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[WIP] THSS - Tri-Hexagonal Structural Strut


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You're a genius, nicely done!

Thanks, except for the genius move where I forgot the braces and the @PART bit.

I updated my post with THIS. (use this instead)


node_stack_top01 = 0.0, 1.491, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.491, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

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do anyone still have the files? please upload this magnificent mod, it doesn't deserve to die in great spaceport mod genocide.

inexplicably, this mod has always lacked any licensing information. By the rules of the forum it should have been taken down until a license was assigned. It's never been cared for or about by its author who left it in this half finished improperly textured state. This parts pack has potential that it will never live up to. Death might be a blessed mercy for it now.

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inexplicably, this mod has always lacked any licensing information. By the rules of the forum it should have been taken down until a license was assigned. It's never been cared for or about by its author who left it in this half finished improperly textured state. This parts pack has potential that it will never live up to. Death might be a blessed mercy for it now.

I still have the zip file chilling in my downloads folder. I'm wondering that, since there's no license information, if we can't just go ahead and throw it up onto Curse or Dropbox?

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I still have the zip file chilling in my downloads folder. I'm wondering that, since there's no license information, if we can't just go ahead and throw it up onto Curse or Dropbox?

You should direct that to a moderator.

But since you did ask, I say no because lack of explicit permission from Semni does not constitute any sort of implicit permission.

THSS is not public domain and is copyrightable by Semni whether he ever claims it or not. Distributing without his permission is a challenge to his copyright. That means liability for Squad which is why they insist on explicit licensing information that says what people can or can't do.

Edit: Interesting story. Back in the day when the Internet was still in the early stages of going mainstream, all kinds of copyright issues were coming to light that we take for granted now. FASA, the game company found its material being used online for fan sites, MUDs and MOOs, etc. especially for Shadowrun. It was good for them, their gamers were happy but there was the issue of copyright. They were reluctant to grant permission en masse because of fear of unforeseen consequences. But they didnt want to issue Cease and Desist orders to their fans either.

What they did officially was post a copyright notice for website owners to post that contained at the end 'used without permission'. Their trademarks and copyrights were considered protected and they generally agreed not to go after people as long as they used that notice while at the same time withholding explicit permission and everyone was happy.

not that that is intended to have any bearing on the subject at hand nor to suggest a course of action (you should still talk to a moderator) I just wanted to share a story from the past.

Edited by Starwaster
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This is why open source and unrestrictive licenses are a good thing. Because projects like this, occasionally, the creator can't maintain them, or loses interest, or whatever - and then the people who are interested and have the time can take over maintaining it. Contrast this mod with B9 Aerospace, which hasn't seen an official update since 0.22, but which has been community maintained due to its CC-BY-NC-SA license. Learn from this, fellow modders.

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How to download this mod? The link "download here" sends me to the curse website where i cant find any mod called [WIP] THSS - Tri-Hexagonal Structural Strut


If you take the time to read the posts on the last page (not asking you to read the whole thread) you would know that there is no public download available for this anymore. The original hosting site was Spaceport and it has been taken down and replaced by another hosting site called Curse.

The mod is not available for download.

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If you take the time to read the posts on the last page (not asking you to read the whole thread) you would know that there is no public download available for this anymore. The original hosting site was Spaceport and it has been taken down and replaced by another hosting site called Curse.

The mod is not available for download.

If "someone" were to provide a download in a reply, would that be considered wrong and/or a violation of forum rules?

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Yes, since there appears to be no license (that I've seen in my admittedly limited search) for this particular mod, it defaults to "All Rights Reserved".

This means that redistributing it, for example by providing a download, is a violation of the license and the forum rules.

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Or you could...

Find an alternate download source posted by the author of the mod. Google came in quite handy.

Edit: Linked removed for suspicion of being term violation.

:sticktongue: As this was most likely uploaded by the author (User name here: Senmi, User name there: Senmi), I assume it's okay to post a link to it?

Edited by noonespecial
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Or you could...

Find an alternate download source posted by the author of the mod. Google came in quite handy.

:sticktongue: As this was most likely uploaded by the author (User name here: Senmi, User name there: Senmi), I assume it's okay to post a link to it?

You almost had me fooled.

However, I have googled for this parts pack repeatedly over the past month and that site never showed up. And anyone could have uploaded under the name Semni.

I've spent the last 10 minutes browsing mods and seeing that NOTHING there has any downloads. Not even Mechjeb. The site itself was originally registered this past February.

That site seems to be a lot of old spaceport downloads that someone put up recently with no consideration for licensing issues.

So no, I'd say it's not ok for you to be posting that. I understand that people want to see old Spaceport content preserved but you can't just go around bypassing Squad's requirements and advertising your backed up database in violation of Squad's rules.

Edit: Here, you see this HERE? http://kerbal-space-parts.com/space/modpart-stretchy-tanks-0-2-2-modular-fuels-compatibility-unofficial-fix-727.html

I most certainly did NOT upload that to that site. Not only that, but when it was on Spaceport I removed it from public listing because it was made obsolete (even more so now). When news was first released that Spaceport was going down, there was a mad dash to 'backup content' by certain forum goers and they seem to have used a technique that even let them get access to unpublished content.

Edited by Starwaster
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You almost had me fooled.

However, I have googled for this parts pack repeatedly over the past month and that site never showed up. And anyone could have uploaded under the name Semni.

I've spent the last 10 minutes browsing mods and seeing that NOTHING there has any downloads. Not even Mechjeb. The site itself was originally registered this past February.

That site seems to be a lot of old spaceport downloads that someone put up recently with no consideration for licensing issues.

So no, I'd say it's not ok for you to be posting that. I understand that people want to see old Spaceport content preserved but you can't just go around bypassing Squad's requirements and advertising your backed up database in violation of Squad's rules.

Edit: Here, you see this HERE? http://kerbal-space-parts.com/space/modpart-stretchy-tanks-0-2-2-modular-fuels-compatibility-unofficial-fix-727.html

I most certainly did NOT upload that to that site. Not only that, but when it was on Spaceport I removed it from public listing because it was made obsolete (even more so now). When news was first released that Spaceport was going down, there was a mad dash to 'backup content' by certain forum goers and they seem to have used a technique that even let them get access to unpublished content.

Who could have foreseen this type of activity happening with the sudden closure of SpacePort? Rampant violations of licensing, etc.

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You almost had me fooled.

Yes, I think everyone should refrain from linking to that site. My mod is on there and I can assure you I didn't upload it (though the license would permit it if properly attributed), it's also very out-of-date.

I really like this pack too, but it's obviously not complete and it seems unlikely to ever be completed. So this might give someone the impetus to just make a better version.

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Yes, I think everyone should refrain from linking to that site. My mod is on there and I can assure you I didn't upload it (though the license would permit it if properly attributed), it's also very out-of-date.

I really like this pack too, but it's obviously not complete and it seems unlikely to ever be completed. So this might give someone the impetus to just make a better version.

One with real shader and uv support....

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You almost had me fooled.

However, I have googled for this parts pack repeatedly over the past month and that site never showed up. And anyone could have uploaded under the name Semni.

I've spent the last 10 minutes browsing mods and seeing that NOTHING there has any downloads. Not even Mechjeb. The site itself was originally registered this past February.

That site seems to be a lot of old spaceport downloads that someone put up recently with no consideration for licensing issues.

So no, I'd say it's not ok for you to be posting that. I understand that people want to see old Spaceport content preserved but you can't just go around bypassing Squad's requirements and advertising your backed up database in violation of Squad's rules.

Edit: Here, you see this HERE? (This link also removed for license preservation)

I most certainly did NOT upload that to that site. Not only that, but when it was on Spaceport I removed it from public listing because it was made obsolete (even more so now). When news was first released that Spaceport was going down, there was a mad dash to 'backup content' by certain forum goers and they seem to have used a technique that even let them get access to unpublished content.

Not sure what you mean by "almost had you fooled", I wasn't trying to fool anyone.

In regards to googling it, I just googled "thss tri" and it showed up.

In regards to nothing there has any downloads, I don't see a download counter on the site to warrant that observation.

Regardless, I've removed the link from my previous post (which will be pointless unless you also removed the quoted link from yours). As you say you did not upload your mod to that site, I will assume that neither did he. However, I am slightly vexed that you assume that the site is mine and that I'm trying to bypass Squad's requirements. That being said, I'll gladly respect any and all requirements, licenses, wishes, etc., of any and all mod creators and as such I have removed the link. Do try to be less accusatory in the future.

Best regards,


(P.S. Rather cool nod to Game of Thrones in your quote, love it)

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Not sure what you mean by "almost had you fooled", I wasn't trying to fool anyone.

In regards to googling it, I just googled "thss tri" and it showed up.

In regards to nothing there has any downloads, I don't see a download counter on the site to warrant that observation.

Regardless, I've removed the link from my previous post (which will be pointless unless you also removed the quoted link from yours). As you say you did not upload your mod to that site, I will assume that neither did he. However, I am slightly vexed that you assume that the site is mine and that I'm trying to bypass Squad's requirements. That being said, I'll gladly respect any and all requirements, licenses, wishes, etc., of any and all mod creators and as such I have removed the link. Do try to be less accusatory in the future.

Best regards,


(P.S. Rather cool nod to Game of Thrones in your quote, love it)

I apologize for any implication of deliberate deception on your part.

re: download counter

When you look at the listing of available downloads there's an icon with a number next to it that looks similar to other download counters. (it's next to a rocket looking icon that shows a KSP style version number) Looking at the page source shows it to further be labeled as 'download'

It's possible that it just doesn't work; given how new the site is there are undoubtedly bugs that need working out.

And, Syrio Forel may be dead but Syrio Kerman lives on forever.

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Some investigation had been done on the matter of [that site] in the modding IRC channel a couple weeks ago (plug: irc://irc.esper.net/KSPModders ), it was started earlier this year and is hosted by a french company, potentially by a person named Remy Pierre-Emmanuel, though we can't be sure if this is the client's name, the hosting service's owner's name, or just somebody at the company. If your work has been appropriated by this deeply, deeply broken website, and you feel like annoying somebody on the internet, feel to submit a Cease and Desist Notice to the probably non-functional email address listed on that website, and furthermore to their host at abuse@ovh.net

though, have fun determining if your work has been appropriated, given that the site doesn't actually have a search function. While there is a search box in some places on [that site], it does somewhere between nothing and something that isn't searching.

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Some investigation had been done on the matter of [that site] in the modding IRC channel a couple weeks ago (plug: irc://irc.esper.net/KSPModders ), it was started earlier this year and is hosted by a french company, potentially by a person named Remy Pierre-Emmanuel, though we can't be sure if this is the client's name, the hosting service's owner's name, or just somebody at the company. If your work has been appropriated by this deeply, deeply broken website, and you feel like annoying somebody on the internet, feel to submit a Cease and Desist Notice to the probably non-functional email address listed on that website, and furthermore to their host at abuse@ovh.net

though, have fun determining if your work has been appropriated, given that the site doesn't actually have a search function. While there is a search box in some places on [that site], it does somewhere between nothing and something that isn't searching.

The search function was how I found my spaceport upload. (stretchy tank deriv)

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Yes, I think everyone should refrain from linking to that site. My mod is on there and I can assure you I didn't upload it (though the license would permit it if properly attributed), it's also very out-of-date.

I really like this pack too, but it's obviously not complete and it seems unlikely to ever be completed. So this might give someone the impetus to just make a better version.

After some investigation we've blocked all links to the website in question. Other than that, there's not much we can do from our end.

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