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Jeb Bob and Bill riding the mighty Comet HL with EHL (Eeloo Heavy Lander) payload during a Solar eclipse

The mighty Comet HL standing on the launch pad awaiting lift off

7 stages, 813 Ton and 16400Kn of thrust


Riding the 5th stage while admiring a complete solar eclipse


4th stage



Our heroes standing on Eeloo (don't worry there is a return vehicle in low Eeloo orbit waiting for them)


KSP never seems to stop amazing me! love this event thanks for sharing that one!

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Saved the kerbal race from extinction for the first time today!:Dv

After inspecting the asteroid Jebediah take a moment to take in the stunning view.


Later the asteroid is redirected and put in a safe orbit. Bill Bob and Jebediah have saved kerbmanity.


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I just did my first asteroid mission! Logically, my first target was an E size asteroid... So I decided that my fist mission should be to claw a probe to it. Mainly because I have no idea how much these things weigh. And as you probably know, knowing the weight of the object is very important when calculating Delta-V (so that I bring enough fuel to "redirect it") Oh, and by redirect I mean land it at my Minmus Base.:cool:


Now you may be wondering, "where's the SLS parts!" Well I though that launching a 2 ton probe with anything other than my Space Shuttle wouldn't make much sense.



The rendezvous went surprisingly well with the improved maneuver nodes and other things.

Huh, that's pretty small... wait, ONE KILOMETER AWAY?! "Redirecting" this will not be easy!


Unleash the CLAW!


Clawed! I have completed my first solar docking ever.


I'm gonna need a bigger ship...


Why did I chose an E as my first asteroid again?

Edited by RocketPilot573
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First asteroid captured! :)

B-class, now in orbit around Kerbin just inside the Mun orbit. I have PLENTY of fuel left in my mover-craft to push this wherever I want. Currently, I decided to stop where I am, just inside the Mun's orbit, although it is nearly a polar orbit. This was an unmanned vessel in order to capture and divert the asteroid.



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I've built a 50-55 tons to orbit SLS-style lifter, using minimal part clipping:

the trick is to put two LFB KR-1x2 boosters inside the biggest size 3 tank, with a couple fuel lines for good measure.

I don't think I did this on purpose, but at some point during the ascent (around 40 km high), one of the two boosters runs out of fuel while the other keeps thrusting, which is perfect for reducing acceleration once you're out of the thickest part of the atmosphere.

The second stage uses a Skipper engine.



Also, notable is that the new liquid fuel boosters don't have an electric generator.

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