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My first attempt to making a tank.Pretty heavy armored, that plates are hard.Full traverse turret, 15 tons and can move at 20-30m/s.It looks pretty good without armor,would be a nice buggy.




As i said, this is just armor-stripped.That's why i left the side-skirt supports on.



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"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sapphire again."

I love your ships. You should make a thread in Mission Reports!

Good grief, that is beautiful. What mods are involved in that?

Oh, thank you! :D I don't post anything in mission reports mostly because I use heaps of mods, and the things I actually do aren't as impressive as other people's stuff, like exploring the magic boulder or flying to every island on Laythe or anything. As for the mods used, there's B9 Aerospace and AIES Aerospace, of course, but there's also lots of zzz's stuff making it up. Some is from his standalone thread, and some is from the Interstellar Warp Drive thread, which i downloaded then edited the configs, like the reactors, which are now big RTGs, or the jump drive, which is only aesthetic now, or the Vista Fusion Engine, which is now just an oversized ion engine.

On a related note, I've been working away on this thing, and since I converted it to an ion drive I was able to cut the ship's length and weight and part count by half, giving it way more Delta-V. So here's the Odyssey Mk VI cruising really really low over Eeloo. Note the shadow right below it. :D Definitely the scariest periapsis I've ever had.


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It's been far too long, but Kerbals have finally returned to Mun!


(The lander and Kerbals arrived separately, then rendezvoused in orbit)

And of course I landed!


Right on the edge of a sweet crater, I might add!

I'll be sending Nelbart and Hanbal a rover and some science equipment, since they're staying until 0.22 (for science!). Once they come back, I'll put a station in LMO after being assembled in LKO.

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It took me a few tries, but I finally managed to land within 500 meters of Troy base, where my surface Kerbals will be living until the return window opens. Lomore is alone for now, but another Kerbal will arrive shortly!


A happy, historic Kerbal.


Lander Aeneas on the surface.


Mothership Dido in orbit.


Mothership Helena approaching Duna.

Edited by Felsmak
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Oh, thank you! :D I don't post anything in mission reports mostly because I use heaps of mods, and the things I actually do aren't as impressive as other people's stuff, like exploring the magic boulder or flying to every island on Laythe or anything.

Not meaning to pressure you into doing something you don't want to, but there are different benchmarks for "interesting." Some of the mission reports I enjoy following the most (like this guy's blog) are things that I could replicate fairly easily if I wanted to, but I still enjoy them because the authors find ways to spin colorful yarns out of what they do and fit the things they encounter in the game into a story that I find entertaining and meaningful.

But anyway, ultimately it's your own decision. Do what brings you the most enjoyment.

So as not to go off-topic, I might as well add this one:


Speaking of stories, I might as well share the one that goes with this image. This is actually the orbiter piece from an orbiter-lander combo I sent to Duna. One of the mods I use was Deadly Reentry, so finding that happy medium between a safe aerobraking trajectory that kept the craft from disintegrating and one that just skipped through the atmosphere and out into interplanetary space again turned out to be a bit more than I had bargained for. Fortunately, I was able to find a good trajectory that slowed me down enough that my orbiter's engines could establish a (quite irregular) orbit and deploy the lander, but it took a very large chunk of my fuel.

Some time later, after doing some silly things with other craft elsewhere, I figured I'd check in on my Duna rover and get some more roving done. However, to my shock and horror, I found that my orbiter had somehow been flung on a course that would throw it out of the Duna planetary system! (I suspect it was Ike's doing, but juries are sticklers for proof beyond reasonable doubt, and thus the perfidious moon has escaped justice to wreak havoc upon innocent spacecraft another day.)

This left me in a bit of a conundrum. I was able to reestablish a stable (and very high and even more irregular) orbit, but that left me with only the scantest dregs of fuel in my orbiter, which would surely be flung once more into the cold, lonely vastness between the planets the next time it encountered Ike (which it almost certainly would). Was there a solution?

As it turned out, there was. I figured that I could use Ike's quirky habits to put my craft back into a favorable orbit through the judicious use of gravity assists. Turnabout is fair play, after all; Ike had gotten me into this mess, so the least it could do was help me get out of it. Call it "community service" or something like that. By being very careful, I managed to deflect my probe into another aerobraking maneuver which put me in a low enough orbit that I felt safe from Ike's devious ways. The mission was saved, and my imaginary Mission Control support team whooped and hollered for joy at their proud accomplishment.

That is the story of how I saved my orbiter using only seven of the ten units of fuel left in the tank. The image is a screenshot I took on the close pass to Ike, both as a reminder of that story and because it makes a rather pleasing scene in its own right.

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Pictures from my Minmus mission.

Here we have the Lander piloted by Jemming Kerman approaching Minmus.


Immediately after touchdown on the salt flat.


The sun, Kerbin and the Mun as viewed from Minmus. One of the prettiest sceenshots I have taken.


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