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Show off your awesome KSP pictures!


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Show off you accomplishments in pictures! I'll go first!

Take the link and scroll to see pictures, down below is the story of each one! http://imgur.com/a/HPaVf#0

here I was flying in my stock aircraft trying to be a pro at doing tricks and stuff, I got very low to the ground and my wing touched the ground, now i'm flying with one wing trying to save sigfry kerman ( notice how cool is he, more than jeb ah ? )


after that, you'll find my lander with a rover, before re-entry in Duna's atmosphere.


Now, Here's my P.S.B ( Pol Science Base ) Departing from my little SpaceStation around Pol.


here, you see my Duna Lander getting the re-entry effects! how cool :D!


best picture so far! my little space station from 0.21! with the new mun!


then there is my little base.. meanwhile trying to flip the storage module.. lol..


my blazing fast aircraft ( can be found at my channel, MrPopcup ) getting Super Sonic effects after seconds of launch..


Successfully landed the two wingless spacecraft ! Horray!!


Landed on Karactika ( lol ) for the first time in 0.21, with half of fuel left..


last but not least, my HUGE spacestation, and a space shuttle closing in to dock, unfortunately it had some mods in it, so it's no longer in 0.21 :(((!!

P.S: I'm just a beginner and I don't know that much in forums, so please don't rush on me ;D!

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I ment like Genesis from the Bible. It is the beginning of the bible and sense .21 is a new beginning i figured it would be appropriate.

I've seen all Star Trek movies and I never heard anyone calling it "the Bible" before, you must be a huge fan.

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I made a space station! Not my first one, but definitely the one I'm most pleased with. Sent it up in two parts (so far, there may be more later) and docked in orbit. The ring at the front can spin around the length axis of the station, providing artificial gravity in the habitation modules around it (though there's no way to measure without putting another craft on the ring, is there?) - courtesy of the ball bearings from Modular Multiwheels / Damned Robotics.


Edited by lunait
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A little more to the right! No, your other right!


Wow. That's actually a very good idea. I can show off my first ever legit rocket, that got Jeb into Kerbin orbit for the first time in 0.20.

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Thought I'd have a bit of fun with those Dragon capsules as well as try the new 0.21.1 docking, so here's two capsules, locked in a silent embrace as they spin through the void.


Sapphire, does dragon not brake .21. I was considering waiting for it to update, but Im wondering if it will break if I install the .20 version

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Sapphire, does dragon not brake .21. I was considering waiting for it to update, but Im wondering if it will break if I install the .20 version

It works. CBBP also left a part config at the end of the thread, so just replace the capsule's current text with the one from the thread. But I think you have to take out the lazordockingcam module, because that mod doesn't work with 0.21, so it's a simple matter of deleting it.

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