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Picking up items with a helicopter

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Recently I have been creating a few variations on helicopters.  I’ve been wanting to do a capsule retrieval mission using it but am having trouble find a solution to grab the capsule either on land or on water with the helicopter.

I’ve tried the claw to no avail as my approach speed is too slow for it to grab the capsule.  If I come in at a higher speed, explosions ensue. 

I have even restored to trying KAS, but have only had partial success as it requires me to land and attach a cable.  If I switch to another craft and then switch back, the capsule I attached to “magically “ disappears.  

l’m looking for suggestions.  I would prefer to keep it stock, however I am not beyond installing a mod.  Is there something out there that has a hook and loop systems of some sort that is somewhat ridged?

Any idea, suggestions welcomed…thanks!

Edited by ItchyBrother
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2 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

Does the target have a docking port?

If not you could use EVA construction to attach a docking port to the target. But you'll need to add extra storage and kerbals to your heli.

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if you want to hover over the target and drop a cable and grab it, i think ksp is not adequate. when you grab something with the claw or dock with a port, the game has to create a new ship. if half the new ship is moving in the air, an explosion is almost guaranteed.

i believe landing and attacking something while landed is the only practical solution

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On 11/22/2024 at 12:58 PM, Vanamonde said:

Does the target have a docking port? You could dangle another one near it and their magnetism would help make the link. 

I've tried that, but atlas, trying to hover over an object and get a precise connection has proved impossible for me.  I have even turned up the attraction force with no luck.

21 hours ago, Batavia said:

If not you could use EVA construction to attach a docking port to the target. But you'll need to add extra storage and kerbals to your heli.

That would require to land... but it may be the only solution

7 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

if you want to hover over the target and drop a cable and grab it, i think ksp is not adequate. ..... if half the new ship is moving in the air, an explosion is almost guaranteed.

i believe landing and attack(h)ing something while landed is the only practical solution

Explosions indeed!  Many a kerbal have gone to their demise.... I believe landing and attaching either a KAS cable, or using the claw/docking port to force a connection is the only viable solution.  I'll have to try a few more variations... 


Thank you for all the suggestions...

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