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Post your Rover MEGATHREAD


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I like the prow (front end) design on that. Looks like some sort of APC, view-slit and all.

Thanks, take a closer look and peek at the custom 'engine' I stuck inside ;) heres the craft file download. http://www.4shared.com/zip/iqOSKF4c/Kerbal_Transport_Unit.html I will be starting a thread to show my custom engines and rovers when I have a few more put together :D

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I guess I should post my rover.

Here was the First Rover I made


I quickly learned how hard it is to brake in low gravity (Hitting this angle was like hitting a wall)


Here is more or less the Second Rover I made, learning curve is for other people.



Then, I learned with my first braking why you should have a low center of gravity. And consequently made my Third Rover

At the time I hadn't figured out yet how to make a curving ladder so my Kerbun can access the central module under heavy gravity.


I also landed it on the mun, but forgot to take a screenshot.


Learning about gravity and seeking redundancy, I made a new 6 wheeled mobile base.


I landed it differently than the last one, and it took me quite a while to succeed.



I crashed enough of them at the same place to create a sea of wreck and desolation.

Picture of the crash here.

And some here.

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Well im up, all STOCK Parts:sealed:

This was my first rover that I took to the Mun, classic.. nothing big.


My boogie that I worked for hours with!

Name: Jeb's boogie

Max speed: 24.8 m/s - Kerbin

Rec speed: >20 m/s - Kerbin, turns over.

Weight: 3,2 ton

Center of mass: 100% center

Kerbins: 2xExternal command seat

1x OKTO2 prob under it for unmanned driving (I like to remove this before I take it out in space)

4xPB-NUK Generators and 4x Rechargable battery's. (Will never go out of power)



I can't understand why the wheels are turn in different directions.. feels like I tryed everything to have them the same direction. Drives OK though

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After an unsuccessful mission to land this thing in the münar canyon, I decided for a more forgiving terrain.

It's great, holds 8k kethane, 1 drill and two KAS nodes. It's a headache to launch though.



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A premature end to test driving a new Mun-buggy.

(I was watching if the front was too low to the ground and would possibly hit obstacles. I wasn't paying attention to the runway lights.)

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My first post on the forums!:0.0:

I've made rovers before, but I always felt they were too large for the simple task of exploration. So, I created this little monster that, for lack of any creativity, I call the MRV-1 or Micro Recon Vehicle.



It comes in at a whopping 0.34t with 10 parts(9 without MechJeb) and can run indefinitely thanks to the RTG tucked away inside the core. The wheels being canted helps lower the center of mass while providing a slightly larger wheelbase for increased stability. Due to the extremely light weight of the rover, a quick press of Q/E can get all four wheels back on the ground if it begins to roll during a sharp turn.

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The Micro Recon Vehicle: MRV-1

I Like It. - I printed the picture of it to recreate the rover.

It looks lite it would be easy to mount to the side of a lander and then deploy.

Good name for it :-)

BJ Quest

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it is in the testing phase on kerbin however one is in route* to the mun

*-without the trailers

i will post it in the exchange tread so ur free to download & modify it :)- p.s. can some one tell me how to post the.craft file?? thanks :)

Pop it in a zip file and upload it somewhere like Dropbox or http://kerbalspaceprogram.com, and post some pics with a link in the Exchange forum. :)

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My mobile command station:

-Top speed ~20m/s (only on flat terrain like lake beds or maria, avoid sharp turns)

-Recommended speed 12m/s


-Has all scientific equipment.

-Transports 3 kerbals. (4 counting driver)

-All electric, powered indefinitely by RTG's.

-QBE (probe core) for 'remote' control if ever needed or separated from driver.

-Until they add parking brakes, landing gear to keep it from rolling away.

-2 parachutes for atmos landings

Kerbonauts, roll out!




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The Micro-Bug:

10 parts without the fuel drop attached :-)


With Fuel Attachment parts. Add MechJeb (some time soon) and it can be dropped at any coordinate.


The blue decouple ring slides off with a little acceleration/breaking. I Like it :-) BJ Quest

Smaller Yet - "The Flea" 7 part count :-)


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The Flea
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go to wiki page for ksp and look up how to make a mod , in there you will see how to make a texture , you can also edit existing textures. on these parts its all photoshop :) i couldn't get the code for texturing to work (look at the wiki page :)

I shall head to the Wikis then!! Thanks :D

Edit: Wait, does it not work with GIMP? because from looking at mods it seems that I want to edit the Model000 files, but I don't have any program to do that in...

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