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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Thanks guys, I will take your advice.



Holy crap that Mad Max video is just the most insane thing I have ever seen done.. but I am struggling to figure out how he made that in KSP? that looks like a serious amount of mods... and to have all those cars driving... wow..

I either missed a hell of alot during my break or that guy is more talented than I thought!

Are the dust trails and things standard now? I need to download the latest version.. man ive missed so much.

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Well the dust trails aren't stock in KSP proper. But they are a new addition to the Kerbal Foundries set of wheels, tracks and anti-grav repulsors. I highly recommend them.

As for the cars, I'm betting he used the mod Burn Together on some of that, at least to get things set up for some shots. Though obviously when the cars are doing DIFFERENT things, or fighting each other, he must've been taking control directly.

Then there's the Texture Replacer custom mods for the Kerbals he must've used, as well as either Kerb Paint or directly tweaking the texture colors on parts etc, etc...

In one comment he made in the KF thread above, he mentioned he ALSO used Ubiozur Welding on some of the larger vehicles to cut down on part count, but he was probably still recording at a slow framerate and speeding it up!

No matter how you look at it, the dude's got an insane amount of patience and talent. Check out his other vids on Youtube and you'll see what I mean.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh - in regards to something I said above about Github. I may personally not like using that site for the UI, but I understand it's one of the better sites on the developer end to post mods because you can update "hotfix" updates more easily. CKAN also accesses it and will use the latest version of a mod posted. So I'm definitely not saying don't use it. If you feel it winds up as the best way of updating your various mods, then go for it. Just PLEASE, if you do, register and update them with CKAN so I can use THAT interface instead of Github directly! :P

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DEVO!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Crap your alive!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P I was afraid one of the Outback's nastier denizens had done away with you! Glad your back. :)

In a strange coincidence, you'll never guess who I ran into playing "World of Warships" the other day.... Redspar!!! I talked to him on Teamspeak, and he's planning on revisiting his Eagle mod once KSP switches to Unity 5.

I wonder who I'll run into next... Elvis? Aliens??? I'm so excited! :)

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I currently upload to kerbalstuff myself - it is very easy, but only because I am managing exactly one mod consisting of 5 cfg files. If I do anything bigger, I will have to get more comfortable with github... kerbalstuff does integrate with CKAN - it is not bad.

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Devo, always good to see you. For what it's worth, I'd really like to get the Mech-Pod Mk 1 up and going again. I was gonna use it as a pod for my 2001: A Space Odyssey - Discovery ship.

If you get a chance, that's my request. Along with the Freelancer Rover.

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I imagine it's not hard to guess what MY biggest request would be. :P

But seriously - the Eagle has still been functional in Sandbox mode for a long time. The parts still work (haven't tested them on the latest version of KSP, but I bet they still work) but it's not a true functional mod since you can't access it on the tech tree in career mode. Along with any needed bug fixes in general, it's needed integration into the tech tree in a BAD way ever since that feature came out. (Also the parts need prices in the new monetary system.)

I'd say check out the Interstellar mod for inspiration as to where the various pieces of the Eagle mod should be on the tech tree. I imagine the cockpit pod would actually be the first thing available rather early. But the rest of it - especially the engines - is likely going to need to be placed much later.

Incidentally, have you noticed that Nuclear Rockets in stock no longer use oxidizer? You could reconfigure the main fuel tank in the truss to only have liquid fuel and increase the effective range on the main engines. On the other hand, I think the VTOL rockets would be standard rockets needing Oxidizer. But I have an idea, there. Place about 3-500 units of oxidizer in the landing leg pods! What do you think?

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Hmmm... I think I just discovered something potentially VERY useful for updating the Eagle.

There is a command pod mod called the Mk 3-9 Pod from the Near Future Spacecraft Mod set. (<-- Link to thread here on Forums)

Now, Devo? I want to note some interesting things I just started noticing recently after playing with this a while.

One - It's a 2-man pod. When I first saw it, I thought it was a 3 man pod, based on the size. But no - it's a 2-man with some extra consumables. (I think it's got a little bit of extra life support if you've got TAC or one of the other Life support mods)

Now, when you look at this thing from the outside... well, I don't know about you, but I notice a vague resemblance to the Eagle's pod, at least in the way the windows work in regards to the overall shape and size.


But that's not the important part. It's actually something I noticed AFTER spotting the following:

And it took me awhile to spot it. But once I did, I had one of those "Holy .... why didn't I see that sooner?" moments!

Look at the following IVA image:


Now - here's my "sell".

Doesn't that look like the geometry in general has the makings of a wonderful Eagle IVA interior?

Don't see it? Let me take you through my thought process to point out the details.

First - Forget the actual windows you see. Ignore them and imagine them to be flat grey bulkheads like the surrounding walls.

Second - note the Quarter-Circle control panels directly in front of the Kerbal eyeline. On the far left side of the image, look for the word "Monoprop" if you're having trouble seeing what I'm talking about.

Now - Imagine those control panels replaced with Eagle front windows. NOW does it start to come together?

What I am suggesting here is this: Take away all the actual details - the controls and switches and windows. Strip it down in your minds eye to the basic geometry. What the SHAPES of everything is in this virtual area.

With only a SMALL amount of tweaking, this becomes the PERFECT "skeleton" upon which to build an Eagle IVA!

In place of the existing windows in that IVA and the walls they are set in, put the large yellow panels of the Eagle cockpit. Windows go where I noted above. Layer in controls, switches and displays based on the Space 1999 Eagle. Make the back door (and there is one in this IVA, I just didn't shoot an angle of it) into the classic shape, etc, etc.

Now - this is work done by Nertea. So obviously you'd need to work with him and acknowledge/credit his help.

If you're wondering if he'd be inclined to do so? Well. Heh. This IS the same designer who put together the Mark IV Spaceplane mod. A mod he's straight up admitted is made in homage to and with the hope of being able to MAKE flyable versions of Thunderbird 2!

( In fact, I obliged him on that. Check out my Thunderbird 2 design downloadable from Kerbal X. )

So I think if anyone would be inclined to collaborate with you on designing an Eagle IVA, it's him. :D

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ahha Voidryder, Odyessy, Ultravires.. good to see some familiar faces still around!

@ Logan..

Ok now you have me interested again :) ... that is a damn near perfect IVA for the eagle. Well, I'm getting unity all back up and running for KSP (I think I was a few versions ahead when I eventually got into making my own games in it)

The Eagle is probably the best one to get back into, I know the balance pretty well now and considering I re-worked it over so many versions of KSP I am hoping it will be an easy upgrade to the new version. Did they tone down the Aero a little? I remember last time I played they stuffed around with the physics quite substantially.

Wow that TB2 is nice! I sort of gave up because I was trying to do it like the show, having it raise and lower on top of the cargo bay - it just was so hard to make that happen (the pod would always detatch and be left behind, too big and heavy for couplers)

Do you remember the TB launchpad I made? I wonder if we could mix the two together... hmm brain ticking now...

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Nertea has hinted in the past he might try and do a TB2 styled cargo pod arrangement. But I suspect he may run into the same difficulties you did. I think it's likely more viable at this point to just admit defeat in general and make a general cargo pod that will fit in the bay, but just have it be a separate part that can be fitted in and raised/lowered/docked/undocked using whatever manner the user wants to try - whether that's via IR robotics or KAS winches etc.

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Well, I think to cut my teeth again I will get the Oblivion Bubble ship working again and updated, that was really a bucket list item for me and I never really got the chance to pilot it for an extended period of time, it really is a smooth ship once it is set up well.

The Eagle will be the next, then Pegasus and really, that will do me for updates for now, I would like to work on the Silent Running domes some more.

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Nice to see you back Devo :D I defiantly can't wait to use the Oblivion Bubble Ship again, what are the chances you could incorporate the BDArmory mod for the guns on it. Its a great mod for weapons. And I also miss the Eagle and Pegasus, they were so useful, especially the Pegasus, I really miss that VTOL Shuttle :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Spork of Doom said:
Nice to see you back Devo :D I defiantly can't wait to use the Oblivion Bubble Ship again, what are the chances you could incorporate the BDArmory mod for the guns on it. Its a great mod for weapons. And I also miss the Eagle and Pegasus, they were so useful, especially the Pegasus, I really miss that VTOL Shuttle :D

If the DYJ gattling mod still works its easy, that's if it still works :) pretty much make anything a gun with that!

As for the ships..

ARGH! days of pulling hair out getting them to fly again properly and even then - they don't. I am going to have to totally re-do them from the ground up,so it will only be a few ships really.

The Oblivion bubbleship does actually work - you can't build it but you can load the saved ship thats in the current package and it will fly, just need to use normal RCS and fiddle with the stabilizers on/off to get it steady but it does work. I think tho really, for the actual 'fit the game' type ship, I think I will do the Eagle again.

I have a new PC so need to get unity installed again and a few other things but should be cool to go soon. I just hope I can find all my old blender files!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Devo said:

As for the ships..

ARGH! days of pulling hair out getting them to fly again properly and even then - they don't. I am going to have to totally re-do them from the ground up,so it will only be a few ships really.

I have a new PC so need to get unity installed again and a few other things but should be cool to go soon. I just hope I can find all my old blender files!

Just wanted to renew my quest for the Mech-Pod. If you'd be willing to set me up with the basics, I'd be happy to try and tweak the code myself to get her working right.

Maybe slap a new coat of paint and make Mech-Pod Mk. 2?

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  • 1 month later...

I love that fact that you guys are fans of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's stuff. I love their models and they came up with some great ships. I don't know if it's even possible but imagine if someone could pull off a SkyDiver from UFO--if someone has, please let me know. I suspect that launching the fighter would have to be done with the surface though. I am eagerly awaiting for the updated Eagle right now. I loved Space:1999 as a kid and that mod was an influence on me actually buying KSP.

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  • 2 months later...

As soon as I get my account back, Eagle update pack is being uploaded!

My store account was hacked (ironically had the same password as the forum, but I guess they never tried that..)

So right now I am only testing on KSP old version, working fine on that but as per usual need the latest version to test on, which I will do once they fix my account.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 3/9/2016 at 5:17 PM, AvatarKerbal said:

Oh my gosh...YES! Oh YES! I want to fly this into space and across the herbal universe. :3


Lol, I'm glad you're so enthusiastic, and welcome to the Forum by the way, but unfortunately, I'm going to be a bit of a killjoy.  Take a look at WHEN that post to which you're responding was originally made by Devo... More than TWO YEARS ago now!  I hate to bust your bubble, but this mod ain't gonna happen, not ever.

Sorry.  :(

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  • 7 months later...

Hi, I know I'm digging a very old grave, but, does anyone still have pegasus-x2, stational rings, and that experimental packs around to share with me?


  On 5/1/2015 at 5:42 PM, DigitalProeliator said:

Im a bit late here but Ive got I think all of Waylands mods saved in a drop box folder. Here is a link. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qja77pro8n6mh8w/AADYa5QehQdv076_Wgv6PkeEa?dl=0 Ignore the tweaking folder, I was experimenting with things.


Oh god bless you, thanks thanks thanks, now i have a starting point to use as a template for my modelling (or tbh, lack of talent)

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  • 6 years later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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