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Fun with crew seats.

Want to feel the wind in your hair?


Then why not buy yourself the new Utralight-1 Bullet from Yeahletstrythatdyne?


Fun for buzzing the tower...


or taking in the scenery.


Not feeling it? Then go take a flying leap! No, really, leap from space safely with the even newer Mk86 Ejection seat, also from Yeahletstrythatdyne. Seats one in terrifying semi-comfort.


Activate the chute while you still have a power source and eject whatever's left from the wreck of your ship...


tumble in helpless terror...


then float happily and serenely back to kerba firma...


and live to tell the tale.


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I decided to decommission two of my longest serving space stations in favour of new, smaller, more friendly and more stylish designs. The first to be replaced was the Kerbin Orbital Outpost, and the station that took its place is...


...the Kerbin Orbital Outpost! Wait...

Yeah, it has the same name as the last one, but it is far less frame-laggy, and looks nicer :P


From inside the Cupola pod. Very nice view for my thoughtful little Kerbals.


A Swiftwind II-A orbital pod approaches...


...and docks. Turns out it was carrying the station's second crew member, who will be housed in the crew pod on the other side of the station. The Swiftwind remains if a departure is necessary.

The second station to be replaced was Columbia Station, which orbited Mun at around 110km (guess where the name came from, considering I have an Eagle Base on the surface of Mun by the memorial...). The same station design as above was used...


...only difference is that Columbia Station is now Columbia Outpost. This orbits Mun at 100km.


Meanwhile, at Eagle Base...


My flag looks awesome, but I had to send another lander that way because the only flags that the base crew could plant were the standard flags that the government sent up all those years ago (despite the only recent invention of these weird flapping pieces of cloth...). I'm going to have to replace the other flags I have on Minmus and Duna with this design too (not hard, just tedious...). So yeah, my messing around in 0.20 thus far :)

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After some mucking about, making rovers, and landing a ship on the Mun, I landed on Duna.

Here's the ship in orbit:


The ship was designed well, so it conducted an aerocapture into a stable orbit with plenty of fuel to spare. I might actually return them to Kerbin this time!

During the Aerobrake, Obble (the Commander) managed to catch a great picture with his camera:


After circularization at ~70km, they got aboard their lander to plant the flag:


During landing, I discovered many flaws in its design.

1. It requires both Kerbals aboard to keep balanced.

2. It is very back-heavy, meaning in atmospheres it trys to fly retrograde.

3. The parachutes require a short braking burn, otherwise they tear it to pieces.

All of these resulted in the lander landing with too little fuel to return.

Here they are, making the most of their perdiciment:


Luckily, I brought a second lander. Without the extra wieght of the kerbals, and being more careful, it lands with minimal fuel usage 5.2km from the kerbals.

Then, both Kerbals have to run the 5.2km to the lander.

Obble uses some of his RCS to get there faster, in about half an hour:


Donely is a bit more careful, and simply runs there the whole way in about 45min:


Unfortunantily, after testing, the fuel is still not enough. They must wait for a rescue mission.

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Unfortunantily, after testing, the fuel is still not enough. They must wait for a rescue mission.

May be cheaty, but go into persist log and pull all the fuel out of the first ship and put it in the second. This might save you.

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Bill and Hudsby ride a Munbuggy.


The lander didn't have enough dV for orbit, so Bill and Hudsby had to bail and achieve orbit on jetpacks. Here, Hudsby approaches the command capsule 50,000m above the Mun. I really like the textures at this altitude.

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