dont need to bring it back, if it is a smaller engine ie a seperater then you need to bring it back. I not sure though.

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