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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Wait what! You worked with/were friends with Wally Shirra? Do tell!

We were on a few lecture tours together. The audiences liked his snarky reminiscences and caustic observations, but they didn't have to hear a nonstop stream of it like the rest of us. My father was an engineer when Schirra was flying. Let's just say the engineers weren't fond of old Wally, either.

Sorry for the minor thread derailment, frizzank! I'm looking forward to flying the Big G!

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Frizzank, just noticed that the ICBM warheads could be set up a bit better. If you put

ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = true

before the MODULE part and if you also put the ModuleDecouple above the ModuleEngines then when you stage the warheads they will decouple and then automatically fire their solid rocket motors.

I've been learning more about the actual Gemini design lately and I noticed a few things in your version that are off from the real version. One: monopropellant was not stored in the Gemini Pod itself, but in the RCS section above it. Second: the Fuel Cell was not located in the pod either, but rather in the Equipment section. These are small changes, so do with them what you wish.

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You can do the same thing to the Mercury Launch Escape System, btw. That would make the LES automatically detach and fly away if put in the Staging list, but in the Actions list it could be set to fire and thus bring the capsule to safety.

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I just realized, with the Transtage, and Tohou Torpedo's Mk3 Expansion (for the Cargo Bay and the Mk3 Fuse->2.5m adapter), you could make a really close clone of the Dyna-Soar!

And with KerbPaint you could probably even paint it black.

(It'd be 3 person instead of 1, but ah well.)

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The next update is coming faster than expected("Experimentals are out! Work continues on 0.22, and we're happy to say you won't have to wait much longer to have it in your hands. ").

I will not have time to finish the MOL, I was expecting to have at least 4 weeks but it looks like its going to be sooner than that.

Proactively I would like to say that I would like to make Mercury/Gemini apart of the new research tree as soon as I can get my hands on it and figure out how to incorporate it.

I think it would be a fun way to go through the Mercury and Gemini program, unlocking parts, doing science and other fun stuff. I am going to create some Mercury/Gemini science specific parts, a communications antenna and science pack of some sort at the minimum. An example would be the Agena target vehicle for starters, as well as the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) for the big science stuff.

None of this has even been started yet since I have yet to play with the new update yet, but will start as soon as its available to me.

Edited by frizzank
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Glad you're already thinking of the upcoming update. It's shaping up to be a great one. Some real NASA (or FASA) magic injected into that would be great. With Mercury/Atlas/Agena and the upcoming Big Gemini you'd already have much all of NASA's early manned work covered (and a lot of groundwork or parts have already been done). Personally I hope you want to focus on more parts instead of more IVAs. Your Gemini IVA is great, but with the science update in mind I'd rather have some extra parts to do more varied missions than another IVA.

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Still being worked on, getting the guys to "Fit" in the seats is the hardest bit considering I dont have a kerbal model to base it off of.

It will look a lot better when its done. But!. There is not much to look at since it is just a crew compartment. You would fly it from Gemini and not from the crew compartment. The docking ring has a window in it but there is no way to transfer kerbals to it since you have to eva to get in to a docked vessel. So I may just put a magic entrance on it just to make it easy to get guys in and out...




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For a later date (remember, I said later, meaning "possibly after frizzank and friends have taken a vacation to prevent Cthulhu from rising up again."):

I would like to get some people's opinions on some images of the Atlas I've found. The first three are of a model depicting the 1st stage and sustainer stage separate. I want to know if they are accurate enough for frizzank to use when he models his Atlas rocket. Image 4 appears to be from a museum of the two stages combined, and viewed from the bottom. Image 5 looks like Nasa documentary stuff depicting the Atlas and Mercury. I would also appreciate it if some of you have some more images to share as Google and Bing have failed me when finding images of the Atlas separated. Perhaps I lack key word skills. Also, frizzank, if you already have these images, then carry on :) Just seeing if I could cut some work down.

(Going to post links instead of using image tags since they are kinda big.)

Image 1 "the set"

Image 2 "Sustainer"

Image 3 "Half Stage"

Image 4 "Rear view"

Image 5 "Black and white"

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Wow Sweet image reference. Good find! Atlas separated is hard to find, so this is appreciated.

I think, if I remember correctly, that Mr. frizzank wants us to start using Procedural Fairings. So far, PF does a good job, but don't worry, the creator is still alive and kicking.

You are correct. The only fairings your going to get are the ones that are already in there.

I do this as a courtesy so you "can" use my mod without any other requirements. Fairings for rockets are too diverse for me to make all of them.

Besides Procedural Fairings does a much better job in a much smaller package.


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