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Did KSP 2 "Use KSP 1 code"? An objective analysis.


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There has been a lot of debate on the internet if KSP 2 is just "ksp1 but new graphics", or if there is some common code heritage, or to what extent the developers might have been ordered to "not change KSP 1 code when developing KSP 2."

Personally, I find this debate moot.  The idea of "reusable code" is a goal and cornerstone of many software design philosophies. And yet, with time, change of circumstance, change of technology, and change of goals, code will need to be modified to adapt.  Even a from-scratch rewrite can result in substantial similarities, or even some identical code, because the rewrite is tying to solve the same set of problems.  Re-use of code (or lack thereof) thus speaks to neither the code quality, developer "laziness," or "legacy baggage."  It is possible, for example, a developer to not waste time modifying some old code because it happens to be working just fine.

But some cursory analysis and a little set theory can shed light on to what extent code might have been used "as-is", at least.  This study compares the class/struct names and distinct lines of code to look for overlap.

This study compares the KSP1 and KSP2 codebases by analyzing differences between Assembly-CSharp.dll in the two projects.  The releases compared are the portable windows versions of KSP 1.12.5 (sans expansions), and KSP2 0.2.2.

In a Unity game, Assembly-CSharp.dll is where most of the game code lives.  The developers can use additional 3rd party DLLs, and can put some of their game code in other DLLs. But both projects put the lion's share of the game-specific code in this dll, so focusing on this gives a good indicator of similarities or differences between the two games, while reducing the amount of 3rd party code that is considered.  (3rd party code CAN go in Assembly-CSharp.dll, but it's not the norm for large 3rd party libraries.)

The code was analyzed with a tool that is commonly known among C# developers. The output of that tool is an approximation of what the source code might have looked like.  I can't name it here, but if you ask a skilled C# to name two or three tools off the top of their head they might use to compare  managed DLLs, the tool used here would probably be one of them.

A few files (csproj and some automatically generated Unity files) were manually deleted from both output, as they are not relevant to what we are trying to analyze.

Classes names were determined by the filenames output by the tool.  Namespaces were ignored.

The text was then converted to Unix LF and run through a series of unix-style text processing and munging steps.

  • Empty lines were removed.
  • Leading white space was stripped.
  • Lines were run through `sort` and `uniq` to get unique lines (the same code shared between multiple classes/methods is only counted once)
  • The separate set of lines from each project were combined, then run through more process to determine the set intersect and set union. ("cat ksp1-lines-uniq.txt ksp2-lines-uniq.txt | sort | uniq > lines_set_union.txt" and again with "uniq -d" for the intersect)
  • The lines in the resulting files were counted with "wc -l" to get the data for the below tables.

The resulting line and class counts are intended to represent a VERY rough (See "Limitations") gauge of similarity.  The assumption is that as KSP2's development progressed, changed or added code from KSP1 would generally tend to reduce the number of identical lines.  Holding over more code from KSP1 would tend to increase the number of identical lines.

Study Limitations

  • I don't have a good way to address the "Ship of Theseus" problem with this kind of analysis.  It can't address, for example, if a class was sufficiently reworked to not be considered the "same code but with minor changes."  I can only look for stuff that is exactly the same.
  • Similarly, I can't tell if brand new code just happens to look the same as the old code.  I wasn't standing behind the developers when they wrote it to check that they weren't just cribbing old code and that getting the same results is just a coincidence.
  • There are some cases where more than one class share the same name but exist in two different namespaces. For example, "Wheel" and "VehiclePhysics.Wheel".  Due to the fact that I'm blindly text munging, the total classes in a game (which includes classes with the same name in different namespaces) won't add up exactly in the overlap totals (which don't).  I'm just trying to get an approximate estimate here.
  • Although I'm using the same tool to analyze both sets of code, It's possible that the same source code can appear different due to difference in compiler versions. KSP 1 uses an older version of Unity, which could output different Intermediate Language for the same source code, which is what I'm actually analyzing.  (This isn't straightforward to fix without access to the actual source code.)
  • There is definitely code in KSP2 that comes from KSP1, but is totally unused.  No attempt is made to eliminate this code from the results. See for example, KerbalFSM, KFSMState, KFSMEvent, probably a bunch of of other stuff.
  • This does not compare things like shader/compute code, which is not part of the dll.


Class set intersect (possibly shared between projects) 587 classes
Class set union
(all unique class/struct names across both projects)
8,869 classes
Line set intersect (possibly shared between projects) 26,683 lines
Line set union 434,801 lines


  KSP 1 KSP 2
Total classes/structs in project 3,298 6,193

Classes/structs not in the other project

2,711 5,606
Unique class percentage 82% 90.5%
Total (deduplicated) lines of code in project 214,272 247,212

Lines of code not in the other project

187,589 220,529
Possibly unique percentage 87.5% 89.2%


My own rambling analysis after working extensively on KSP2 and briefly thumbing through KSP1
Regardless of how it happened, KSP2's codebase is wildly different from KSP1.  Major systems have been significantly altered or radically replaced.  Some systems have been converted to burst jobs or even rewritten as compute kernels.  The basic "spine" of the game is radically different.
They are just wildly different animals that happen to live in the same cage (Unity) and eat the same food (parts/vessel/physics/orbit/terrain simulation).  The amount of engineering that went into KSP2 (regardless of what one might think of the results) was significant.
A few bits here and there seemed to hold over.  A few bits are still in the files but are vestigial.  But I don't think suggestions that they are significantly the same really hold up.

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Excellent analysis, well done @foonix! Thanks for taking time to finally shed some light on this topic.
Based on this, i personally do not believe the claim that KSP2 is build on KSP1 spaghetti code holds much water today. Either the KSP1 code was refactored so extensively barely anything of the original is left, or the developers did indeed start from scratch at some point but reused a minor amount of code, either directly or as inspiration. Whatever the case, it does not seem to have played a significant role in the state of KSP2- atleast in the version available to us today.

This does not definitively prove (i doubt anything can, save for a resumption of development) KSP2 could have been developed to its full potential with the existing codebase , but it does make for a pretty convincing argument that it's atleast not as simple as "it was never going to be finished because it runs on KSP1's code"

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You have no imagination how much I appreciate your analysis. This opens a better insight of general developing to me which I can translate to other software topics now - at least to some degree. The copy paste argument is basically a insult to the developers now.

Why did no one do this before? Was it difficult to do so? I didn't really know this kind of analysis is possible, but there are so many people in the community stating they are developers for themself you could think that at least one of them would have done this long time ago. Thank you!

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15 hours ago, foonix said:


Just to add extra context, if you look at ShadowZone's video the idea that KSP2 was to be KSP1.5 was only the initial pitch, with a second pitch coming a couple years later moving them on from a remaster of KSP1 to KSP2 proper.

Also considering you're admitting to doing something against the EULA and the forum guidelines, I don't see this thread staying up too long.

And that's not even going into how the limitations basically make the comparison meaningless as well. You're basically saying "I looked at it and it doesn't look similar", which of course skips most of the human factor of intent and "looking at your homework." Finally, the assembly, as you point out, is a collection of what unity outputs and has almost nothing to do with what things would look like as you set up scenes, scripts and game objects inside unity.

4 hours ago, Tony Tony Chopper said:

Why did no one do this before? Was it difficult to do so?

Against EULA to do, against forum guidelines to post.


Edited by PDCWolf
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