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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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I'm afraid I have no other choice than to sue you :P

well you may turn into a very rich person then... Who me? Nope! I haven't swiped any pictures.. No sir, no way. (YOINK!)

What was that you say? Nothing! Nothing!

(makes vague passes with his hands) These are not the droids... Umm... Pictures you are looking for.


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i love reading those stories and that czo responds to readers, at this point i think i thik i would ask what the heck does LAMGLM (that lander thing ) stands for, i call it a lander in my mentality :D

EDIT: also I imagine a spacy space(*actual lol*)craft or round shielded meeting rooms, with coridors and stuff, but in photos and reality it is only small cranked cockipts and hab modules with little space to turn around

Edited by oggylt
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Low And Medium Gravity Modular Lander

Makes me think czo has military experience, what with the unnecessarily long and complicated acronyms :cool:

whether or not czo has military experience or not... these are Kerbals!!! everything must be long and complicated

side note: gearing my Kerbals up for my first attempt of a Grand Tour since .22 if all goes well, they will be meeting up with resupplies and upgraded systems once they get to Duna, then more upgrades should meet them at Jool

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DANREY: Sid? I asked you a question.

SID: Hmm? What is it?

DANREY: Are you feeling okay? There's not that much time left before the Payload C arrives and you haven't sleep at all.

SID: So what?

DANREY: We're going to have a lot of work today, Sid. You have to be ready for it.

SID: I am, Dan, I am.

DANREY: Are you? You're glued to this window since we've arrived here, that is precisely, let me see… 22 hours and 20 minutes. That's a long time, Sid.

SID: And that surprises you?

DANREY: Not really, but you need to be focused – there'll be plenty of time for this later.

SID: I'm not taking pretty pictures for postcards, Dan – I'm observing the only mun in the system with atmosphere. I know we have more time scheduled for this later but we won't stay here forever – our time is limited and I want to do as much as I can. Who knows when the next mission arrives here, if any?

DANREY: I get it, I really do, but, well…

SID: Well what?

DANREY: Okay, I didn't think I would ever say this, but you should take example from Rozer.

SID: Dan...

DANREY: At least take a nap. It won't be long before-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Final orbit achieved. Payload C ready for the rendez-vous.

DANREY: Copy that. See? I told you.

SID: You clearly don't understand what are the priorities for a scientist, Dan.

DANREY: Okay, okay. Could you wake him up? I want us to-

ROZER: How much time before the orbital plane change?

DANREY: Oh. Err, thirty minutes, more or less.

ROZER: Wake me up before the burn.

SID: I don't understand how can you sleep when we're so-

ROZER: Our priorities are apparently different, professor.

SID: I guess they are…

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbital plane change calculations completed.

DANREY: Good. Sid?

SID: What again?

DANREY: Take a nap. Please.

SID: Is this an order?

DANREY: Come on. Just-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Even short amount of sleep can be very rejuvenating. It's known that it can also reduce stress and blood pressure, therefore it's advised for all crew members before any longer activity.

DANREY: Yeah, what he said.

SID: :sigh: Okay, okay, fine, I'll try to take a nap.

DANREY: I'm glad to hear this.

SID: Sleeping in orbit above Laythe, on the first day. I mean, it's just…

DANREY: Don't worry, Sid. It's not like the mun is going anywhere.




BERTY v.2.0.8b: Circularization burn completed. Calculating next maneuver.

DANREY: Great, thanks BERTY.

SID: Okay, I have to ask since this is really bothering me – would we be able to manually complete rendez-vous without BERTY's assistance?

DANREY: Well, yeah but not with enough accuracy probably. Why?

SID: Just asking.

DANREY: After our lazor system was damaged during aerobraking this is the safest way. Even small mistake could send us right through the Van Kerballen belts and then-

ROZER: Loss of crew. Or worse.

SID: How come it could be worse than this?

ROZER: Loss of the LAMGML means that there will be only one lander left. Which means much smaller accepted risk for further flights. Which means less data gathered and in case of any problems, the second LAMGML is all we have left.

SID: But that's why we have two of them, right? Redundancy.

ROZER: With one lander we can't take any chance if we want to complete the mission.

SID: What do you mean?

ROZER: If we or anyone else get himself stranded, the rescue mission would be very... debatable.

DANREY: You're not saying that-

ROZER: This is exactly what I'm saying. I would advise against any reckless actions in such case.

SID: Good think you're not giving orders anymore - Jeb would never even think about leaving one of us behind!

ROZER: Yes, we're really lucky that he's in charge, aren't we?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Calculations completed. Next maneuver scheduled in 1 hour and 8 minutes.





BERTY v.2.0.8b: Closest approach in 5 minutes.

DANREY: Copy that, BERTY.

ROZER: We should check the external camera before executing braking burn.


ROZER: In case anything happens. You don't want to fly blind.

DANREY: I'm not-

ROZER: Literally speaking.

SID: I'll check it.


SID: Cam is working just fine. We're good.

DANREY: Thanks. You see, nothing to worry about.

ROZER: We'll see about it.

SID: Thank you for this optimistic assessment of our situation.

ROZER: You're welcome.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 60 seconds.

SID: Dan, are you, uhm, sweating?


ROZER: You should try to stay calm, lieutenant.

SID: Exactly. BERTY will be doing all the work, you probably won't be even needed until all what's left is the docking itself.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 30 seconds.

SID: Just relax, you've been doing it hundreds of times.

DANREY: In a simulator.

SID: Well yeah, but it's just like docking to “Proteusâ€Â, isn't it?

ROZER: If the possibility of being stranded here and exposed to a deadly level of radiation unnerves you, well, it shouldn't.

SID: That's right. All-

ROZER: We would run out of oxium first.

SID: What the hell?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 15 seconds.

ROZER: We're in a very dangerous environment. He should stay focused.

SID: Well, it's not helping at all!

ROZER: Fear is usually a very good motivation.

SID: Are you seriously-

DANREY: I would really appreciate if both of you just shut the hell up for a second!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 5 seconds. Four. Three. Two. One.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Braking burn completed. Radiation level within safety limit. Switching to manual control.


SID: Phew.

DANREY: Kod damn it...

SID: You see? Everything is A-okay.

DANREY: Yeah. I'm sorry I freaked out a little-

ROZER: A little.

DANREY: -it's just that too many thing have gone wrong already.

SID: Don't worry, Dan. We're here – now we only have to dock LAMGML to the Payload C.

DANREY: Right. Err, could you give me a visual on it? I want to be sure everything is fine before we attempt docking.

ROZER: “Attemptâ€Â, lieutenant? May I remind you that we don't have enough fuel to meet with “Proteusâ€Â. We're going to dock or we're going to d-

SID: For the love of Kod, could you stop it already? Why are you mocking him?

ROZER: I'm reminding him of-

DANREY: Enough! Give me the fraking visual.

ROZER: As you wish. Lieutenant.


SID: Hmm. I don't see it…


DANREY: Are you sure? It should be just-

SID: Wait, it's here!

DANREY: Can you see whether it's damaged or not?

SID: I can't tell, it's too far away. Take us closer, Dan.

DANREY: Okay. RCS online, SAS on. :sigh: Here we go.


SID: Hmm.

DANREY: What is it?

SID: Solar panels seem to be alright. Both probes are visible, the CHM appears to be undamaged as well…

ROZER: The lander?

SID: I can't see it very well, we need to get clos – frak!

DANREY: Something's wrong with the lander?

SID: We're coming from the engine's side!


ROZER: BERTY, radiation level?

DANREY: Prepare for the emergency burn!

SID: Holy crap, I can see the nozzle!


DANREY: Engines in stand-by!


SID: What's the dosage!?

DANREY: Screw it, we won't wait, I'm-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Radiation level within safety limit.

DANREY: Frak me!

SID: Holy.... thank Kod!


DANREY: I'm taking us out of here.


ROZER: Are you sure that the radiation level is nominal?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes.

ROZER: Cause?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Reactor may be idle.

SID: Crap, this could be problematic.

DANREY: But we can continue the docking, right?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. However, it's advised to move the LAMGML to the shadow shield protected cone immediately.

DANREY: Copy that.

SID: Kod, we're really lucky it's idle.

ROZER: It didn't have to be. And you fraked this up, Danrey. You know what they always tell during the training, always-

DANREY: Always stay behind the shadow shield – I know!

ROZER: It's not some rookie mistake – you could've killed us all, you idiot.

DANREY: I'm sorry, okay?!

SID: Hey, calm down! What happened happened, okay? We're all right and so is the Payload, we didn't even backscatter anything on the equipment, so let's just focus on the docking.

ROZER: I agree. But we're going to talk about this as soon as dock, you hear me?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Establishing connection with the Payload C. Docking lights operational.


SID: Maybe if you didn't provoke him, he wouldn't have-

ROZER: He's a kerbonaut. He can't make mistakes.

SID: He's a kerbal being! We all make mistakes!

ROZER: Then maybe you shouldn't be here.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Warning. Cease of communication can occur in 60 secon###


BERTY v.2.0.8b: ###

DANREY: What now?

SID: It's nothing, they are probably on the other side of Vall now.

DANREY: :sigh:

SID: Let's just dock and get this over with, Dan. You don't need BERTY for that.

DANREY: Yeah. Commencing final approach.


SID: Nice and easy.

DANREY: Five meters. Four. Three. Two. One. Berthing mechani- what the hell?!

SID: We didn't dock?


DANREY: No, we didn't. Crap. Could it be mechanical failure?

ROZER: Unlikely. Probably a glitch.

DANREY: You mean the software?

SID: Caused by cosmic rays – it's possible. But we still have connection with the Payload, right?

DANREY: Yes. We'll dock to the CHM. Releasing the cap.


SID: But… we have to dock to the lander! We can't access it from the other side, the heatshield-

DANREY: So what should we do? Wait until we have contact with “Proteus� We're docking now.


SID: But…

ROZER: He's right. It would be unwise to stay in the LAMGML longer than necessary, CHM are much better protected from the radiation.

SID: It doesn't matter! If we can't dock to the lander, than if we're going to land the only option left will be-

ROZER: Spacewalk.


SID: …

DANREY: Two meters. Docking… securing connection.

SID: …

DANREY: Connection secured. We've docked. :sigh: Frak…






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Sorry it took so long - stuff in real life, you know how it is. And don't worry, I'll answer for all your posts sometime soon - BTW holy crap, six pages of comments between the last chapter and this update...

Woo! New chapter! Oh, and one of your images has been deleted. It does not exist right now.

Which one?

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So Bob knows what's up with the whole mission, er, well, he did know. That's convenient. So nobody knows what's going on?!?

Also, I sense another problem arising. "As long as we don't need to do an EVA we should be fine." Given the way mishaps crop up on this mission, someone's gonna get irradiated on EVA. I'm calling it now! :) (And is it bad I hope it's Rozer???)

Called it. :)

Good chapter as always. Man, Rozer ticks everyone off! So, I wonder who will have to go on EVA...

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BERTY v.2.0.8b: Closest approach in 5 minutes.

DANREY: Copy that, BERTY.

ROZER: We should check the external camera before executing braking burn.


ROZER: In case anything happens. You don't want to fly blind.

DANREY: I'm not-

ROZER: Literally speaking.

SID: I'll check it.


SID: Cam is working just fine. We're good.

DANREY: Thanks. You see, nothing to worry about.

ROZER: We'll see about it.

SID: Thank you for this optimistic assessment of our situation.

ROZER: You're welcome.


Which one?

That one. It doesn't work!

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