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[Tutorial] [Video] Krash Test Kerbals - How to "science!"


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Introducing Krash Test Kerbals, Series 1 (

), where we don't just play KSP, we explore how to abuse math and rocket science in KSP or fun and profit....instead of the letting the math abuse us!

This is a youtube series of Tutorials and Let's Plays that also deliberately shows the terrifying math for the simple tool it really is.

This thread will be to update video's that are of a more Tutorial nature, examining specific concepts or equations.

Comments, Subs, Likes, suggestions are all welcome.

from Krash & Learn! (http://www.youtube.com/user/PurpleTargets) - Solving the mysteries of the universe and gaming, one equation at a time.

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Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-2b: Of Apples and Newton!

Following up Gravity by looking at the Aerodynamic Drag model in KSP, the bugs it produces, how to find terminal velocity, and how the understanding of air resistance can help us save fuel for orbit instead of wasting it close to the ground.

(Still valid for 19.1 based on change log...and beyond until the drag model gets changed)

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Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-3: How to Throw Kerbals at the Ground, and Miss! - Kerbal Space Program Tutorial

We (very loosely) examine the delta-v requirements to get out of the atmosphere, the spooky notion of Specific Impulse (ISP) and take a stab at explaining Delta-V, not to mention the orbital velocity we need to make sure we fall around the ground, rather than into it. Includes all the calculations you need to deal with finding delta-V of your rocket, both serial and aspargus staging, and how to blend different ISP engines into the mix.


Planetary Rotation


Delta-V - calculating for Rocket and for Ascent

Tangential Velocity or Centripetal force

Orbital Velocity

Gravity Turn

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Episode 1-4: Round And Around The Merry-Go-Round!

Now that we know how to get Kerbals into orbit...what kind of orbit do we want? We're going to go around in circles to find out all the different spins that can be put on orbits. And then we close out by looking at a couple quick calculations to figure out how to shift from one orbit to another.


STK - Satellite Toolkit by AGI http://www.agi.com/products/stk/modules/default.aspx/id/stk-free

Orbital Parameters - What the funny names mean, Semi-Major Axis, Inclination,

Orbit Types


Inclination Changes

Hohmann Transfers

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Hey, nice video. I haven't seen all of them, but it's always nice to see when someone dabbles in science. I love the experiment for the effect of the drag coefficient. Very effective how you show the flaws of the drag model.

However, there is some small mistake in video 1-2. You actually must not neglect the mass of the spacecraft to calculate the force. Proportional is proportional, regardless of the absolute value. If you double the mass of the spaceship, you double the needed force to lift it up. What you calculated there, is the acceleration of free fall, more precisely a formula for the calculation of the acceleration depending on the distance r. Which is fine, considering Newton's 2nd law: F=ma

-> m_2 * a = G * m_1 * m_2 / r^2

-> a = G * m_1 / r^2

-> a = mu / r^2

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However, there is some small mistake in video 1-2. You actually must not neglect the mass of the spacecraft to calculate the force. Proportional is proportional, regardless of the absolute value. If you double the mass of the spaceship, you double the needed force to lift it up. What you calculated there, is the acceleration of free fall, more precisely a formula for the calculation of the acceleration depending on the distance r. Which is fine, considering Newton's 2nd law: F=ma

-> m_2 * a = G * m_1 * m_2 / r^2

-> a = G * m_1 / r^2

-> a = mu / r^2

Excellent catch....glad to see some people are paying better attention than I was... I'll have to put up a small correction notice...

And if you liked that error, you'll find 1-3 hilarious!

I like the videos but, math makes my head hurt.
These videos are awesome. Math makes my head hurt as well, BUT IT HURTS SO GOOD.

They have drugs for that...:cool:thanks for the feedback. Stay tuned...incoming!

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Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-A1: ISP by Stopwatch - Kerbal Space Program Tutorial

Going back to take a look at Specific Impulse (ISP) and they math behind why this confusing measure of efficiency is measured in seconds...and

more importantly, how we can use seconds on a stopwatch to measure the efficiency of our rockets!

Todays Topics:

Specific Impulse (ISP) ...30 second review

Measuring ISP with a Stopwatch

Experimental Validation of equation for ISP with mixed engine types.

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  • 1 month later...

Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-5: Have you had your K8 Today? - Kerbal Space Program Tutorial

Let's play/Tutorial series in Kerbal Space program, v0.19.1. In Krash Test Kerbals, we don't just play KSP, we find the parts of rocket science that aren't hard! Inclination Changes – How much delta-V do they burn? Maneuver nodes can try, but just using the purple ends up wrecking the orbit! Fortunately the math to ignore the nodes and change your inclination freehand is so easy, you can do it in your head! Do you want to know how much dV you need before you even leave the ground? What heading to burn at? Krash Test Kerbals will show you, so you can put it into your budget while you’re still adding fuel tanks in the VAB!

Better yet, we'll show you how to avoid many inclination changes altogether, by showing you how to select a launch heading that will put you into the exact inclination desired! And we'll use these skills to do a direct orbital insertion from the launchpad into an inclined orbit!

Todays Topics:

Polar Orbits

Rotation Bonus Redux

Launch Headings

Inclination Burns

Direct Entry Heading

Don't forget to get a copy of the Maneuvering Boards:

Maneuvering Board & Manual

And while I mentioned rolling rulers, you can also get by fine with a rule and triangle from any school age geometry set!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-B1: Nothing Stops the Kerbalizer - Kerbal Space Program Tutorial

This installment starts looking at spacecraft design, specifically at power systems, and how to determine how much time in shadows our spacecraft should expect to travel, to be sure we pack

enough batteries.

Todays Topics:

Power Considerations

Power Density and Mass

Periods of Darkness

Space Oddities - Rules to Live & Krash By!

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  • 2 months later...

Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-6: Hohmann Revisited - Kerbal Space Program Tutorial

Today we are taking a closer look at Hohmann transfers, to not only confirm the delta-V calculations, but also how to calculate the angular alignment (of Phase Angle) between our target and our intial injection burn point to affect a rendez-vous. We also play a bit with our Thrust to Mass Ratio (TMR) in space, and see what effect a long slow burn has versus a short and fast burn. And we setup for a free return trajectory, using a gravity assist from the Mun to drop a probe rightt back to Kerbin, with no additional maneuvers requires. (Look Ma, NO HANDS!).

Todays Topics:

Hohmann Transfers

Phase Angles (Angular Alignment)

TMR for Orbital Manoeuvres

Free Returns

Space Oddities - Rules to Live & Krash By!

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  • 1 year later...

Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-7: Ejection Angles and SOI? - Kerbal Space Program Tutorial

Let's play/Tutorial series in Kerbal Space program, v0.90.0. In Krash Test Kerbals, we don't just play KSP, we find the parts of rocket science that aren't hard! Ejection Angles and SOI's. Getting into orbit is one thing, but what about bouncing from one planet to another?! We know how to calculate phase angles already, but what about a single burn to leave the planet we're orbiting? And what happens when we arrive? How do we make sure we end up going the right direction?

Todays Topics:

Sphere of Influence (SOI)

Escape Velocity

SOI Intercepts

Ejection Angles

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  • 1 year later...
On ۱۳۹۴/۱/۷ ه‍.ش. at 1:04 AM, purpletarget said:

Krash Test Kerbals, Episode 1-7: Ejection Angles and SOI? - Kerbal Space Program Tutorial

Let's play/Tutorial series in Kerbal Space program, v0.90.0. In Krash Test Kerbals, we don't just play KSP, we find the parts of rocket science that aren't hard! Ejection Angles and SOI's. Getting into orbit is one thing, but what about bouncing from one planet to another?! We know how to calculate phase angles already, but what about a single burn to leave the planet we're orbiting? And what happens when we arrive? How do we make sure we end up going the right direction?

Todays Topics:

Sphere of Influence (SOI)

Escape Velocity

SOI Intercepts

Ejection Angles



I know these videos are some what old, but, does anyone has a spreed sheet with all the formulas provided in the whole video series to share them? thanks

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