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[1.12.x] The Felota Project: A Collection of Textures Unlimited Recolor Depots (TURDs)

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Don't laugh! If you haven't heard of these rather cheekily named KSP mod patches, you are missing out!

Textures Unlimited Recolor Depots allow a player to recolor specific parts any which way they want.  No longer are you stuck with light grey, black, and orange as your only options.  Now you can make your rockets mauve, periwinkle, or burgundy, or even chartreuse with green and yellow highlights.  The world is your oyster.  For those of you who played KSP2, I understand the TURD recoloring system is pretty similar.  However, I do believe it actually came first, before the KSP2 recoloring system came out.  The change this brings to the game once you have a lot of your parts recolorable can't be understated, it just makes things so much cooler when you can determine your own color schemes, and coupled with other visual mods, it revolutionizes the immersive element of the game.  For me, at least, I can't live without TURD configs on my installs anymore.  It just doesn't feel like the game is complete without them.

The Felota Project is my own attempt to add TURD configs to mods that I think really need them.  Ancient but charming mods that need a slight makeover.  Obscure, unknown, and forgotten mods.  Mods that are great and popular and well known that just should be included in stock.  Mods that I personally love that just could benefit from recoloring.  I hope to continue making these, as there are a number of mods that I really think deserve them, and furthermore I hope to inspire others to try their hand at making these configs as well!

Please check out the original TURD thread for a number of collected TURD configs, and ZZtho's Collection which includes a bunch more AND an excellent tutorial that covers the basics of creating TURD configs from scratch, you'll find it halfway down the first page of that thread (this is really how I got started, so shout out to ZZtho for doing this): 

Also, you may want to check out 'LazyPainter' once you have a few TURD configs, this is a mod that lets you quickly recolor several parts at the same time, basically an addon for TU specifically catering to TURDs:


Now for the main course.

Below are some images of the TURDs included for download in this thread:







DOWNLOADS  ( includes a link to each Original Mod's thread ):

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems [BRAND NEW‼]


NOTE: The 'Orbital Water Scanner' & 'Surface Water Scanner', parts that you won't even see without installing USI LifeSupport, won't work without the Stock TURD configs.  Without that, you may experience glitchy textures.  A future version will remedy this, but for now, it is a dependency.

TURD Download: https://github.com/UncleMateo/ProjectFelota/blob/main/Felota (KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems).zip

• AeroRadial

• Joolian Discovery

• Wrapper Drop-Tanks


Known Issue: recoloring the DropTank's red-default color may also recolor the decoupler, for now try to toggle the decoupler back to 'default' to reset it.  A fix will come ..someday...

TURD Download: https://github.com/UncleMateo/ProjectFelota/raw/main/Felota (DropTank).zip

• TAC Radial Science Container

• Coriolis Space Systems (Stowaway)

• Kerbal Engineer Redux

• EVA Handrails Continued 

• NecroBones' SeaDragon

AOA Technologies


NOTE: The 'High Dome Cockpit' won't work without the Stock TURD configs.  Without that, you may experience glitchy textures.  A future version will remedy this, but for now, it is a dependency.

TURD Download: https://github.com/UncleMateo/ProjectFelota/blob/main/Felota (AOA Technologies).zip

• BonVoyage 


PLEASE REMEMBER: TexturesUnlimited and its dependencies are REQUIRED for these to work, in addition to the Mod they are intended to supplement!




Edited by UncleMateo
Added TURD configs for PlanetaryBaseSystems
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Posted (edited)

New TURD configs Coming Soon:


Kerbal Foundries! This mod has all kinds of wheels, tires and landing gear.. and exotic ground propulsion like the screwdrive or repulsors.

My teaser image here is very much a proof-of-concept, I just needed to figure out how to make configs that worked with this mod, as it requires TexturesUnlimited to provide certain shiny details on parts, and had its own TexturesUnlimited configs for me to work around.  But, having figured that out, it's simply a process of hand-drawing some 32 or so of those BobRoss texture files.

Generally, the way I work is if I get frustrated or burnt out working on one mod I try working on another for a little bit, keep the momentum going if I can, so if I do run into complications there's a handful of other much smaller mods I might work in.  The end result will hopefully be another batch of multiple TURD configs for several different mods, Kerbal Foundries included, being released at once.

Well I better get back to it! I've got a lot to do!

Edited by UncleMateo
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On 8/21/2024 at 2:03 AM, UncleMateo said:

New TURD configs Coming Soon:


Kerbal Foundries! This mod has all kinds of wheels, tires and landing gear.. and exotic ground propulsion like the screwdrive or repulsors.

My teaser image here is very much a proof-of-concept, I just needed to figure out how to make configs that worked with this mod, as it requires TexturesUnlimited to provide certain shiny details on parts, and had its own TexturesUnlimited configs for me to work around.  But, having figured that out, it's simply a process of hand-drawing some 32 or so of those BobRoss texture files.

Generally, the way I work is if I get frustrated or burnt out working on one mod I try working on another for a little bit, keep the momentum going if I can, so if I do run into complications there's a handful of other much smaller mods I might work in.  The end result will hopefully be another batch of multiple TURD configs for several different mods, Kerbal Foundries included, being released at once.

Well I better get back to it! I've got a lot to do!

Wonderful! I hope it will coming along nicely. By the way, will you make the config for AOA tech? I will thank you very much.

Edited by AYJ0045
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1 hour ago, SheepDog2142 said:

I swear restock is the most asked for one and no one does it.

It's is a pretty big task to be fair, restock pretty much revamps all of the stock parts, as opposed to part mods which usually have no more than 10-20 parts at the most. And there are people doing it aswell, just not their top priority obviously.

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1 hour ago, uncertified_engineer said:

It's is a pretty big task to be fair, restock pretty much revamps all of the stock parts, as opposed to part mods which usually have no more than 10-20 parts at the most. And there are people doing it aswell, just not their top priority obviously.

ture ture. Lets see a Tantares recolor that would take forever. 

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On 8/22/2024 at 2:05 AM, AYJ0045 said:

Wonderful! I hope it will coming along nicely. By the way, will you make the config for AOA tech? I will thank you very much.

Somehow, I had never heard of that mod!  But in all honesty YES, I can and will do that mod.  It's nicely stockalike and the models are solid.   I just downloaded it.

So here's some updates:  I've been a little bit busy with the non-Kerbal part of my life, but I've been working on KerbalFoundries.  Getting close to finishing the track-type parts, but having a major problem getting the wheel-type parts working that I haven't figured out the cause of.  Progress is coming along, but I did run into problems.  What's worse, the two mods I was working on when I'd get frustrated with Foundries both had some serious issues that I don't yet know how to deal with.  The mods I was trying to give TURD configs to were ones I thought would be relatively simple: EVAhandrails and TrackingLights.  Both had different, seemingly insurmountable problems.

TrackingLights was not difficult to recolor- but unfortunately both of the two parts have a transparency, and until I can figure out how to integrate that with TU, trying to recolor it not only ruins the transparency on the BobRossPaints version, but it also breaks the transparency on the Default version.  It makes them both look kind of bad.  And for some reason I'm having trouble recoloring whatever mesh makes up the bigger light's base.  So this one is kind of broken, not sure if I can solve the transparency issue, but I will try.

For EVAhandrails, the files for its textures are .mbm files and in there doesn't seem to be any real program to open or to convert these type of files available anymore.  There used to be a program called MBM2jpg or something like that, but its no longer something I can find.  However, that wasn't even the problem.  The problem is that the actual parts themselves have spaces in them rather than dashes or underscores.  So, I tried to sub each of the various 'wildcard' characters (I believe it was ! or *)that are used in such a scenario but none worked.  I don't think TexturesUnlimited can work with parts that have spaces in their names.  I hope that I'm wrong about that.  For now, it looks like I can't do TURD for this mod at all, it doesn't recognize the part so long as it has spaces in its name.

I've also been working on the 2 parts in KerbalEngineer as well, the little computer chip and the fancy moving reel thing.. but one of the two parts (the reel) is also an .mbm file and I can't open it in any way, so far.  So that one is also just partially done.

I'm also trying a very experimental thing with KerBalloons, trying to figure out if the balloon itself could be recolored.  Not sure I'd recolor the bases, (but probably the parachutes and cargo bays) there's some complication in how the mod works, but to recolor the balloon itself has been a dream of mine for years.

As a summary for interested parties who may desire to suggest a mod for me to work on: I welcome that! But, if that mod has MBM files instead of DDS or JPG, or if it has spaces in the name, or if it contains a ton of parts, I might not be able to do that.


On 8/22/2024 at 2:05 AM, AYJ0045 said:

Wonderful! I hope it will coming along nicely. By the way, will you make the config for AOA tech? I will thank you very much.

On 8/22/2024 at 6:19 AM, Alpha_star said:

Please do a config for restock! I deperately need one and it seems many are wanting the same!

On 8/22/2024 at 4:42 PM, SheepDog2142 said:

I swear restock is the most asked for one and no one does it.

On 8/22/2024 at 6:12 PM, uncertified_engineer said:

It's is a pretty big task to be fair, restock pretty much revamps all of the stock parts, as opposed to part mods which usually have no more than 10-20 parts at the most. And there are people doing it aswell, just not their top priority obviously.

On 8/22/2024 at 8:05 PM, SheepDog2142 said:

ture ture. Lets see a Tantares recolor that would take forever. 

I'm not good enough at making these in any kind of timely manner yet.  I need more practice.  Part of what I'm doing is trying to learn, and the ultimate purpose in that is to start doing bigger and bigger and bigger mods, but I really have to work my way up to things of that size.  Not only for the sake of skill, but because working on mods with a lot of parts can be demoralizing an overwhelming,  and as such to be able to actually complete something that massive I need more successes to point to in order to remind myself that I can actually do it!  Otherwise getting frustrated, getting burnt out, and giving up are almost inevitable.  

I had kind of an unofficial idea if I was able to complete 99 different mods that I might try to do something of that scale, such as Tantares or BDB, or more realistically to try and join forces with one of the people already trying to work on Restock.


I should also add... I DO have a list of mods I'm planning to work on, sorted into groups based on how many parts they have and sorted by priority of how important that mod is to me.   It's just very nebulous and non-binding.  But certain mods, particular mods that are the reason I got into this whole TURD making thing, those I will absolutely do unless someone else does them first.  MK-33 for instance, the big chonky space shuttle.  And Luciole is one I strongly desire to do but it has like 100 parts.  

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On 8/22/2024 at 2:05 AM, AYJ0045 said:

Wonderful! I hope it will coming along nicely. By the way, will you make the config for AOA tech? I will thank you very much.

Well a bit of an update, AYJ0045, I'm sorry to say that I ran into some really serious problems attempting to get this mod working on my Barebones TURD-Making KSP install.   This install has very few mods on it so that the load time is as low as possible, and basically only has things I need to build TURD mods, and the other TURD-supported mods that have been released, except for BDB Armory and the USI Life Support mod.  Unfortunately, running AOA Technologies on 1.12.5 crashes me straight to desktop within the first few seconds of KSP starting its loading process.  I checked the dependencies, confirmed that KSP didn't have corrupted files, and even completely reinstalled KSP.  It could also be a conflict with one of the other TURD-supported mods, but that presents a dilemma for me: I'm trying to make it so that a player can install ALL the TURD-recolorable mods together and enjoy a parts list so far beyond what KSP2 offers as to completely overshadow it.  If it were a newer mod, and if its creator (or adopter) was still active I would try and reach out, but as it stands the creator of this mod was last online before KSP2 was announced.

The worst part is I had been working on it before even installing it and had 3 parts almost done.  To fill out the rest of the config file I just needed to load the mod once, but I wasn't able to do that.  It took me some time to track down the problem- I expected AOA Tech to work with 1.12 because there were a few reports that it did. 

Ultimately I think I will have to abandon my plans to do TURD configs for this mod.  I apologize, and I know it's a disappointment, but the fates conspired against us all.  Ultimately it's not practical.  And I'm sorry about that. 

CORRECTION‼ ... I'm quite happy to say that the problem has been found, and work continues.  There was a MiniAVC bundled with this mod, which causes serious problems in modern KSP builds, unless removed or nullified with ZeroMiniAVC.


Work continues on KerbalFoundries but I've had some real problems with variants, so the progress has been painfully slow.   I was able to secure a copy of the MBM2JPG program by digging through the Internet Archive, and this allowed me to make progress on EVA Handrails, now all but 2 of the parts are recolorable, though there's a bug I have to fix before releasing that one (about half of the parts show up grey on 'Default' rather than their actual default of yellow and I have yet to figure out why).


Getting the MBM2PNG program also allowed me to finish recoloring the two parts in KerbalEngineer.  The spinning reel thing looks really great when you recolor it all different metallic shades and see the part animation go.  Still a bit dark, might need to tweak that before release.


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11 hours ago, UncleMateo said:

half of the parts show up grey on 'Default' rather than their actual default of yellow and I have yet to figure out why

i have had this issue as well when making my recolours, it is caused by an issue with the main texture that has been specified in whatever texture set that default uses, its probably just because a file path is not quite right but it can also be because the main texture is in an incompatible format.

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1 hour ago, ZZetho said:

i have had this issue as well when making my recolours, it is caused by an issue with the main texture that has been specified in whatever texture set that default uses, its probably just because a file path is not quite right but it can also be because the main texture is in an incompatible format.

You were right!  See, this mod had some issues with filenames having spaces in it.. and the filepath also had spaces in them.  Somehow, I got myself convinced I had to put in wildcard characters there.. and your comment gave me the sudden epiphany that the filepath needed to be verbatim, case sensitive, exactly the same.  And of course that was the case, I should have caught that one earlier.   Thanks to you, EVA Handrails will soon be recolorable!  That and KerbalEngineerRedux are both done, I'll probably wait to release them until I have a mod with more meat on its bones to release alongside them in a few days.   Still working on three other mods, two of them are giving me trouble.  

If you have any advice on transparencies, that would be much appreciated.  TrackingLights has only two parts, but both parts have a transparent glass lens that goes opaque whenever I mess with it.  Basically, I don't know how to get it to treat a part of the model as having transparency.  I tried to have it only recolor the meshes without the transparency and either I had the wrong meshes or that's not the way to do it.  Honestly I'm not even 100% sure it can be done, that's why I was scared to put KerbalTubes on my list of possible mods for the Felota Project.

My other problem is I just haven't quite figured out how to integrate parts with existing variants.  At least not yet.  And that's my biggest problem with KerbalFoundries.. most parts have a 'Legacy' and a 'PBR' variant.  Those that don't I am chipping away at.    But I know this can be done somehow, and for the moment, it's mostly a matter of studying the other TURD configs that have variants and reverse engineering from there.  My crude attempts to do so have thus far been flawed, and unsuccessful.


But I  am making good progress on AOA Technologies, these are just from earlier today, and they're not exactly the final draft.  A few hours ago I was about to give up on this mod, it seemed to be completely breaking my KSP instance, but I had forgotten about the existence of MiniAVC, and guess what comes bundled with AOA Technologies?  [For the uninitiated, MiniAVC used to be a utility included with the majority of mods, the AddOn Version Checker, but a unity update, and subsequent KSP update, broke it to the point where if you have one in the GameData folder, KSP will not load at all and will crash.]

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5 hours ago, UncleMateo said:

If you have any advice on transparencies, that would be much appreciated.

I don't unfortunately, i have never tried recolouring something with transparency, textures unlimited does have some shaders with transparency >>from the TU wiki<< so adding the line @shader = TU/Transparent/Metallic (or specular if your using that one) inside the material node of the recolour texture set might help (it also might need to only be applied to the meshes that are transparent or maybe not idk). You'll probably also need to add a @shader = whatever/the/original/shader/was to the texture set of the default (the original shader that was used can be found in the modelData.txt file, this might also need to be applied to only the transparent bits???, modelData will tell you what shaders are applied to what meshes).

5 hours ago, UncleMateo said:

My other problem is I just haven't quite figured out how to integrate parts with existing variants

I'm going to make a tutorial on variants / multi-mesh parts in the coming weeks, i was originally also going to include stuff about using different shaders and what-not in that one but they turned out to be much more difficult than i thought.

I remember the recolour for the making history parts has some examples of recolouring with variants so you might be able to reference that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/5/2024 at 3:48 PM, theonegalen said:


I love your name and the name of your project!

A man has to stand up.

Appreciate the love, beratna!  Glad someone got the joke.


I'm proud to announce some good news: I have finished recolors for several mods and will be making the patches available for download: NecroBones' version of the utterly massive Sea Dragon, EVA Handrails Continued, Kerbal Engineer Redux, and by request from AYJ0045, I am proud to present AOA Tech as well.  Turns out AOA Tech was much easier to work with than some of the mods I chose on my own.  I'm still trying to get Kerbal Foundries out, but I've had a ton of issues dealing with its existing integration to TexturesUnlimited.  Wheels just refuse to be recolorable, and parts that have both a 'legacy' and a 'PBR' variant have proven difficult to recolor.  I've gotten it to work but it's an inelegant workaround where you end up with two different toggles for recoloring the part.  Meanwhile, Tracking Lights, with only two parts, has proven inordinately difficult to work with due to a few translucent meshes.  I've made some progress there too, and if I can figure it out, I can recolor any parts pack with transparencies, something that's been an obstacle so far.  But as it stands both of these mods' TURDS configs are not ready for release, not yet.  These two have proven so frustrating and time consuming I might shelve them for now.

Also, I noted that there was a minor glitch with the DropTanks' TURD config: this actually proved tricky to fix, and I'm not going to worry about it for now.  An easy workaround is to change the Decoupler back to 'Default' and then to 'Bob Ross Paints' again.  I still want to fix this, but at the same time, I'm not sure if it really matters, or if anyone other than me even noticed the glitch.


Here's a recolored Sea Dragon flopping over and exploding dramatically just to get y'all excited.

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'Eyo, Beratnas!

Less than 24 hours from dropping the last batch, here's a one-part recolor for BonVoyage!


No longer does your little BonVoyage antennae have to be drab grey! Now it can be chrome! Pink! Sarcoline! Or even just Pure White!

See the topmost post for download link.


If anyone has suggestions (which aren't 80+ parts) I would probably be open to adding them to my list, or even doing those in the near term.

For now.. I have something I am working on.. it might take awhile, but it'll be worth it!  After 10 total mods completed, it's time for a bigger one.  Stay tuned.




Edited by UncleMateo
sneak preview of coming TURD configs
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Beratnas.... I got some good news.

It's Ready.  Planetary Base Systems is recolorable.  All 97 parts.


But you gonya hafta wait just mali tim mo

..just a little more time.  I try to upload it in a few hours.



I put it at the very top of the download list. Check it out!

This one was a lot of work!  I even did the mod-dependent Planetary Base System parts for the mods 'Extraplanetary Launchpads', 'DeepFreeze', and 'MKS Life Support'.  Altogether, nearly 100 parts, but no variants to speak of, which made things quite straightforward.  I have to say that completing this, and doing it in LESS THAN A WEEK was pretty satisfying, but during this last week it's been my main focus.  Not only that, it greatly refined and sharpened my skills in creating the metallic and recolor textures efficiently and quickly, it made me much better at cranking out working config files for parts with haste, and it enhanced my ability to logically track down the source of a TURD related problem.  As of this writing, my testing of this particular TURD has only yielded a single glitch:  the ServiceBay part acts a little wonky- I save it in a recolored state, and it loads in the VAB/SPH as the default coloration.  Preliminary testing seems to indicate that this problem doesn't persist in saved vessels, only on the build screens.  But, please, let me know if that turns out to be false.

I hope you all enjoy, I can't wait to see someone post screenshots of their otherworldly outpost being painted some garish and absurd color.

Edited by UncleMateo
PlanetaryBaseSystems' TURD config is out!!!!!!
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21 hours ago, Hank Kerman said:

When I installed the mod, the parts were  just purely red, with no other colors.

Hmm... I've had that problem crop up from time to time, I believe that generally, it's caused by the filepath to the _Paint texture file being wrong in some way.   Never hurts to double-check it wasn't installed incorrectly.. basically the way these configs work, changing the filepath will break everything.  (If I had a dollar for every time I accidentally put a GameData folder inside the GameData folder I would be a very rich man).  The correct filepath for that one should be KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData/TURD/TU_Stowaway/

 I'll reinstall this TURD, downloading it from my own link, and attempt to replicate your issue.  I will hopefully do that this afternoon.  If I can replicate the problem, I will then try to track down the cause and get it all fixed as soon as I can. 



In the meantime, some information as to the future of the Felota Project; it is entering a new phase.  I'm planning on taking what I've learned so far, especially after PlanetaryBaseSystems, to create more polished versions of the configs I've already released.  Basically, my plans are to renovate the TURDs you already see here by touching up some of the texture files and adjusting the color parameters so the Red/Green/Blue more or less matches the same such colors in other TURDs.  Additionally I plan to add the 'It's All Shiny' coloration to all my mods for overall consistency, and to prepare them for CKAN.  I also plan on trying to fix any issues,  the glitchiness with the DropTank mod's decouplers for example, before an updated version is made available.  I am still working on several TURDs but am having various issues with each on in turn, so if these issues are resolved, they'll be released when they're available.  What I'm really trying to do is gear up, and prepare.  I think I am almost ready now.  It didn't take a hundred mods.  But before I can even commit to that which I infer, I need just some marginal success in dealing with variants. 

Right now Grounded, Fuji, and KerbalFoundries are all well enough along I should be able to finish them at some point, but each has given me a headache or two, and KerbalFoundries in particular has been quite irksome.  TrackingLights has a mere two parts, but it's given me so many hours of trouble I'm not entirely sure I will ever get it working.  I tried doing configs for Kerballoons in order to allow the balloon to be recolorable, but I think ultimately you could only change the colors of the base, and that one might have to create specific variants and their textures to recolor the balloon part of this mod, so I've kind of put that one on hold as well.  There's a few smaller part mods that I've been vaguely working on as well, any one of those could pop out of the woodworks if the stars aligned properly.  In all honesty, I think my focus right now is on Grounded but so far I've been focusing on the nonvariant parts, so I have no real bearing on the magnitude of the difficulty in tackling the parts with variants (which is the majority for that particular mod).

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An update: with great exasperation, I feel I may be on the verge of finally conquering variants.  I've got at least proof-of-concept working variants for both Grounded (where almost every part has yellow, grey and black variants), and Kerbal Foundries, (though in that case I have two TU texture bars showing up for some ungodly reason and selecting anything on the second one messes up the recolors, so it's not exactly ready to be distributed)

Also, Fuji (which only has a single variant part), is pretty much done except for that part and one other that's just not cooperating.  I have ONE working recolor variant for Grounded, but it has some issues of its own.. however, it WORKS.  That alone gives me hope.  I just now have to reverse engineer what is working there by comparing it with the other MH variant recolors and contrasting it with the (several) parts that are malfunctioning.  It is only a matter of time, now.


Well in case you need some more substantial proof of life for ol' Uncle Mateo, here it is: some progress for you to analyze and critique:



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1 hour ago, Mudhen15 said:

Would love to see a patch for MAD.

I kind of forgot about that one!  I used to have a lot of the airplane cockpit mods, but unlike most folks, I used them mostly to make behemoth flying machines on Duna using kerballoons to get aloft, launching them from my mobile Extraplanetary Launchpads construction base.  On a similar note, SXT was one of the mods that I've wanted to do since I started this, but it has a lot of parts- this, not so much, only about 30.  But they have kind of a similar aeronautical-stock vibe.

I will definitely add that one to the list, but (full disclosure) I've been piling a lot onto my plate of late and it probably will take awhile.  I was planning on trying to focus my efforts on ReStock & ReStock+, (but that being said, the way I've been doing these configs is both scatterbrained and chaotic- if I run into a lot of problems with one mod, often times I switch gears and work on another in my frustration). So there is potential that I might be able to work it in, but again, it will probably take time.

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Alright, an update for everyone:

As of today, all of the efforts of the Felota Project are going to be focused on conquering the formidable mods ReStock & ReStock+.

@MrShelter started work on this a few days ago, and the time seemed right.  These mods have a combined ~400 parts.  It's tough for anyone to try and tackle that many alone, and I sure didn't want to do it all by my lonesome.  So, together, hopefully we can take down this beast.  But in order to do that I have to quite literally switch gears.  I have right now two different installs of KSP, one for playing, and one for modmaking.  I basically revamped my modmaking install entirely for this, and backed up the mods I was working on in their current states.  A clean install, bareboned for minimal loading times.

So, unfortunately this means the following mods are presently on hold:

Kerbal Foundries

This one was about 60% complete but any of the parts which had both a 'Legacy' and a 'PBR' texture option from the original mod (which is like 75% of them) displayed 2 different TU texture sliders, which cause glitchy behavior.

• Grounded

I actually finished all the textures for this mod, and had most of the information compiled to do the configs for the remaining parts, I even managed to get the recoloring working through the variant selector for the many parts with variants in this mod.. but for some reason that broke the ability to toggle between the stock yellow, stock white, and deluxe white variants (only yellow would show for any of the three)  This mod was about 85% done.

• Fuji 

Only two parts were not yet working in this mod.  One was a variant, though, and my attempt to make it work through the variant system did not meet with much success.   This mod was probably about 90% finished.

• MinistryOfSpace Aeronautics Division(MAD)

So far I had not yet started on this mod, other than downloading it and looking into its files a bit.  Since this one was a request by @Mudhen15 I think I will put an increased priority on it versus the other mods listed above, though, once I come back to mods other than ReStock again.


Since this is such a huge undertaking, it will have its own thread, so I may not post too many updates to THIS thread for awhile after this, but have some faith in me, I will be back. 


In the meantime, feel free to pile on requests that aren't ReStock! Preferably not Tantares or BDB or anything else with more parts than the stock game LOL


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