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[WEB APP] Ribbon Generator [1.1.2] [ABANDONED]

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so im noticing with the ribbon generator it appears my bars are only slivers of the very tops of them when i post into my signature. and when i go through the forums i see others this way too but then some look ok...is this a known bug or did i do it wrong somehow?

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im in arkansas USA...yeah not so far it should matter,,,,i just reloaded it though and it came up but all black and graphilated lol...will see how it goes..thanks for the suggestions

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I like these ribbons and finally got round to doing mine. The only problem I have is I don't know which craft device to select half the time, since a lot apply most of the time.

Edited by Merinsan
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I`d like multiple icon selection for missions to be able to show that a base *and* a station *and* a multipart ship all made it to the same planet in some way. Maybe pips/dots across the top one for each type of ship to each planet?.

Might be nice to have a `colony` icon for permanent bases with some mimimum requirements to satisfy for a colony like minimum amount of craft and kerbals and base pods (maybe 3 base structures, 8 kerbals and 3 missions). I`d like to show that I have an industrial presence (mining) on a planet also.

Maybe there could be slightly different icons depending on the size/weight of the craft taken to a planet. One person may have a single person can and a docking port with a solar panel around duna and call it a station and someone else may have a 700 ton multi occupancy refuelling orbital factory but they have the same icon.

It`s always a little frustrating to not be able to show the range of ships taken to each planet and to be forced to just pick one.

The ribbons are an excellent addition to the forums and I would not be without mine. Thank you for making them.

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I like these ribbons and finally got round to doing mine. The only problem I have is I don't know which craft device to select half the time, since a lot apply most of the time.

pretty much the same here.

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The thing is, Mr. FX, most people don't care. I know that you want to show off, but we are already straining each other's interest in anyone's accomplishments but our own (which are, of course, awesome) with these ribbons.

Go with the thing(s) you're proudest of. If you must supply more detail, I recommend that you do so in a line of text underneath ("over 70 missions", or whatever). Maybe some will actually read it.

Edited by Commander Zoom
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I agree with commander Zoom. Plus, I would like to precise that I didn't make those ribbons, Unistrut did. He already discussed alot about this in the ribbon thread before the april crash.

If you really want to show multiple mission on a single ribbon, take out GIMP or any image editing software and edit your ribbon as you wish :)

Or you can suggest it on the ribbon thread again : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25188

Edited by Moustachauve
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CommanderZoom, that's just mean fella. Part of the reason people like KSP so much is that they DO have something to show for it. Unlike a generic accomplishment in something like Tomb Raider (which is fun for its own reasons), we all have our own accomplishments and even when similar, are generated in a highly unique way. One look at the rockets people build with even just stock parts tells quite the story to how diverse each person's perception of the game, and how they interact with it, is.

I really like the ribbons, and though I don't expect anyone ogles mine any more than I ogle theirs, I do notice. Of course, it's likely attractive to me in general because I maintain one.

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You just choose the one that means the most to you, or the one that you feel was the hardest to get...

for example I did a grand tour that is why all mine, except minmus are the multipart ship...

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Could I suggest two things for the .20 update of KSP:

1. Flag planted icon -- maybe to look as if its stuck in the orbit icon at ~45 degrees?

2. Spanner icon -- a. in black to show parts broken/damaged. & b. in gold to show parts repaired in EVA.

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Could I suggest two things for the .20 update of KSP:

1. Flag planted icon -- maybe to look as if its stuck in the orbit icon at ~45 degrees?

2. Spanner icon -- a. in black to show parts broken/damaged. & b. in gold to show parts repaired in EVA.

1. Great idea.

2. Not that relevant in the current version of the game. It's more about IF you got somewhere, not how parts broke on the journey to get there.

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