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The Linux compatibility thread!

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It seems that I should now post my latest information on getting KSP to startup here as some threads in support have been archived.

Yes, I am using Kubuntu 12.04 which is not completely vanilla Ubuntu and yes, this problem applies only when more than 2 or 3 mods are installed so it is not an issue for the unmodded game.

However I want to report that, the fix described in the thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33232-Linux-version-does-not-start-unless-some-files-are-removed still works for me with the same positive effects now I have upgraded the game to version 0.21.1

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Test: Build something and shoot it at the moon. On approach, before SOI change, target mun. If Mun is targeted at SOI change, a kracken strikes the map view. Rotating the view via right-click+drag or scroll wheel becomes shaky and unpredictable.

I'm noticing some unpredictable camera panning as well. Especially when looking at the KSC/facility selection scene. These input problems likely affect the Windows client too, but not in the exact same ways.

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What distro's are you using guys?

Linux Mint 14 64bit. Although that mousewheel bug went away (weird) I do get the occasional map screen stutter/jump, so I'm going to try that fix posted here. Other than those 2, I have the same weird jumpy stuttering on the Space Center Scene.

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Getting a weird bug with version 21.1 -- I can't highlight items in the SPH in Action Groups mode after returning to the SPH. So it works when loading the game fresh, but after flying and returning (either by Esc menu -> Space Center, or Reverting the flight to the hangar) I can't click/select/highlight items to view the control points. This also extends to the outdoor view of KSC. I can right-click and rotate the camera, but cannot click on any facilities to enter them. Hovering the pointer over the facilities does not show the name in the lower left. Even more, when I exit to the main menu, I can't highlight the main game menu items or click on them. I have to kill the game at this point and restart.

This is the only seemingly relevant error message I see in the log:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at EditorActionPartItem.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIManager.DispatchInput () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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Yep, this was meant to be fixed but wasn't, there's no workaround yet and it's cross-platform, we have to wait for the next update for a fix.

Until then we have to restart KSP, this issue should not occur every time you play though.

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After adding a few more mods I had the same shadow flickering issue.

So I removed 1 mod at a time, from newest added to older, adding the previous removed back.

After some testing, I found out that the problem might be Chatterer.

Of course the problem could still be there, I'll post if it pops up again.

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Just got KSP on Steam. v0.21.0.0

Running Kubuntu 12.04 (will upgrade soon). AMD Phenom, AMD 6950, prop drivers 13.4

Tried the recomended start up strings posted, every time I get top the launch screen with the message window "KSP Stats Tracking" and I cannot click on anything, tab or space or enter anything, the program just sit there with the music playing.

Any thoughts on how to get past?


Just found that my problem is the mouse focus, it is way off. Will do searches on that and see if I can correct.

--Edit 2 --

Right, going full screen fixes the focus. KSP does not like being in window mode. Gone FS and having fun.

Edited by Sepius
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I just want to report: I was starting to have strange crashes and icon corruption, and this fix still seems relevant. However, I seem to have lost some KAS functionality, so it should not be assumed to be fully compatible with all mods.

Edit: actually, my problem with KAS is random, but well known. So never mind about that last bit.

Edited by BigFatStupidHead
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BigFatStupidHead: I consider that fix mandatory, not just "relevant". I can run a clean install vanilla KSP without the fix but that is about all. To use any mods I need the fix. Kubuntu 12.04 64bit.

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BigFatStupidHead: I consider that fix mandatory, not just "relevant". I can run a clean install vanilla KSP without the fix but that is about all. To use any mods I need the fix. Kubuntu 12.04 64bit.
I thought that it was an error in the last version that had gotten fixed. And I was not experiencing the same problems with the current version that I was before (ie: the game would crash while loading parts without the fix) so I, apparently erroniously, thought it had been dealt with. With .21.1, I had no trouble loading but was starting to experience unusual crashes and icon corruption in game. (Actually, the icon corruption is what tipped me off.) So I thought I'd mention that the fix is still very useful.
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Anyone else have problems with the wheels if you alt-tab?

When I have a vehicle with wheels and alt-tab our and back to KSP the wheels start to accelerate.

I can press brake and it stops, but when I press back/forward it does the same thing again.

To fix it, I have to restart KSP.

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Anyone else have problems with the wheels if you alt-tab?

When I have a vehicle with wheels and alt-tab our and back to KSP the wheels start to accelerate.

I can press brake and it stops, but when I press back/forward it does the same thing again.

To fix it, I have to restart KSP.

Just pressing/holding Alt does this for me. I can't explain it. Does anyone know a way to display what apps are capturing keys? e.g. Where would I look to determine if an out-of-focus app is listening for a key? A quick search shows how my keys are bound, but this isn't useful:

$ xmodmap -pke|grep 'Alt_L'

keycode 94 = Alt_L NoSymbol Alt_L

keycode 204 = NoSymbol Alt_L NoSymbol Alt_L

I don't have Alt or Alt-tab bound to anything in my window manager. I thought maybe it had to do with a Trim setting, but that's on Shift_R and I'm not sure if you can trim wheels like that anyway.

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Hi all. I've got myself new Linux box running Ubuntu 13.04 and its packed full of grunt, KSP is running very well on it. I've been trying to get my joystick working and have been in a world of confusion! I have a small numbers of mods installed, most notably MechJeb 2.something. Here are some of the things that have been confusing me:

1) I put a MechJeb on the Aeris aircraft in order to experiment with my joystick without killing kerbals. If I 'launch' my aircraft with a pilot on board, the navball orientation is as expected. If I 'launch' my aircraft without aircrew onboard, the navball is rotated such that the blue is on the left hand side and the brown is on the right. This swaps the pitch and yaw axes on both the joystick and keyboard controls. Edit: OK. I was being dumb. If I selected the cockpit on an unmanned aircraft and selected "Control From Here", the navball reorientates itself correctly.

2) When 'launching' the Aeris (with a Mechjeb and pilot on board) the controls seem normal (as far as i can tell) until I engage the SAS, at which point only positive valued input appears to come from the joystick on all three principal axis. To clarify, I refer to the 3 input scales in the bottom left hand corner of the GUI. With SAS off, my joystick can pitch up and down, roll left and right, yaw CCW and CW. With SAS on, I can only pitch up, roll right and yaw CW. No negative input is possible on any axis. Edit: just to confirm, when SAS is enabled, the keyboard still works for down, left and CCW when the joystick doesn't.

I haven't mentioned the throttle as that just adds a whole new dimension of confusion, literally!

I've not been very active on the forums recently, so all of these issues may have been mentioned elsewhere, may be cross platform, or may be linux specific.

Can anyone offer any advise, please?

Edited by fnordianslip
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Well the first is easy, the orientation of the mechjeb module is to blame as it keeps hijacking control.

The second problem is not so easy, I have not experienced it yet so don't know the cause or the fix so It'd be interesting to know what stick you have.

I set up my sticks with jscal (part of the joystick package in the repo's) prior to playing KSP so that might be it, and all my sticks are old.

I have a Saitek ST90, Logiteck Wingman Extreme 3D, Logitech Dual action pad and a no-name Chinese flightstick.

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Yep, you're right about my first problem, that's all good now :)

Regarding the 2nd problem, KSP shows it as:

/dev/input/js0: fd 3, buttons 14, axes 7, name Mad Catz Mad Catz F.L.Y.5 Stick

It seems that I can repeatably obtain the reported behaviour (loss of negative pitch,roll & yaw joystick input) by engaging SAS. I'll see if it also affects manned flight without a MechJeb on board. Fortunately, for the sake of the kerbals, it should be repeatable on the ground.

Edit: Well, it is partially reproducible without MechJeb fitted to the craft. With SAS enabled, only negative roll (lefthand) functions with the joystick, negative pitch and yaw (down, CCW) only work with SAS disabled.

I'll try some different aircraft, and perhaps a fresh install. It's way less confusing without the yaw and pitch axes being swapped, I was faffing around with the joystick settings for ages trying to make sense of things before I even noticed that the navball was on the wonk!

The joystick behaves perfectly normally with jstest-gtk, BTW.

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Hmm. No. I deleted the original, but it wasn't old anyway. However, I'm liking the sound of the deadzone fix. That's consistent with the roll axis working with SAS on in my last test. I'll try that and report back.

Edit: Awesome, thanks for your help. Bill and I are both pleased! I'll see if I can get the throttle working now. I can't see why it wouldn't, as it just used to stick at 50% or more when I tried it before but I always had SAS on.

Another edit: I figured out that my joystick's throttle needed to be set at centre before starting KSP in order for the full range to work, otherwise it had a maximum level of 50%. KSP reported this:

/dev/input/js0: axis 4: raw -32767, mapped 0.000000

when I started it with the throttle fully to the rear, and this when I started KSP with the throttle at mid-range:

/dev/input/js0: axis 4: raw 0, mapped 0.000000

All seems good now. Thanks for everything. BTW, it seems that this is all off topic for Linux, so I'd be happy if you wanted to clear this noise out from the signal in this topic. Cheers.

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