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KAS is now the best mod ever.


Using the techniques learned from building it, I started work on a Mech.

It's currently under development. Here's an early version


After a bit more development, I sent it on its first test run. Thanks to grappling hooks on its feet, it managed two steps using hacked gravity before running out of power.

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Don't mind me, just walking through...


In a 15 ton KAS powered Mech!

Edit: I redid its face a little and added plates to the legs:


Since taking that screenshot I've reworked the toes a bit too.

I might try combining the action groups of the legs, fully independent control of each joint is very clunky.

All right, last edit: I combined the two action groups, so instead of fiddling with 8 buttons, it's just 4. Move leg forward, grapple, move other leg forward, grapple.


It works really well (relatively), it started off right next to the lander can. The mech still requires hacked gravity to walk though; I might eventually find a way to make it sturdier, but a key part of the legs is that they have easily bent joints.

Once I'm done developing, I'll shoot if off to Minmus, where gravity is much kinder.

Edited by lucidLemon
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"Being bored with the internet, the urge to play KSP, and it being late at night is a winning combo", I say as I bring a few new mods to the table to make cooler things.


Now I just need to figure out how to work this UI...

EDIT: There we go... sort of. Why are my fuel gauges showing up as Temporary? HALP ;.;


Edited by Sapphire
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