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Distance / Range Calculator

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I made an Excel spreadsheet that can calculate:

  • Distance between up to five different sets of coordinates on ALL celestial bodies you can land on in the Kerbol system.
    • Point 1 --> Point 2 --> Point 3 --> Point 4 --> Point 5
    • Kerbol and Jool not included, since you'll blow up if you hit the "surface."
    • Earth (IRL) included on there as a bonus, so you can calculate the distance between points on our world.
  • Estimated time to travel to said points given velocity in m/s.
  • Expected range for an aircraft given velocity and fuel consumption rate.
    • Includes how much of Kerbin's circumference you can expect to cover.
  • Distance traveled if you flew directly north from KSC, if you want a full range test.
  • Convert U.S. units (mph, ft altitude, miles distance) to metric (m/s, km altitude, km distance) and vice versa.
    • Comes in handy if you want to compare your replica's performance to their real-life counterpart's.


Below is the link to my calculator. Have fun:



The spoiler below contains a sneak peek on what it can do, if you're interested.



  • Sneak preview of the distance calculator worksheet.
    • Point 1 --> Point 2: KSC to some point in the ocean.
    • Point 2 --> Point 3: Aforementioned point in the ocean to Island Airfield.
    • Point 3 --> Point 4: Island Airfield to Rangefinder Mountains ~400 km north of the KSC.
  • Math already loaded in spreadsheet as a demonstration (and as practice).
    • Gray cells are yours to add numbers to.
      • Don't worry about positive or negative in the coordinates. That's already accounted for by clicking on N/S or E/W in the drop-down menus.
    • Change the planet or moon, and the radius and circumference - hence the distances and ETA - automatically change with it.




  • Sneak preview of the range calculator worksheet.
    • I started making this spreadsheet for my USAF Museum replica showcase, but it can be used on original airplane designs too.


As a bonus, this spreadsheet also includes the coordinates of known bases and Easter eggs.


This thing took me quite a long time to make. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments on it, feel free to reply to this thread. I would love to know how it worked out for its users, and I especially would love to know if there's a problem with it so I can fix it. Thank you.

Edited by Mars-Bound Hokie
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