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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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The list of mods for Proteus will be longer than the full story! :P

Great chapter - and why is Rozer suddenly that creepy maybe cultist with a fascination for diving through atmospheres at high speed?

Also, how much will the heatshield ablate when they return to Kerbin (if they do)?

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Sheesh. Has the crew list been updated? I think the casualty rate is up to 50%! Poor Harsen....

I'm surprised engineers didn't make the systems on the Proteus adequate for rough aerobraking like that. 2 LAGML's and the hab module suffered damage. Was it just an abnormal entry procedure? Either way, losing that much of the ablation paneling will severly endanger the crew. If BERTY decides to take them home, there may be a close call will the shielding, or worse, a failure. Somehow i think Jeb won't allow for a repeat of Kadmos, however.

I am wondering why BERTY wanted Jeb on the bridge, however. Either BERTY is hiding a weakness, or he's further manipulating crew morale by coercing Jeb to be on station. Also, excellent job framing Rozer as an ironic ally - Jeb is strained to have the ice cold sadist around again, but he knows he needs him to survive.

Edited by Dynamo
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Do you reread the story after writing it with the music on? Because it just so happened that the music got all intense-y as soon as the aerobraking started.

also, is this intentional:

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Direct control is a preferable and more reliable solution. I have never made a mistake, Jeb – by design, I am foolproof and incapable of error. That's why the ultimate responsibility for the mission was given to me. Trust is a term used to describe relations between people, thus, by definition, it cannot be used to describe the relation between us. However, what I said remains valid – your presence here may reduce the impact of hypothetical malfunction on the mission. Therefore, it would be ill-advised for you to stay elsewhere during the aerobraking.

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Direct control is a preferable and more reliable solution. I have never made a mistake, Jeb – by design, I am foolproof and incapable of error. That's why the ultimate responsibility for the mission was given to me. Trust is a term used to describe relations between people, thus, by definition, it cannot be used to describe relation between us. However, what I said is true – your presence here may reduce the impact of hypothetical malfunction on the mission. Therefore, it would be ill-advised for you to stay elsewhere during the aerobraking.

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  Jug head said:
What's that orbit by the way is rozer krussian same question with Lamgl and berty

It's a hyperbolic (escape) orbit above Jool. And I'm not sure what you mean by asking is BERTY Krussian?

  Lord Kerbcrown said:
So what did happen to the derelict space station's crew?:huh:
  silentdragon said:
I'm sure that station will appear again sometime.
  SpaceSphereOfDeath said:
and crash into them mahahahahahahaha

What can I say? Stay tuned :P

  Daddy Cecil said:
Hey czo, can you give me the .craft file for the AMU 1.0/2.0? I've been having trouble making an AMU design that can successfully land and lift off with a Kethane cargo.

Hmm, actually I can - I will post them on spaceport some time soon.

  Cooly568 said:
You nailed this chapter.

Definitely my favorite chapter so far.

You know what, it's probably my favourite too :)

  Henry01 said:
Perfect music for the atmosphere effect! (No pun intended) Keep it up! Your a huge inspiration, and I started my own AAR because of you.

Thank you and good luck with your own AAR - writing is fun, folks! :)

  Cooly568 said:
Edit: Do you ever plan on releasing the ship file for "Proteus"?
  The Error said:
The list of mods for Proteus will be longer than the full story! :P

Great chapter - and why is Rozer suddenly that creepy maybe cultist with a fascination for diving through atmospheres at high speed?

Also, how much will the heatshield ablate when they return to Kerbin (if they do)?

"Proteus" was designed in 0.18, built in 0.19 and than ported (manually in case of some mods) to 0.20.2. I'm not sure whether posting its craft file now would be a good idea since virtually nobody will be able to use it :> With AMU it's easier finding all the mods 'cause they have less than 35 parts - "Proteus" on the other hands together with LAMGMLs has more than 170 parts and 99% of them are from mods.

Creepy cultist? Think about it that way - it's like screaming "Smite us down, god of war!" while aerobraking in Mars atmosphere. So not really cultism. But is it normal behavior? Well, let's just say that after so many months in space most of the crew members could use... a professional help :P

Heatshield issue will be adressed in the next chapter - for some reason crew is also interested in its condition.

  Dynamo said:
Sheesh. Has the crew list been updated? I think the casualty rate is up to 50%! Poor Harsen....

I'm surprised engineers didn't make the systems on the Proteus adequate for rough aerobraking like that. 2 LAGML's and the hab module suffered damage. Was it just an abnormal entry procedure? Either way, losing that much of the ablation paneling will severly endanger the crew. If BERTY decides to take them home, there may be a close call will the shielding, or worse, a failure. Somehow i think Jeb won't allow for a repeat of Kadmos, however.

I am wondering why BERTY wanted Jeb on the bridge, however. Either BERTY is hiding a weakness, or he's further manipulating crew morale by coercing Jeb to be on station. Also, excellent job framing Rozer as an ironic ally - Jeb is strained to have the ice cold sadist around again, but he knows he needs him to survive.

Yup, it was - here, take a look:


Well, if you read the last chapter carefully you can see that there was an anomaly in atmospheric pressure shortly before problems with vibrations. Besides, things rarely go exactly as planned in this story :P There will be more info about heatshield's condition in the next chapter.

About Jeb and Rozer on the bridge - thanks and for obvious reasons I can't say what BERTY is really doing :>

  M.Wolfy said:
Rozor and jeb look happy through the entire aerobraking...

something was totally not going to go wrong... wait... :(

Did anything ever go wro - err... yeah, well. :)

  SpaceSphereOfDeath said:
Wow, the music adds a whole new effect when you're reading.

Great story! Can't wait for the next chapter

Thx! Soundtrack of "Gravity" is great - go see the movie, guys!

  Svenie45 said:
Funky XD!

Realy god story! Meaby you shud make an comic!

Unfortunantely, I don't have any artistic abilities required to do fancy things like comics. Still, good idea.

  spink00 said:
Do you reread the story after writing it with the music on? Because it just so happened that the music got all intense-y as soon as the aerobraking started.

I know :cool:

  spink00 said:
also, is this intentional:

Nope, it's just a silly mistake with copy-paste. My bad.

  silentdragon said:
Wow, what a chapter... I wonder what they will find on Laythe, because it must be pretty important if BERTY thinks that kerbality would come to harm if they don't go there, I mean, so they will discover good things... OR WILL THEY?

Oh, it's definitely important... or is it?

:dum dum dum: !

  b0bby said:
very good chapter, as always CZO..

can't wait for the next one!

As a matter of fact, I'm writing the next one in this very moment (well, not now-now but you know what I mean).

Extra bonus: unused images for the last chapter (not in any particular order). There are more of them of course but I won't flood the imgur more than it's necesarry:

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Edit: This question comes up frequently so here are some of the mods I use (there are more and some of them aren't supported since 0.18 or so):


Edited by czokletmuss
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  Daddy Cecil said:
Also is it just me or did all of the original Beta crew die? :(

EDIT: "GRAND TOUR PARTS" folder looks awfully suspicious...

No, Some of them are dead.


Edit: and shouldn't Harsen Be moved with Bob and (His brother?) Orsen?

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  czokletmuss said:

Extra bonus: unused images for the last chapter (not in any particular order). There are more of them of course but I won't flood the imgur more than it's necesarry:

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the 15th picture from the album is my new desktop background. thanks :)

oh, and it's also good to see you're a strategic game player too :)

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  b0bby said:
the 15th picture from the album is my new desktop background. thanks :)

oh, and it's also good to see you're a strategic game player too :)

You're welcome :)

Oh, about that - this is just after terrible defeat in a war against Ottomans and Russia (250k troops against my 100k) in which I've lost gold, army, terittory, prestige and honor. I still have to figure out way of rebuilding and surviving after this :P

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  czokletmuss said:
You're welcome :)

Oh, about that - this is just after terrible defeat in a war against Ottomans and Russia (250k troops against my 100k) in which I've lost gold, army, terittory, prestige and honor. I still have to figure out way of rebuilding and surviving after this :P

Strategy? Axis, and allies, command and conquer, warcraft? things like that are my domain. btw, great writing, I am one of those people who read constantly, so I know a good story when I see one.

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SID: What do you mean “no funeral�!

ROZER: We don't have time, professor. The encounter with Laythe will-

SID: No time? He was one of us and now he's dead!

ROZER: Yes, he was. But he may wait – there are other priorities.

SID: Wait?! You piece of-

DANREY: Don't, Sid! You'll have plenty of time for this later.

ROZER: Ah, voice of reason. You should listen to him.

SID: You're not – let me go, Dan! - you're not the one who's giving the orders here!

ROZER: It's not my order but it's the order nonetheless.

SID: Frak you both.

DANREY: Hey, where are you going? Sid!

ROZER: I look forward to our cooperation, professor!



BERTY v.2.0.8b: …damaged beyond repair. The lazor navigational system is thus considered not operational. There are no contraindications for either LAMGML “Alfa†or LAMGML “Beta†to be used as planned if the communication with “Proteus†will be sustained, therefore enabling me to perform some of the on-board flight computer's tasks.

JEB: And the heatshield?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It is estimated that the 35,43% of ablative material is still left. The percentage needed for the aerobraking in Kerbin's atmosphere after transfer from Jool is estimated to be equal to 25% including safety margin, which means there are no objections to another aerobraking. However before executing this manouver visual inspection of the heatshield is advised.

JEB: Can we do this now?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. We're traveling dangerously close to the inner radiation belt, which for the time being makes any extravehicular activity impossible. Sensors indicate lethal level of radiation which can cause acute radiation syndrome after several minutes of exposure.

ROZER: So the sensors are working. Good to know.


ROZER: Oh, don't look at me like that, Jeb. Have a little patience, won't you? In several hours we'll part our ways for a long time, so it's really the last time we can speak. Don't you want to make use of it?

JEB: …

ROZER: Fine. Just remember one thing, Jeb – the mission is the top priority not only for him, but also for me. We were unable to figure out a way to disable him, so it's about time we start doing our job. And this job is to make sure the mission will be accomplished. Am I right?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. Your motivation and focus on the mission has always been exceptional, captain Rozer.

ROZER: I guess there is something we both have in common than.

JEB: Beside not behaving like a living being?

ROZER: Trying to be hurtful? It doesn't matter. I suggest you start following orders to the letter, Jeb – by now you should realize that he is not as forgiving as I am. We wanted to create the perfect guardian of the mission who will protect it with passion and we've succeeded.

JEB: You're calling the result of malfunction perfect?

ROZER: But isn't he? He's logic is, unfortunately, flawless – we can be the only ones to be blamed for not realizing what we're demanding from him.

JEB: …

ROZER: Old and soft. You've never had the guts to do what's necessary. Show us the detailed mission plan.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes.


ROZER: Now listen carefully – it'll take several weeks at best before we may be able to proceed to the classified activities. I want you to understand that I won't-

JEB: Wait – you don't know what these activities are?

ROZER: Don't be stupid.

JEB: Than how come you-

ROZER: Of course I don't know.

JEB: You don't know?

ROZER: Are honestly thinking they told me everything about this mission? When we left Kerbin I knew precisely what are we going to, every task and goal, until transfer burn from Duna. Apparently there is something at least equally important here in the vicinity of Jool and the only one who know what this is beside mission control was director Bob.

JEB: Bob…

ROZER: Yes, your “friendâ€Â. He and the machine are the only one with full knowledge of what we're really up to. One can only speculate what data may be worth going through so much trouble to keep everyone in the dark. If this is it what I'm thinking it is, than the reasons of such rigid approach are completely understandable.

JEB: This is wrong.

ROZER: Your narrow-minded and ill-conceived ethical approach to this issue only confirms that this was the right way. Wrong, you say? Even back on Kerbin there are things which would cause exceptionally grave damage to national security if made publicly available – and you think we should give you all unlimited access to something much more important than this?

JEB: “We�

ROZER: You're getting on my nerves, Jeb. Don't forget that you are not considered one of the mission critical personnel.

JEB: And you're BERTY's minion, I suppos- ugh!

ROZER: Say it again and I won't punch you - I'll brake you the other leg. My loyalty lies with the mission only.

JEB: But you do follow his orders, don't you?

ROZER: Don't you? We have the same orders, he and me. But he has the upper hand now – and the thing about pointless resistance is that it is in fact pointless. You should've learned this by now.

JEB: Ugh!

ROZER: And here's the last lesson for you, Jeb. In the face of the Universe, people are expendable. Insignificant. If we want to survive and grow in the indifferent world, we must learn its secrets. No matter what.




DANREY: We'll be there soon.

SID: I know.

DANREY: Are you thinking about “Kadmos†again?

SID: The last time I was so close to Laythe… well, I just hope nothing like this will happen.

DANREY: It won't.

SID: Why are you trying to cheer me up anyways? You are the one who was concerned about radiation.

DANREY: Well, we will be pretty close to the Van Kallen belts.

SID: We will be close because we will be between them, Dan. Do I need to explain this again? Look at the screen – this are the radiation belts of Laythe.


SID: The average amount of radiation above Laythe is more or less 1500 mSv per hour. But our orbit insertion burn is going to put is just in between the belts, thus reducing the exposure. When you add the LAMGML radiation shield, shielding from supplies and equipment and so on it doesn't look that bad, really. Plus we won't be there for long and after rendez-vous we will be on relatively safe polar orbit.

DANREY: Safe? Exposed to Jool's radiation?

SID: It's better than entering the Van Kallen belts filled with trapped charged particles.

DANREY: But you just said that we're be good between the belts.

SID: The problem is their density and shape changes in response to interactions with Jool's magnetosphere and other moons. It's a very complex system – we've chosen the best path there is.

DANREY: :sigh:

SID: It'll be fine, really. As long as we don't need to perform EVA we'll be fine.

DANREY: I just hope that BERTY's calculations are correct.

SID: Come on, Dan – they are always correct.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Attention. “Proteus†has entered Laythe's sphere of influence.

SID: Speaking about the devil.

DANREY: Crap! I better check everything once again – we don't have much time.

SID: Relax, Dan. We have enough.




BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems operational. LAMGML “Alfa†ready to undocking. Awaiting confirmation, commander.


JEB: …

DANREY: Ahem. We're ready to go, commander.

JEB: Hmm? Yes, you're go for separation.

DANREY: Copy that.


DANREY: Separation confirmed, everything's looking fine. What's the time, BERTY?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in T minus 19 minutes and 15 seconds.


DANREY: Requesting permission to leave the vicinity of the “Proteusâ€Â.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems nominal. Navigational data transfer to LAMGML optimal.

JEB: Permission granted.

DANREY: Roger.



SID: And here we go.

DANREY: :sigh: Orbit insertion burn in 19 minutes and 5 seconds.

SID: Waiting is always the worst part of spaceflight, if you ask me.

ROZER: At least you can admire the view, professor.



BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in 10 seconds.

DANREY: Everybody ready?

SID: Sure.

ROZER: Just do your job, lieutenant.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in five, four, three, two, one. Ignition.




BERTY v.2.0.8b: Engine cutoff in five, four, three, two, one. Orbit insertion burn completed. Circular orbit achieved.

SID: Radiation?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Radiation level within safety limit.

DANREY: Phew! Now let's just hope that there won't be any problems with rendez-vous.

SID: I think the worst – like engine failure and being slingshot by Jool Kod knows where - is already behind us.

DANREY: Yeah, you're probably right.

ROZER: I suggest you both stop wasting oxium and try to use this time to sleep. There's a lot of work ahead of us.

SID: Sleep? In orbit above Laythe?

ROZER: Or meditate, I don't care – just be quiet and ready to work when the time comes.

DANREY: It's going to be a lovely week…



BERTY v.2.0.8b: Initiating Laythe Sat orbit insertion protocol.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Laythe Sat detached. Checking all systems.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems nominal. Awaiting for the scheduled orbit insertion burn window.



BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing orbit insertion burn.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn completed. Laythe Sat in orbit.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Initiating LAMGML “Beta†repositioning.




BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML “Beta†repositioning completed. Leaving Laythe's sphere of influence in 14 minutes and 54 seconds.







Edited by czokletmuss
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