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My space station monstrosity, 24 assembled pieces in 14 launches. Shown here with the KSS Albatross docking to it on the internal arm. I decommissioned it shortly after this, as the lag was incredible. That single docking took several hours of nerve-wracking slowness.


After gassing up, the KSS Albatross takes a shakedown run around Eve just for kicks. Shakedowns were ultimately a failure due to changing mission requirements, but the ship itself was a success and may still see life as something else besides a carrier.


Tashi Station, assembled in 5 parts, was slightly less of a lag fest. Somehow, and I checked the files thoroughly, one of the marinas was off-center canted about 5-10 degrees. Ultimately she was decommissioned after a long life. Her power converters will be missed.


One of my most fun, and picturesque, ships was the Phoenix Hawk Land-Air-RoVer-Aircraft (LARVA). She had a long-life as the workhorse for Kerbalife Security for almost every role, but ultimately was retired due to sheer size and operating cost. The Starling Program did the job cheaper and easier, even though aesthetics suffered a bit.


The Starling Program is still under testing, and when released will be probably the most trialed series ever produced before sales. Here, however, are some initial shots of the Starling in action. Note that after the initial landing, Sidson botched the takeoff and the pair took a tumble off the monument. Bill was still able to catch a ride to orbit with the remaining good ship from the pair.


Inspired, I thought "why not?" and put a base on the arch! The kraken got it when I tried to land some Starling's next to it. I put an even bigger on the arch, with individually adjustable legs and a very sizeable landing pad, but the kraken was still very hungry and ate it before I thought to take a screenshot - very nerve-wracking landings both times, mechjeb is only useful to get it in the area. I may try it again in the next version, exact coordinates necessary are one of Kerbalife's bigger secrets.


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I like the feathers!! the shadow it casts really looks cool, actually looks like a bird of prey's shadow.

Anyway, I was testing out a new exploration and science lander. It travels in one configuration then a part moves and docks to a different section for descent, BUT something went just a little bit wrong;


It was like every single part took a sudden and instant dislike to all the other parts. I think every single part separated from the ship, very little went bang, and just the one of the command pods was left behind with 3 very puzzled Kerbals on board.

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The Starling Program is still under testing, and when released will be probably the most trialed series ever produced before sales. Here, however, are some initial shots of the Starling in action. Note that after the initial landing, Sidson botched the takeoff and the pair took a tumble off the monument. Bill was still able to catch a ride to orbit with the remaining good ship from the pair.


Where are the rocket engines on those starlings? I can't seem to spot them. Great designs anyway.

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...One of my most fun, and picturesque, ships was the Phoenix Hawk Land-Air-RoVer-Aircraft (LARVA). She had a long-life as the workhorse for Kerbalife Security for almost every role, but ultimately was retired due to sheer size and operating cost...

Those pictures of the Phoenix Hawk are great! I especially love the shadow in the landing photo.

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Where are the rocket engines on those starlings? I can't seem to spot them. Great designs anyway.

Because rocket engines on SSTOs are for wussies, real men can make orbit without them. Actually, there's a whole nuke shoved in there in such a way that it plays nice with the jet engine AND doesn't obliterate the craft when you stage up (bonus!). On vacation now, but I'll do a full post on these in the appropriate section when I get back. Comes with a carrier, command version, and ground support vehicles as well. 33 parts when stripped to the bone, 50 or so when fully decked out.

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Because rocket engines on SSTOs are for wussies, real men can make orbit without them. Actually, there's a whole nuke shoved in there in such a way that it plays nice with the jet engine AND doesn't obliterate the craft when you stage up (bonus!). On vacation now, but I'll do a full post on these in the appropriate section when I get back. Comes with a carrier, command version, and ground support vehicles as well. 33 parts when stripped to the bone, 50 or so when fully decked out.

Wow that's brilliant, I can't to see the full write up.

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I got some pictures ready of my grounded Station. Spent all morning working on it in the VAB and plan to start launching components into about a 125km orbit around Kerbin later on!

Shinto Station!


And a night Cycle of course!


-Manned Control tower with Romfarer's Lazor system on the antennae to track all ships and stations in the Kerbol System!

-2 escape pods in case of emergency(Also has cool strobe lights on them because the engineers thought it would be dramatic and cool!)

-Utility module for sustained power!(Held together with our best duct tape!).

-2 fuel arrays to hold a total of 8 tanks!(Did I mention it had escape pods?)

-4 docking arrays in total, 2 for passenger shuttles and travel, and 2 for logistics!

-1 space tug to get the fuel tanks on the station!(We added lazy kerbal chairs in the pods! THEY HAVE CUP HOLDERS!)

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A few from my "Views from the Road" collection.

Half-Way Home:


Dream Big:


A Sea of Stars:


Scale Image:


Yeah, I know, not exactly explosions and crazy ships, but sometimes you've got to sit back and enjoy the views.

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