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Post your Rover MEGATHREAD


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  Voculus said:
Dom, I love that wheel design. :) Actually, I love the whole rover.


Who have guessed this probe rover (#1) can float... but it was supposed to land on Kerbin's north pole, anyway SDVP has second prove rover ready to detach on south pole ;)



Second probe rover (#2) detached from SDVP (space delivery vehicle probe) and landed on Kerbin's south pole


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Not sure it counts as a rover, but it makes a great Mün sled. :P



and being tested on Kerbin.


It was supposed to be a rocket sled to break the sound barrier on land.

Edited by Robotengineer
Accidentally uploaded a pic twice. new to this pic posting thing.
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I'll say it again.....I'll never use a rover without active RCS suspension:) This little guy endured a 37km trip from the southwest crater to the Mun midlands (double science!!) and was able to link up with an old rescue skiff. Can't wait to see the top speed this thing can get on Duna flatland!




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R-1: This is a medium rover with a two man crew. It can hit 22.5 m/s. Its low profile prevents it from flipping over at high speed, but it can still do so if you aren't careful. It can easily carry mission specific equipment on its upper frontal and rear plates, you can also cram things into the front. Most important systems are armor plated. The crew sit laying backwards on sponsons. It is highly unlikely that the crew will be killed if the rover flips, but possible.

.craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qw0h00rcg8fbezj/R-1.craft

R-2: This is a light rover with a two man crew. It can hit only 9.4m/s, but it is extremely light. Really, its too light and slow to damage itself or its crew. You can probably mount mission specific equipment on the edge of the battery.

.craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vt5mry33g6p8r4w/R-2.craft

R-3: This is a heavy rover with a four man crew. It can hit 21.5m/s. Despite being a "heavy" rover, it only weighs 2.7 tons so shouldn't be too hard to transport. Both the crew and important components are armored, so it is likely to survive any crashes. It has a massive amount of area to mount mission specific equipment.

.craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8hh54hpgax6uhlb/R-3.craft

Thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77895-R-Rover-Series

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  Othuyeg said:
Does anyone else like making their rovers doublesided so they can be driven "on their roof" aswell?

I made one with infernal robotics that could roll itself over if it flipped, but that's as close as I've come.

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Sojourner 1 model rover. If all goes well this little guy (and maybe a second one) will be my first rover on Duna. It's shown here packed and ready for the fairings to be added. The whole thing is designed to work like Curiosity minus the skycrane maneuver, the descent rockets will instead take it all the way down and then fly away on touchdown. The main reasons for this are to keep down complexity and because while I do have KAS I don't have any experience using it, let alone for something that wild.

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Is it a bird?


Is it a train?


It's Steath Rover!

Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na Stealth Rover!


(omnomnom memorial)

Carries two operatives, and allows concealed observation of your suroundings!



No one will ever know!


However, it is recommended that the Stealth Rover is piloted in such a way that a minimum of three of the four wheel pairs remain on the structure.


Detachment of wheel pairs may result in loss of functionality.


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  Overfloater said:

I have never really put any effort into making rovers... until now xD

Here's my Astro-Jeep:


On Mun and Minmus:


Download Astro-Jeep

I seriously just (removed) my pants. That's amazing

Edited by Rainbowtrout
Let's keep language out, ok?
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Here's an album of what I consider to be my best rover so far. Never tested it beyond Kerbin, but I really should. Heck, it was made in the previous update, now I could add a claw to it and make it a Munbase tug!

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I mention that Kerbals go crazy in the bonnet, and here's an example of that:




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