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Christmas on Minmus.


Tombart the one who got stranded in orbit due to a n orbital cannon accident got a MMU.


Jeb got a personal capsule because I'm afraid we'll break something.

Bill kept complaining it was cold.

Kelvis likes rovers for some reason.

Billy-bobbald is a loner.


Loby didn't have the heart to tell them the clearouts weren't temporary.




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Finally, after several years of sitting in that space station, Jebediah Kerman is returning home!



The reason he was there is because of a horrific accident. When taking a SSTO spaceplane off from the Mun, he crashed into a mountain, but somehow "bounced" off into space. When he got to the station (with only his jetpack), the space agency decided to just keep him there... No, he was NOT left there because of laziness!

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i think this rover may be able to land on every planet in the game, so far i have landed on the mun, eve, duna, and laythe and the laythe landing proves that it has the DeltaV to get into the sphere of influence of the others.


also, say hi to kerball, tylo, laythe, my ship, and jool


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Did some number crunching... that Specific T-9-III-6S (6 sat) is the heaviest legit ship I've ever made. 935 tons on the launchpad, 192 tons for the upper stage plus payload means the massive first stage is 743 tons! All up she carries 79 thousand liters of Oxidizer and 64 thousand liters of fuel! Even with the 15% reduction of power 12.6 million Newtons of thrust!

Plus, it looks like an N-1.



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