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FedX Requests


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I’ve been working on a company named FedX and is offering to send any of your craft ideas across the stock system and report upon it, just put in your requests In replies or whatnot but I got plenty of free time to accept your requestsVf08VKc.png

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Oddly enough, people used to get into knock-down, drag-out fights over their fictional KSP companies. Please do not try to charge for your services, employ other players, or compete with their companies, since things got so bad we had to ban that kind of "role playing." Outside of that, have fun with your project. :)

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On 10/30/2024 at 4:43 PM, Bobbejans said:

send mint ice-cream from minmus to the surface of laythe  

in a freezer.

maybe even with some frozen pizzas from the mission control 

Just read it, let gene know that we will fully utilize the DSN

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Okay yall, I’ve been a lil busy being human and less time as a kerbal, yalls package orders will be fulfilled by no later than Saturday. Sorry for the inconvenience tho, it is kraken season rn, also NO SUN PROBE, thank you!

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Bobbe jans, you ice cream has arrived, i will post photos in a bit, the craft used a experiment return unit and uses a nuclear upper stage, the crew section is a Kerbal X where bob had to put in the ice cream. 

Where were we at? oh yeah, Gene Kerman advised the craft to launch at night to reach the proper transfer window for a Mun-Minmus slingshot so the Kerbals at the KSC scrambled with their tools and snacks with some Kerbals forgetting to apply glue to a few parts but nonetheless the show must go on! the KSC filled with excitement pressed the big red button, thank goodness they didn't hit it twice, and the craft roared to the heavens with sonic booms following behind. the craft had to go on a very stee approach for if not the craft would most likely disintegrate. during the orbital insertion burn he second stage was too small however engineers said "its normal size" but the Kerbals in mission control dismiss this issue and fired the nuclear stage, best to say that the comm network wont be working a while, and the craft dipped in and out of the atmosphere due to the TWR of said stage. After a grueling 5 minutes the craft reached a 71-75km orbit of Kerbin. The KRT (Kerbal Research Telescope) noticed an error, an engineers nightmare, the solar panels were without glue and fell off during assembly... So a rescue mission must commence, so Jeb, Bill and Bob hurried to the launchpad eager to fly once again, they rendezvoused with the capsule or "space fridge" and Bill courageously took a leap of faith and applied 2 1x6 solar panels on opposites sides pf the nuclear tug stage. after assessing the Minmus transfer window and it being bad the Kerbals said "screw it" and fired the NERV nuclear engine anyways and burned to the icy rock. after a day and a bit more the Fridge arrived at an astounding 350 m/s and on the flick of a button and a press of a stopwatch the craft halted its speed in half in a small 10k-10km Minmus orbit. The next part of the plan commenced after with the Kerbal X which fixed the craft earlier will burn to the ice cream cover moon to grab samples and put it in the fridge to send off to Laythe. after a day worth of snacks apparently going missing Jeb, Bill and Bob arrive to the melting snow covered world and fired their engines to orbit then to land, anticipation filled the air at KSC as Jeb pilots the direct accent lander, 100, 50, 25 than 0.2 m/s and TOUCHDOWN! KX1 landed to scoop up ice cream. As Bob stumbles out of the craft Jeb wonders if there will be a time where there would be a good sequel, of which will never come. Bob brings out his ice cream scooper and pulls out some crystalized ice cream of which made Bob's mouth water, he shoved it in his back pocket and jumped onto the ladder where the rest of the crew is waiting of the Fridge to fly ahead. A few minutes go by and the crew gets the go ahead from the KSC and relights the engines which will toast and slices of bread. the crew rejoins with the Fridge once again and Bob shoots out the capsule whilst accidently activating his thruster and rams into the future ice cream bearing capsule to toss the ice cream into it and returns into the nice warm capsule where he recently flew out of. twenty three minutes later and the Fridge ignites its nuclear reaction powered engines again and propelled itself towards the green jewel of the Kerbol system to drop minty ice cream to Laythean residents. After three and a half minutes of thrust the craft gets onto a intercept course with the emerald of the night sky of which will be visited by ice cream which originated millions of kilometers away. A year goes by and the probe shoots past Laythe and fires its engine four thousand kilometers away from the Joolian clouds to get a better trajectory into Laythes atmosphere. Once the then flying comet whizzed into Laythe's atmosphere it decoupled itself from the rest of the craft and open its parachutes to slow it's decent where it could touch the ground at safe speeds. After one year and 65 days the ice cream has been delivered with minimal melting, we hope you are satisfied with the order and NO REFUNDS

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Update, aliquido will get to Duna in a couple days, I’m too busy being human

And quick thing, it may take a while for yalls packages cuz 

 also people who haven’t gotten their orders done will be main priority, thank yall!! (I don’t do drugs)

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