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The Linux compatibility thread!

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Since 0.23.5, I get a crash to desktop when clicking on "scenarios" from the main menu. Fresh install, no mods.

Terminal output:

Set current directory to ~/KSP_0235
Found path: ~/KSP_0235/KSP.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '~/KSP_0235/KSP_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '~/KSP_0235/KSP_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '~/KSP_0235/KSP_Data/Mono/etc'
Aborted (core dumped)

KSP.log: http://pastebin.com/w6uEDNns

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With the new "update"/patch, I have noticed problems with the modifier key. I haven't been able to copy parts or move the ship with the shift in the vab, but I am able to use shift+wheel to zoom which is strange. I am not able to bring up the debug menu either(in vab or flight scene).

Now the most bizarre. At some time as I was flying my controls switched from normal controls to trim controls(without using shift, I am not sure if I can trim normally). I fixed this by going to the start menu and back to the game. You can probably see how this is could be very challengin if you have not gotten into orbit yet(to be able to leave the scene safely).

Got to go, have to land this ship.

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I'm CTD'd at 32K Meters on re-entry every single time with the 0.23.5. 64bit client. Too weird!

(EDIT) Solved: I suspected it was graphics in nature because that height is normally where the re-entry effects start showing so I used the 'enable shadows on Intel Ivy Bridge' fix in the OP....worked like a charm!

Edited by Eleven
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Fresh install here. Upon arriving at the launchpad, throttling up, and launching, everything is normal. Shortly after launch, the game crashes (process reports abortion and core dump [which I guess I can retrieve for you guys if it's somehow helpful... ]). Specs and situation leading up to the crash are present in this linked log file.

The log appears identical in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions (launching them manually from the binaries present in the Steam installation folder). If necessary, the 64-bit log can be retrieved.

This is strange, given that with higher graphics settings (and roughly the same process environment on my machine) the game ran slowly but didn't crash during the launch cycle...

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That fixed it. What do those commands do?

This is what a.g. discovered back in June 2013 -- I believe it's still the same issue in every new release:

I want to report a definite miscompilation bug in the 64-bit linux executable of KSP 0.20.* that results in a segfault in certain circumstances.

It can be reproduced by loading the png file coming with the HydroTech Mouse Drive mod; it is not reliable, and is helped by high memory usage due to other mods and trying multiple times: http://filebin.ca/jFdwbprJ5pz/Player.log

Observing disassembly around the crash point reveals that there is some obviously 32-bit code in the supposedly 64-bit executable. Some research shows that it comes from hand-coded assembly within pngvcrd.c of libpng: http://pastebin.com/599g7h7i. This code obviously should never be included in a 64-bit build, and will crash whenever called with pointers that don't fit in the low 4 GB.

Since as I understand Squad doesn't actually build the native executables from source, this issue probably should be forwarded to Unity.

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This is what a.g. discovered back in June 2013 -- I believe it's still the same issue in every new release:

What I want to know is why has it not been fixed yet. This is a known and simple issue and in 23.5 I'm getting it even without mods. We shouldn;t have to fix these issues ourselves, and the patch seems simple enough to do to the executable before it is released into the wild.

Please squad if you are reading this fix this for 24.0.

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It's not as simple as that catty, sorry.

We will have to keep fixing the binary ourselves until there's some Unity over the issue.

Yeah unity will have to fix their issue, but until it is fixed why can;t the squad devs figure out the new offsets and change the binary themselves before releasing it? This is a known issue, a patch is known, and it has been there for several updates.

I suppose I am just lazy, but wanting them to patch this bug instead of having to turn to the community and then patching it myself...

Ah well, 3 cheers for the great KSP community.

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Just a useless "me too" post. I have exactly the same symptoms after performing a completely fresh install of 0.23.5 without any mods installed. I'm running linux kernel 3.13-1-amd64 and have tried both 64bit and 32bit versions. Both run perfectly up to and including a rocket launch. A few seconds after launch though, the game exits with "aborted". No error is reported at the end of the log file. I didn't experience any problems with earlier versions on the same system. I've tried the suggested binary modifications to no avail.

Fresh install here. Upon arriving at the launchpad, throttling up, and launching, everything is normal. Shortly after launch, the game crashes (process reports abortion and core dump [which I guess I can retrieve for you guys if it's somehow helpful... ]). Specs and situation leading up to the crash are present in this linked log file.

The log appears identical in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions (launching them manually from the binaries present in the Steam installation folder). If necessary, the 64-bit log can be retrieved.

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I'm CTD'd at 32K Meters on re-entry every single time with the 0.23.5. 64bit client. Too weird!

(EDIT) Solved: I suspected it was graphics in nature because that height is normally where the re-entry effects start showing so I used the 'enable shadows on Intel Ivy Bridge' fix in the OP....worked like a charm!

Same issue. 32bit client on Intel HD 4000 gfx. Game would crash and always have "RenderTexture.Create failed: format unsupported." at the end of the unity Player.log. I spent all night trying to track down which mod was causing it but it turned out not to be a mod. I applied the same fix and it seems to be working fine now.

Edited by Arrowmaster
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Tried to share a save+mods with the linux version today... when i load the latest ship, docked in a asteroid.. this is the outcome.


Ship seems to be floating, but it's docked.

Working windows version for reference.


Guess my plans with linux will have to wait. :)

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I seemed to have fixed my modifier key problem. The modefire key was set to left and right alt in the settings, so I changed it back to right shift. It fixed fuel transfer, but I am not able to copy parts in the vab any more. I am not sure about the other modifier key related problems I was having.

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Has anyone out there found a reasonable solution to the bug that mishandles characters entered into text boxes as commands (or vice-versa)? That bug is way more serious than is reflected in the bug tracker. For me, any text entry for any plugin (or even non-plugins, like entering text on flags or other Squad UI) also fires off the commands associated with that key.

So far, I've had to unbind the following keys to be able to use simple plugins:

[1-9] and [Num1-Num9]: so that when I enter desired orbit heights or inclinations, I don't stack-separate my ship or accidentially science.
[, and .]: same reason as above
[Backspace and Delete]: same as above (I don't type perfectly)

I should unbind other keys (and maybe I have). Luckily most text entry doesn't require hitting the spacebar.

Am I doing something wrong? Do we all have this bug in Linux? Do we all really disable all of the Custom Action keys just to avoid accidentially triggering them?

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You are not doing something wrong here, unfortunately KSP registers the keys as commands and keystrokes together, this is a UI issue and Romfarer is gradually overhauling the UI so maybe it'll be fixed in 0.24 :)

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I use Linux Mint 64 bit and update 0.23.5 (Steam) just don't works. The previous version worked very well (even 64-bit executable with mods) but after updating the game does not work.

64 bit version starts up but then turns off but after then crashes.

32 bit version stops to load on Mk1 cockpit model

(I'm running clean install of course)

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Not sure if this is a linux specific issue but I found a work around so here's the info for future reference. Like sal and others I've found that joystick throttles don't work too well, specifically you need to put them in the middle before starting ksp, and sometimes despite your best efforts the upper or lower range of throttle control will get chopped off. For me this manifested in never being able to set the throttle to exactly zero (turn it off) no matter that jstest said the axis was at 0 before starting ksp, or what tricks i could play with jscal.

The fix was to edit ksp's settings.cfg and change the scale parameter on the axis to > 1, like so:

name = Mega World USB Game Cont. Axis 2
id = joy0.2
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0
[B]scale = 1.2[/B]
group = 0
switchState = Any

This seems to have the effect of multiplying the joystick input, so it can have further "reach".

Hope that helps someone in the future, now for shameless plug time; check out my mod, developed entirely using monodevelop on linux. In fact I'm not even sure if it works on windows!

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Just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I finally got around to installing the Linux version today as the 32Bit limitations finally drove me crazy enough and was stumped why it was still crashing out with memory limitations w/ the 64Bit version. The segfault terminal commands solved that perfectly. She's running like a dream. One less reason to boot to Windows.

Edited by styckx
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