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Bill and Bob arrive on Duna, land 6km away from base as planned.


Jeb arrives from the nearby base to pick them up.


Ahh, the ol' base, Jeb and Bob. Everything hooked up and charging, though the rover itself can operate on its own monoprop powered generator.



Dust storms....


Seriously, they creep me out.


Edited by KAO
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Nothing beats the old mainsail + jumbo combination for simple rockets.


Ok, so this has one of those new fangled big tanks, and trees for good measure, but my point still stands.


There's still something cool about the classic, basic lander on spinally legs, touching down on a frozen, airless plain.


Edited by Tw1
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Man, if only I had the time to go through all 832 pages of this, I probably would do it. All of these shots are awesome. I just wish I could figure out how to upload mine, because I've got some shots that I think are awesome as well.

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Man, if only I had the time to go through all 832 pages of this, I probably would do it. All of these shots are awesome. I just wish I could figure out how to upload mine, because I've got some shots that I think are awesome as well.

I use the service provided by imgur, it's free and you can make the nifty albums that you see on the forum.

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Here you can see Jebediah on a hohmann flyby aproaching the mun.


At the north pole of the Mun. The mun is exiting a solar/Kerbol eclipse.


Jeb is foating admiring the flag he planted at the exact mountain peak where the North pole magnetic center of the mun is located. It was a freaky experience I can tell you. Very disorientating. Because we know that both the navbal and the Kerbal sense of direction is directly linked with the magneting forces of a planet. Luckily jeb could still navigate with his jetpack while is FOV was twisted around and make a save landing.


Jeb is back at his lander. He only worries why 3 of his buddies are whispering unto each other.

Edited by Vaporized Steel
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