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[1.12.x] [Planet Pack] Outer Planets Expansion (OPX)

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Outer Planets Expansion Pack


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Spacedock Pack (OPX and associated mods)


Long ago, one of my first planet mods I ever played with was the famous Outer Planets Mod. For a while, I had great fun exploring the various moons, but soon I realized that something was lacking. The moon systems of all the gas giants felt almost... empty. Thus, I set to work to rectify this problem. Now, years later, I actually know how to planet mod, and I am proud to announce the Outer Planets Expansion project! 

This project will take the form of nine mods which will each modify a different segment of the expanded Kerbol System. Each mod can function independently, but it is recommended to have them all because let's be real none of the OPM gas giants realistically start with enough moons for a gas giant system. Unlike the others, OPX-NeidonPlus was brought into the project by a collaboration between me and @Interplanet Janet after several updates on its own, with several additions by me and a restructure of the filepaths.


Like all planet mods, each OPX mod will require Kopernicus to function. @Pkmniako's MitchellNetravaliHeightMap plugin will be bundled with each installment as they release. Don't forget it, or everything will break. 

OPX-StockSystemModificationsGithub, Spacedock

OPX-StockSystemModifications (SSM for short) is a collection of quality of life modifications for the inner solar system. It exists because I was annoyed by minor problems with the inner system, fixed those problems, and compiled all of them into a mod for everyone. Now with two different new Kerbol options!


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  • Kopernicus (obviously)

Compatible and recommended mods:

  • No specific compatibility was made. If you like BetterKerbol's sun, just set SSM's sun setting to "Stock" and it'll won't mess with it beyond adding a displayName and a biome map.
  • The Minor Planets Expansion is a good mod if you want more stuff to explore in the inner solar system, alongside the obvious OPX-InnerWorlds.


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OPX-InnerWorldsGithub, Spacedock

OPX-InnerWorlds aims to fill out the oft-neglected asteroid belt of the Kerbolar System. It adds a number of asteroids throughout the inner system and as far out as Jool (a centaur got in on a technicality). This mod also supersedes the oft-mentioned Janet's Minor Planets, with Doppler, Dyva, and Quazen included among its objects. ZVdxl9f.png

Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this):

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  • Kopernicus 
  • Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled)

Compatible and Recommended Mods:

  • Minor Planets Expansion by @Exo's Lab – 3 Vant and 433 Edas help fill out the inner system alongside OPX-InnerWorlds.


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OPX-JoolPlusGithub, Spacedock

OPX-JoolPlus is the first installment of the project to be released. It comes with full biome support for each object that it adds. Below is a map of the Jool System with this mod installed. All objects are either stock or added by this mod (except Aditel, from JoolRetexture)ofpGdjq.png

Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this):

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  • Kopernicus 
  • Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled)

Compatible and Recommended Mods:

  • Distant Object Enhancement – OPX-JoolPlus comes with a config coloring the distant points of all three new objects within DOE. It looks great, try it out!
  • JoolRetexture – @Clonos' little mod that adds a new moon and makes a new texture for Jool. You can now install this mod alongside my own, with a settings file in my mod folder that allows you to switch between my Jool and his. 
  • Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack – This mod adds a wormhole in Jool orbit. To ensure compatibility I include a patch to reparent it to the new Jool object.
  • I have more compatibility patches planned, but they'll be significantly more complicated.

INcompatible Mods:

  • Techo's Planet Revamp – Because of the frankly bizarre and unnecessary way that it deletes every single object in the system and remakes them, the combination of that and OPX's modifications to the stock moons' positions results in none of the stock moons existing at all when JoolPlus and TPR are both installed. This is obviously untenable, so you'll unfortunately have to pick one.


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OPX-SarnusPlus, the third insallment of the Outer Planets Expansion, adds six new moons to Sarnus and gives it a new texture and physical characteristics. Each new object comes with full biome support, and orbit modifications are made for most of the existing moons.


Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this):

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  • Kopernicus 
  • Outer Planets Mod (the original)
  • Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled)

Compatible and Recommended Mods:

  • Kopernicus Expansion – adds footprints when you EVA. Play with it. Or don't, I'm not a cop.
  • ResearchBodies – self-explanatory. I dont personally play with it but if you want to the compatibility is there.
  • TarsierSpaceTech – the mod comes with sciencedefs for when you look at the new bodies through a telescope, if you play with that sort of thing

No specific compatibility exists at present. Planned compatibility includes:

  • ReSarnus
  • Distant Object Enhancement
  • Planetshine
  • EVE and Scatterer
  • Parallax (in the distant future)


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OPX-UrlumPlusGithub, Spacedock

OPX-UrlumPlus adds two new moons to Urlum, rebalances the orbits of the existing OPM moon system, redoes the appearance of Urlum and its rings from scratch (rings by @TheOrios), and makes sure that the system actually rotates clockwise like the description says it does. This mod is much farther from completion than JoolPlus or NeidonPlus, and future updates will add things like new asteroid moons, a trojan companion for Urlum, biomes for Dathil, and more.n9Pnlx2.png

Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this):

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  • Outer Planets Mod
  • Kopernicus (obviously)
  • Niako's Utilities (bundled)

Compatible and Recommended Mods:

  • Kopernicus Expansion – adds footprints when you EVA. Play with it. Or don't, I'm not a cop.
  • ResearchBodies – self-explanatory. I dont personally play with it but if you want to the compatibility is there.
  • TarsierSpaceTech – the mod comes with sciencedefs for when you look at the new bodies through a telescope, if you play with that sort of thing

No specific compatibility exists at present. Planned compatibility includes:

  • Distant Object Enhancement
  • Planetshine
  • EVE and Scatterer
  • Parallax (in the distant future)


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OPX-NeidonPlusGithub, Spacedock

OPX-NeidonPlus is the second installment to be released. Originally created by @Interplanet Janet as a separate mod, I created two and a half new objects and full biome maps for all the existing ones for its integration into the OPX project.vfXhUoH.png

Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this):

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  • Kopernicus
  • Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled)

Recommended mods for compatibility:

  • Distant Object Enhancement – OPX-NeidonPlus comes with a config coloring the distant points of all new objects within DOE. It looks great, try it out!
  • Minor Planets Expansion – Adds several objects to the vicinity of Neidon, making it less lonely. They fit with the artstyle of OPX as a whole, furnishing any Neidon explorer with further destinations beyond.
  • OPX-FinalFrontiers (when I finish it) – Another installment of the OPX project, this mod adds further destinations in the same vein as MPE. This mod doesn't actually exist yet, I just pretyped this blurb to save some time later


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Upcoming Installments:

In the coming weeks and months, I will continue work on the four gas giant expansions, adding more features to each. After that, I will begin work on the tentatively named "OPXtras", four installments that add other objects to the edges of the solar system (be they the literal edge or the edge of the size graph): FinalFrontiers (dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt), UndiscoveredCountries (Planet 9 and 10), InnerWorlds (inner system minor bodies), and CometsPlus; which each fill in a number of gaps left by the Minor Planets Expansion and add unique gameplay challenges that are not offered in any other mods to my knowledge.

Please let me know if you enjoy this mod, and if you didn't, what I can fix or add. Thank you for downloading!


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Frequently Asked Questions:

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License: MIT

Edited by The Minmus Derp
J+ and N+ updates
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Installed it with the JoolRevamp mod and it seems two jools are overlapping each other. JoolRevamp must have spawned another Jool at the same place.

EDIT: Became mad and moved some configs and textures.

EDIT 2: Modified my configs and the game won't load.

EDIT 3: Removed all Aditel configs, caches, and textures I had moved.

EDIT 4: Realized I did an oopsie in the Aditel config and fixed it.

EDIT 5: It did not work.

EDIT 6: Found the problem, it was the referenceBody node in the orbit section. It said JoolC instead of BetterJool

Edited by theogameren
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  On 7/4/2024 at 7:31 AM, theogameren said:

Installed it with the JoolRevamp mod and it seems two jools are overlapping each other. JoolRevamp must have spawned another Jool at the same place.

EDIT: Became mad and moved some configs and textures.

EDIT 2: Modified my configs and the game won't load.

EDIT 3: Removed all Aditel configs, caches, and textures I had moved.

EDIT 4: Realized I did an oopsie in the Aditel config and fixed it.

EDIT 5: It did not work.

EDIT 6: Found the problem, it was the referenceBody node in the orbit section. It said JoolC instead of BetterJool


JoolRevamp can't function with JoolPlus without some modifications. I completely stripped all of the config files except the one with Aditel and made aditel point at BetterJool instead of JoolC. If you do that you should be fine.

  On 7/4/2024 at 9:10 AM, theogameren said:

There appears to be some spikes on Klip's poles and a Metole.


I must confess I am unaware of what a Metole is. Do you mean Meto the inner moon?

Edited by The Minmus Derp
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  On 7/4/2024 at 12:58 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

JoolRevamp can't function with JoolPlus without some modifications. I completely stripped all of the config files except the one with Aditel and made aditel point at BetterJool instead of JoolC. If you do that you should be fine.

I must confess I am unaware of what a Metole is. Do you mean Meto the inner moon?


Yep, a hole on Meto's north pole.

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  On 7/4/2024 at 6:01 PM, popos1 said:

there is a new contracts for a new moons?


I am not a career player, I wouldn't know how to do that. Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to figure it out at some point

  On 7/5/2024 at 1:45 PM, Iapetus7342 said:

You should keep the Methole


I think I may!

Some NeidonPlus work is in progress! 

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The two most distant moons of Neidon, Nyla and Psei, are complete! All I need now is to finish Thatmo's biome map and figure out what to do with my Larissa analog and a second OPX installment will release!

Edited by The Minmus Derp
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  On 7/2/2024 at 2:41 AM, The Minmus Derp said:

soon I realized that something was lacking. The moon systems of all the gas giants felt almost... empty.


I felt this way without realizing I was feeling this way.  Thank you so much for doing something about it!  I can't wait to see what you develop!

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  On 7/6/2024 at 11:42 AM, Nikolai said:

I felt this way without realizing I was feeling this way.  Thank you so much for doing something about it!  I can't wait to see what you develop!


Thanks so much! The most egregious offender was obviously Neidon because come on theres only two moons that are impossible to reach from each other. Me and Janet are ratcheting that up to eight (nine if you count the Nyla/Psei binary as two) and ironically in the final plan Jool and Urlum are tied for last place in the total number of moons. 

A little progress update for everyone, here's the orbits that we have so far. What's on those orbits is for you to find out when I release the thing (except the brown one around Neidon, that's Nissee to give reference for just how far the gray one is)


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  On 7/6/2024 at 12:25 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

The most egregious offender was obviously Neidon because come on theres only two moons that are impossible to reach from each other.


I'm in one hundred percent agreement.  I don't think you could make me more interested in your efforts if you tried.  Once again, thank you so much!

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  On 7/6/2024 at 3:19 PM, Iapetus7342 said:

I presume the Grey orbit is for some Neso analog.


Correct you are! You'll see when the next NeidonPlus comes out.

  On 7/6/2024 at 3:34 PM, Nikolai said:

I'm in one hundred percent agreement.  I don't think you could make me more interested in your efforts if you tried.  Once again, thank you so much!



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I managed to miss the launch of a new mod series that I'm sure to install by a few days? What luck!

Anyways, I have a few rough thoughts & questions to share.

Are the major moons going to be on a nearly flat plane and/or have near perfect circular orbits? I understand if you prefer to not stray too far from stock, but it would be nice detailing and nice minor challenge to add. Or for realism/stability, like with Iodyne.

It's a bit disappointing to see Jool become more Saturn-like, but the details look good, and it's still amusing to see a green gas giant. Can't wait to see it up close!

Too bad the gas giant/star tilt unlocker hasn't been updated, then you could make Urlum too similar to Uranus! Might it still work?

You put in the description that Janet's Minor Planets is recommended, and that OPX-DPP will fill in gaps from MPE; is it planned that these two will remain distinct and compatible? Also, I've seen in the comments there that there's two user patches for some bugs and typos in MPE; if you plan on official recommending/support, and they're needed, will you make your own patch?

Is OPX-SSM strictly limited to OPM+Stock(+MPE?) additions/alterations with some caveats for OPM/Stock scale mods like JoolRevamp, or are mods that add in more on the table?

You say Jool (and Urlum) is too empty; you could add custom asteroids to Jool to fill in the empty space, or is that too minor to add?

Some of your ambitions come close to what Iodyne changes (minus Principia), a mod I enjoy, I wonder what you'll do instead. I think I'll enjoy it either way.

This is an ambitious project, and you already have something great out! I wish you the best!

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  On 7/6/2024 at 11:26 PM, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

Are the major moons going to be on a nearly flat plane and/or have near perfect circular orbits? I understand if you prefer to not stray too far from stock, but it would be nice detailing and nice minor challenge to add. Or for realism/stability, like with Iodyne.


Most of them, yes. Urlum gets something special because I hit upon the idea of merging Sycorax and Oberon midway through the brainstorm session, and Neidon still has Thatmo.

  On 7/6/2024 at 11:26 PM, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

It's a bit disappointing to see Jool become more Saturn-like, but the details look good, and it's still amusing to see a green gas giant. Can't wait to see it up close!


I made Jool more saturnlike because I made Sarnus more Jupiterlike. I thought it was an interesting subversion that hadn't been done before. People always like to make the saturn analogs bigger than the jupiter analogs in outer system mods that aren't OPM, so I figured why not do the other half of that? 

  On 7/6/2024 at 11:26 PM, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

Too bad the gas giant/star tilt unlocker hasn't been updated, then you could make Urlum too similar to Uranus! Might it still work?


It doesn't, but I did follow through with the original description to make Urlum and its moons rotate retrograde

  On 7/6/2024 at 11:26 PM, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

You put in the description that Janet's Minor Planets is recommended, and that OPX-DPP will fill in gaps from MPE; is it planned that these two will remain distinct and compatible? Also, I've seen in the comments there that there's two user patches for some bugs and typos in MPE; if you plan on official recommending/support, and they're needed, will you make your own patch?


OPX-DPP will remain separate from JMP purely for practicality. Those two user patches aren't things that I've heard of, but I'll have to see. If they prove necessary, I might just provide links to the comments that provide the patches or wrap those patches in the download ZIP. It really depends on what the patches are, I don't know enough at the moment. 

  On 7/6/2024 at 11:26 PM, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

Is OPX-SSM strictly limited to OPM+Stock(+MPE?) additions/alterations with some caveats for OPM/Stock scale mods like JoolRevamp, or are mods that add in more on the table?


I don't feel that the inner system really needs much in the way of additions. I have two added asteroids lying around but those are really just test articles and they kind of suck. If any additions could be made, they could be true Phobos/Deimos analogs, but I'm not entirely sure about that. Textures in the inner systems are things that I'm not touching, if mostly because the Techo's Planet Revamp is doing that right now and I can't do better. 

  On 7/6/2024 at 11:26 PM, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

You say Jool (and Urlum) is too empty; you could add custom asteroids to Jool to fill in the empty space, or is that too minor to add?


I wasn't referring to literal empty space, and I was referring to every gas giant. I meant that too many niches for objects were left empty around each, which is not a problem that CustomAsteroids would solve. I did add a few Kopernicus asteroidal bodies to all four objects (well. I havent done the Urlum ones yet but shhh) but I'm not sure if that is what you are referring to. 

  On 7/6/2024 at 11:26 PM, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

Some of your ambitions come close to what Iodyne changes (minus Principia), a mod I enjoy, I wonder what you'll do instead. I think I'll enjoy it either way.


I can't say I've heard of Iodyne, I'll have to check that out. Perhaps a compatibility patch is in order. Thanks for the feedback! Let me know if you enjoy the gameplay. 

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