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Now that's what you'd call a land shark.

(Why didn't that booster blow up when it hit the ground?)

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The KSS Constellation is still under construction, awaiting delivery of two additional Jet Support Pods (to mount on the dorsal and ventral docking adaptors) and the 6400-unit drop tank to fuel the trans-Jool injection burn. Upon completion, a pair of one-seat Arro Skydart mk2A reconnaissance aircraft and a pair of 2-seat Arro Pillum mk1 aerospace landers will dock and await shipment to Laythe.

-- Steve

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I let MechJeb do the landings, but that one time i considered going afk while it was landing, this struck: I had entered the same coordinates for landing as my other miner!

So this is the result of a last-second RCS thrust in the right direction. One of the drills ends up less than a Kerman wide from touching the other miner's leg...

This is why you lways attend to your auto-pilot.


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A few pages back, I posted the prototype Libra III class Science vessel. Now, the MSV Libra LBR-030-B* takes flight around Kerbin for the first time.





I think the first mission it will undertake will be a shakedown to Minmus. Unlike the ships that came before it, this one will carry a small manned lander to enable more missions to take place. Gilly is the first interplanetary target.

*MSV stands for Mason Shipyards Vessel. Every major non-combat ship carries this prefix (combat vessels take MSW, or Mason Shipyards Warship).

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