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New torus station in-progress:



Morning launch.


I've also heard bad things about aerobraking around other planets lately, so I wanted to at least run a simulated interplanetary aerobrake. Manned. With a ship not designed for interplanetary missions. Fortunately, the crew survived their harrowing descent.



The problem with this is that I've also heard Kerbin hasn't been causing trouble on this front, so my only real indicator will be an actual interplanetary mission... go figure :P

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Two more modules and one adapter, and Mir will be complete.


Make that one more module and one adapter.


Edited by Jack Wolfe
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Not long ago...

Control Tower: Wake up Bill. We have detected something landed on Mun. Why don't you go out and have a look?

Bill: Okay. I will driving there and see what is going on.


Bill: Control tower. I don't know what that is. It looks huge.

Control tower: Drive closer and have a look. Be safe!

Bill: ... ...

A few minutes later:

Bill: Oh my god!!


Control Tower: What is it?

Bill: It looks like a robot to me.

Control Tower: How big is it?

Bill: Really...really...really big.


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