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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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minor gripe - why can't the general time alarms have an icon like all the rest? The clock icon would work

From memory, cause it scaled like rubbish and I shelved it for a later time when I was bored... that hasn't happened yet :)

EDIT: I'll look at it for the next release... Any ideas for an Earth time alarm as well?

Edited by TriggerAu
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I'm currently working on two streams of KAC v2 and v3 - the code is done for this in v3 where the alarms are saved in the savefile, but need to get some other stuff done before its releasable

That's Awesome! Thanks TriggerAu!

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Yes, it seems to work normally from a browser. I'm pretty sure it's IPv6 enabled though, (what I'm connecting to is actually 2a00:1450:4010:c02::64) so it might be a Unity problem related to IPv6...
I have this exact same problem when I play KSP when I don't have an internet connection. From my KSP.log:


Updating the stuff from what I've gotten to:

  • Recheck that code so it does only check once a day - I must be getting something wrong in my logic there - Found it - I was testing for the last success date, not the last attempt date - I've updated the code now for that one part - if you can hang out for a day or two I'll release again.
  • Look at Telanor's code to see if that will get it to work Async - otherwise look at that too Tried this and a few other ones and they all failed abysmally :( I think I'm gonna have to rewrite it to use coroutines, which was another rainy day thing, but probably up the priority now)
  • Look for why you would get an SSL error against a Google Site Weirdness and Google seem to go hand in hand for me, so either IPv6 or SSL stuff, perhaps a google site isn't the best location for it - more thought required

Thanks for your help

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I believe I have a bug of some sort... I've been unable to warp because I keep getting the message that one of my probes is going through an SOI change and it mentions that ship is unloaded. I had a strange issue when launching this probe where I did the escape burn followed by setting up and alarm for SOI change and then had a crash. When I reloaded, the ship is back in orbit, so I did the escape burn again, now I'm stuck with a game that refuses to warp at all, but I'm unable to do anything about it through KAC. I've even tried deleting its files from the save and deleting and reinstalling the mod, but nothing seems to work. Any help here would be appreciated...

Edited by SpacedInvader
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I believe I have a bug of some sort... I've been unable to warp because I keep getting the message that one of my probes is going through an SOI change and it mentions that ship is unloaded. I had a strange issue when launching this probe where I did the escape burn followed by setting up and alarm for SOI change and then had a crash. When I reloaded, the ship is back in orbit, so I did the escape burn again, now I'm stuck with a game that refuses to warp at all, but I'm unable to do anything about it through KAC. I've even tried deleting its files from the save and deleting and reinstalling the mod, but nothing seems to work. Any help here would be appreciated...

Sadly that sounds like a corrupted save file. I dont think KAC would have been related to the cause or effect here as the only time it touches the save file curently is if you choose to use the jumptoship option from the space center (and then it makes backups of the save)

If you want to pastebin your savefile/debuglogs I'm sure people will be happy to have a look at them and help if we can (me included)

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Mihara, can you see if you can browse to the version check URL directly - https://sites.google.com/site/kerbalalarmclock/latestversion

I just went there, and I noticed that FF provides me with extra headers, CSS, and all that. It basically looks like a normal web page with the latest version tag. Is your code specifically looking for that particular line in all the extra crap Google is giving, or, is Google trying to be smart and providing your app exactly what you need?

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I just went there, and I noticed that FF provides me with extra headers, CSS, and all that. It basically looks like a normal web page with the latest version tag. Is your code specifically looking for that particular line in all the extra crap Google is giving, or, is Google trying to be smart and providing your app exactly what you need?

The app just downloads the "file" and parses the content for the string (none of the includes/css/js not in that one file get downloaded or run) - the one on codeplex was three times the size cause of all their wrapper stuff.

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I believe I have a bug of some sort... I've been unable to warp because I keep getting the message that one of my probes is going through an SOI change and it mentions that ship is unloaded. I had a strange issue when launching this probe where I did the escape burn followed by setting up and alarm for SOI change and then had a crash. When I reloaded, the ship is back in orbit, so I did the escape burn again, now I'm stuck with a game that refuses to warp at all, but I'm unable to do anything about it through KAC. I've even tried deleting its files from the save and deleting and reinstalling the mod, but nothing seems to work. Any help here would be appreciated...

I had something like this happen yesterday, for me it was when I changed from an active vessel to launch a new vessel. The one I switched from had just passed over the SOI boundary 10 minutes prior. I usually set my launches 20 days apart so I tried to time warp but it kept killing the time warp back to 1x anyways, for me it seemed to be that the problem was Kerbin has a poorly defined SOI boundary (I believe it is somehow larger during time warp) which was bouncing the ship in and out of the SOI causing KAC to generate an alarm. I found an easy fix, just go into KAC settings and turn off the Auto detect for SOI transitions. After that time warp 6 hours or so and change your settings back, then you should be good. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, it seems that when you don't have connection to the internet, KAC tries to get the newest version and freezes the game for about 20 seconds when launching or switching vessels. Debug says that KAC is getting the newest version number, saving config and something else, parsing all sorts of variables, then switching the vessel and finally unfreezing the game.

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Hey, it seems that when you don't have connection to the internet, KAC tries to get the newest version and freezes the game for about 20 seconds when launching or switching vessels. Debug says that KAC is getting the newest version number, saving config and something else, parsing all sorts of variables, then switching the vessel and finally unfreezing the game.

Thanks TotalNewb - I have a fix in the code, just need some time to finish one more thing for a new release. For now you can turn off the "Daily check for updates" option in the settings under about and you'll be OK.

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v2.7.5.0 Now Available - Download from GitHub or Download from Curse* * Once it's approved

So heres the list of tweaks here:

  • Tweaked Update check to be on a background worker process (Issue #28)
  • Added capability to add certain alarm types to SC and TS Scenes (Issue #24)
  • Added list icons for Raw and Earth alarms (Issue #29)
  • License Changed to MIT license (less restrictive than previous)

There were lots of changes to add alarms to the two extra scenes and I've tested as much as I can. In the TS scene you can see which vessel is focused in the add alarm window as KSP deselcts the orbit as soon as you click anywhere (but the vessel is still active)

I think I've covered off the needed stuff for adding alarms for asteroids to (SOI change and Pe). If there is something else people want as always suggest away.

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It looks like is not computing closest approach as well as prior releases did. I've seen it twice now in Kerbin orbit (out of two flights) give me a closest approach distance/time a few orbits down the road that is significantly different than what it ends up being. In 2.7.4 or earlier, I could use KAC to find a closest approach, and watch the MechJeb rendezvous planner converge on the same value once I was on the final orbit. That isn't happening now.

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It looks like is not computing closest approach as well as prior releases did. I've seen it twice now in Kerbin orbit (out of two flights) give me a closest approach distance/time a few orbits down the road that is significantly different than what it ends up being. In 2.7.4 or earlier, I could use KAC to find a closest approach, and watch the MechJeb rendezvous planner converge on the same value once I was on the final orbit. That isn't happening now.

Well thats annoying, I didnt change any of that code :( . Any chance you are able to pastebin a save file?

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YAY ALARM TIME IN TS/SC!! You are awesome. Also I noticed the icon now for raw alarms. Thanks!

One other very minor thing that has always bugged me is when you set a raw alarm and select Date for the time type - why can't it automatically set the current date/time?

Edit: Awesome, I just realized that this has provided an even simpler way to switch to an asteroid using the Jump to Ship, which is otherwise impossible from the TS unless you have a base or craft around/on the asteroid. Before, I had to change a quicksave file's ActiveVessel setting to hop onto any asteroid I wanted.

Edit2: could there be an additional option for the TS screen when an alarm pings for you to select the vessel in question?

Edit3: one more veery minor UI thing - the coloration of the Ap/Pe and SOI icons are a bit too close, so when viewed in the alarms list it can at first be hard to tell the difference. I am of course talking about when you are bleary-eyed in the wee hours of the morning as I'm sure most KSP players are ;)

Edit4: Yup something else :) So I discovered how to plot asteroid intercepts into the far future. The ones I've discovered so far are 47 and 23 earth years out so don't really mean much. But it did bring up an issue in that KAC only seems to look for an SOI change in the current orbit, not within the current maneuver node. It's assuming therefore that all craft transferring from one SOI to another would do so in one orbit. I think this assumption makes perfect sense. But it would still be nice to be able to add an SOI change if one is detected via maneuver node several orbits ahead

Edited by Gaiiden
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Well thats annoying, I didnt change any of that code :( . Any chance you are able to pastebin a save file?

I'll see what I can manage (I have way too many mods). I'll also try it in a plain vanilla install, although I didn't add/remove anything else when I updated this AM.

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I'll see what I can manage (I have way too many mods). I'll also try it in a plain vanilla install, although I didn't add/remove anything else when I updated this AM.

Urk. A stripped clean version install works. I'll look at a couple of other things to see if one of the other more recent mod additions is the culprit.

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Urk. A stripped clean version install works. I'll look at a couple of other things to see if one of the other more recent mod additions is the culprit.

In my full install, it works as well. It's only in my full install + RemoteTech 1.4.0 that I'm seeing the errors. I guess I'll poke around RemoteTech and see if I can figure out why.

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One issue:

But before I get to it, I just want to say this mod is by far my favorite. No more manual warping to see if I'm in the right spot to do a transfer, or missing an SOI change, or zooming past a periapsis, however...

I've noticed lately that the transfer alarms are off, like way off. I am in year 1, day 66 of career mode, and when I make an alarm for a Kerbin-Moho transfer it tells me it's x days out - (I'm not at my KSP computer, so I don't recall the day exactly). So I set the alarm for 6 hours ahead of the KAC determined transfer window and launch. When I set my maneuver node for the transfer the closest approach way off on Moho's orbit. So I set another alarm for the transfer window, and it shows another 10 days out - and the closest approach is still quite a ways off. And I set another alarm and it's showing x days out again.

Other than Mechjeb and enhanced Navball the only mods I have installed are for extra parts mods.

Also, I noticed with the updates it is now automatically creating an alarm whenever I create a maneuver node. Is there a way to disable that option?

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Also, I noticed with the updates it is now automatically creating an alarm whenever I create a maneuver node. Is there a way to disable that option?

Yes, in the settings menu. When KAC is open, there's a button that looks like little tools. Click it.

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Ok so everyone talks about this as a "must have" mod, so I thought I would give it a try. But it doesn't seem to be working for me. I can't get its icon to show up in the Toolbar. When I edit my toolbar to add the Kerbal Alarm Clock, the button shows up as blank with no icon, AND it forces any other buttons after it to get messed up and wrapped to the next line, regardless of toolbar size.

Has anyone seen this? What am I doing wrong?

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I think it's a toolbar issue. I don't have a toolbar and have no issues. When I had magic smoke's toolbar installed i couldn't get to KAC. So magic smoke did a disappearing act.

Well that sucks. Nearly every mod I have uses the "standard" toolbar from Blizz. I really can't go without it.

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