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[1.0.4] (2015-07-04) Telemachus – Telemetry and Flight Control in the Web Browser


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So, I'm going to take a guess and say that two argument API calls are broken (with websockets) because I am being a bad person and parsing my JSON with regular expressions, which is theoretically a bad idea.

I'll try to fix this issue later today.

Please let me know if you have any other issues :)

Back in the day I used to know a ton of programming stuff... today, I seem to know only a smidgen of relevant stuff. I keep having to look up stuff because of the holes in my memory. I think I should rename myself to Samuel Beckett lol.

I do know that without Rich's excellent stuff that I would be still at stage one of my KSP hardware project.

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Back in the day I used to know a ton of programming stuff... today, I seem to know only a smidgen of relevant stuff. I keep having to look up stuff because of the holes in my memory. I think I should rename myself to Samuel Beckett lol.

I do know that without Rich's excellent stuff that I would be still at stage one of my KSP hardware project.

I know this feeling very well!

What it felt like to know VB6 inside-out:


"Behold my godlike powers!"

and after .NET was released:


"Uhh... What?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
We can control a rover with Telemachus ?

And about the cameras, is it possible to have a little screen like 320×200 at 4 fps to simulate a poor quality cam and take less bandwidth when using camera stream

This would be awesome for the camera when you do get round to them as it telemachus is one of the only real mods where electrical power is needed and the choice of fps and resolution in order to keep down electric usage is a good one. it will add a real sense of a real mission. e.g when appolo 13 shut down basicly everything to keep little electrical power.

also wondering if there's away of adding time delay. maybe not the devs but me personally.

(Maybe create a video's recording* stream it to another computer and play it a couple of mins out of sync. so technically telemachus support wouldn't be used)

*If any one knows a file format of program which can stream a video's while it's created it would be greatly appreciated.

Keep up the awesome work. you should be getting paid for this work. :)

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If you're looking for something to play streaming videos, perhaps VLC Media Player?

ive tried that doesnt like it especialy with dxtory however i found a work around in the form of twitch i think ill soon do a write up on my ultra real duna mission i've got two other guys joining me in. if i get round to it ill post it here.

this probobly wont be for a while im currently doing exam (GCSE's) i find it ironic that im doing an exam on basic physics yet im home im capably using equations like this:



P.S. sorry if off topic ill behave now

Edited by PeterM117
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  • 2 weeks later...
hey rich, how come i cant use the dpad or touchball to change pitch roll or yaw while sas is enabled?! something broke?!

Did anyone ever figure this out? I'm running Telemachus (via Curseforge) with KSP on Mac OS X (10.9.3) 64bit. Anytime I have SAS enabled, the values set via the HTTP API are seemingly ignored. The gauges in the bottom right equalize as if there is no input once SAS stabilizes the craft. I can provide the logs if those will help.

Absolutely loving the API, can't wait to try some things out!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Rich,

Would it be possible to have standalone versions of the graphs shown on the 3 graph console so they can be embeded individually?

I would love to place those incredible graphs around an embeded stream feed to supply viewers with telemetry in a non-intrusive way.

Kind Regards.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can I ask if anyone else has had this problem? I'd really like to use Telemachus for this project; I think it's a better solution for me than using something like KSPSerialIO, because I'd prefer the mod that liberates the data from KSP not be Arduino-specific. My prototype hardware mod has an LED bar-graph for total fuel, and a second that I'd like to use for the current stage fuel, but I haven't been able to get that second value from Telemachus; I'm not getting an HTTP 500 response, just always 0 for current resources.

Has there been any info on this one? I'm only getting a 0 in response to the query. I've tried with only one stage, or 3 stages. This is the code i'm using in Python:

import urllib.request
import json
response = urllib.request.urlopen('[LiquidFuel]')
str_response = response.readall().decode('utf-8')
obj = json.loads(str_response)
print (obj)

The altitude is returned properly, just no resource.

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I'm working on a hardware cockpit for kerballing... and discovering Telemachus today just saved me weeks of trying to learn to program in C# and figure out how to find my way around KSP and Mechjeb!

I dug out the TI Connected Launchpad board that I bought when they came out, played with the demo app, and then put on the 'someday' shelf and told it that it's day has come.... and an hour later I had the two physical buttons on the launchpad commanding mechjeb to dance back and forth between prograde and retrograde!

Along with the built-in ethernet support, the launchpad has over 60 GPIO pins, and with an impressive list of pwm, i2c, uart, and usb functionality - all for $20.00! And it can be programmed with Energia, which makes it accessible to anyone who's tinkered with arduino. And, because it's communicating with the simulator via network, there's no reason you couldn't expand it and have more than one... if you REALLY needed more than io (and didn't want to use an io expander). I think it's going to be perfect for getting myself a cockpit full of buttons switches and blinky lights.... and I'll of course share as I go.

All that said - I've got a question for those who know more about Telemachus than I do... is there somewhere that documents the maximum and minimum value for all of the settable parameters? (other than the boolean ones... I think I can handle those! :P) The API lists them... but I haven't found the range of values yet. I suppose it's the same range as what the query's report... so I'll just spend some time watching the values change and see if I can figure out what sorts of values it expects sent back... but I wanted to ask in case it's all written down somewhere I just haven't looked yet!

And... one quick (and then one probably slow) feature request... Is there any chance Telemachus could get a mj.killrot api command to activate kill-rotate?

And the (probably) slower one... I wish there was a way to query the mechjeb mode... or at least keep track of the last command that Telemachus sent to it... that way you could use lighted buttons that would show you what autopilot mode you currently had selected. This would be especially handy since the on-screen A.S.S. window just says "Auto" when it's responding to a Telemachus command. If that's overly tough... would it be substantially easier to query mechjeb to find out if ANY autopilot control is currently active, so you could activate a light that told you that mechjeb was controlling the ship, so you knew to press the 'off' button if you wanted it to let go?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok i give up...i cant seem to connect to the telemachus via my phone. Its all peachy when the phone is connected with the wifi though. I punch in the external ip with the forwarded port from the telemachus running on the pc, but to no avail. Any pointers why that would be?

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I am not actively working on Telemachus due to time restrictions. The licence allows Telemachus to be forked and redistributed as long as you ask me for permission. Though to be honest anyone wanting to build an API based on the concepts in Telemachus would be better off starting from scratch, as the KSP API has changed so much.

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