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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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For "Real" simulated parts check out the rescale mod, they are rescaling every thing to the correct size. Including getting re-tagged textures that say United States instead of Kerbal States.

Out of curiosity if your looking for a 1:1 scale simulation why not use Orbiter instead of KSP? It is much better at simulating real world space travel, where KSP is the toonie, gameification of space travel.

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Call me when Orbiter lets you build your own spacecraft. ;)

(Though we are doing the best we can to make KSP as accurate as Orbiter. ^_^)

I'm working on getting updated patch for realscale FASA btw (as frizzank says--they'll even include US textures since frizzank very kindly is re-exporting them!), though the existing Realscale Gemini works for Gemini-Titan II GLV.

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That's nice. Will it use ModuleManager? It'd be much neater than the Realscale Gemini patch.

For "Real" simulated parts check out the rescale mod, they are rescaling every thing to the correct size. Including getting re-tagged textures that say United States instead of Kerbal States.

Actually, I was looking into making a KSP scale Mars Observer. It was launched using Commercial Titan III, which used 6-segment boosters instead of 5-segment ones featured in FASA. I imagine that with source files, adding an additional segment (or two, for Titan 4A) wouldn't be that hard. Stretching fuel tanks is config-side work, I can do it myself, but I can't add segments to SRBs that way.

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Call me when Orbiter lets you build your own spacecraft. ;)

(Though we are doing the best we can to make KSP as accurate as Orbiter. ^_^)

I'm working on getting updated patch for realscale FASA btw (as frizzank says--they'll even include US textures since frizzank very kindly is re-exporting them!), though the existing Realscale Gemini works for Gemini-Titan II GLV.

You can build your own spacecraft in orbiter, just like I am doing the parts for FASA, you mod it! There is no difference for me when creating parts. The only difference is Kerblal is a lot more entertaining to play with than Orbiter.

But I understand your need for an easy user interface for constructing rockets. I still prefer the gameness of kerbal. Though your mod is awesome for what it is doing.

Atlas main engine, this part goes under the cowl.


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I actually can model*, I just figured it was a better use of my time (and, frankly, more interesting for me) to be coding. :)

*really old work for a game I was making.

The killer features are indeed the space construction/gameplay etc. at least as much as the easy vehicle construction.

Thanks--and your work is, as bears repeating again, super awesome itself! As is that LR105!

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Loving the Atlas Main. :) With Titan and Atlas families (well, maybe except III and V), you'll pretty much have the vast majority of early US space program, and pretty much the entirety of US manned space program before Apollo.

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Its not really all me, splines in 3ds Max do most of the leg work. You can convert splines into tubes, so its super simple to make good ones.

Im going to have difficulty making it look like it has a chrome finish. Particularly when there is no reflection maps in Kerbal. Dont really know why they are not in there, unity has them, and they work well, for not a lot of overhead.

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Eh I have messed with NURBS in Blender some but I don't really understand how they work - most of the topics on it seem to be from 10 years ago.

I can usually manage the tubes by extruding a ring and making the rough shape, then subsurfacing it, but it makes way too many polygons and I abandon it.

Anyway those tiny little fuel lines and the details on the sleeves of the pipe elbows is great.

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Cool Thanks, Nice texture. The problem with baked in highlights is that the look great when the camera is still but as soon as it moves around it sort of looks like a painted on stripe. Its picky on my part but, I know how good it could look with the right shader!

Half way done!



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The retropack decoupler works great and so does the new escape tower. Did notice that the Atlas engine has no gimbal. Also the Mercury pod has a staging icon, but as a stage does nothing. After having gotten my Mercury into orbit with a Atlas launch vehicle with makeshift boosters, I noticed that it doesn't have a lot of battery life. About 2 low orbits' worth. While the longest Mercury flight was 22 orbit, that pod had been stripped to the bone to allow more batteries, water, etc. The second-longest was 6 orbits, which was a normal Mercury capsule.

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That might be a bit difficult to control for most people, especially since they can't be independently throttled. Perhaps make the big engines have slightly less gimbal than normal, so that the verniers are necessary to get that extra maneuverability. Because they do look massively cool.

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Love the new Atlas engine. Can't wait for the skirt and boosters. Oh, and don't forget the verniers! Atlas engines indeed didn't have gimbals.


the outer two did i'm not sure about the the inner one http://youtu.be/I9tTxwpwnK0?t=1m46s

edit: that said the one engine rcs thrusters work well as verniers engines if you mount em right

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The Atlas had little verniers engines to control it. Im going to make 2 tiny engines with a large gimble range and see if that works. If not I will just give the engines some gimble. You can test this out for now by using the Nova Punch ones.

As for the missing engines. Did you delete the old FASA before installing?

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So I downloaded this pack after seeing the amazing Gemini IVA. I had to have this capsule:D.

But as I opened the VAB, I was swamped by this huge amount of parts in a variety of sizes and categories. I was really only expecting the Gemini capsule.

Is there a version with only the Gemini capsule and service module without the Titan, Atlas etc propulsion, ICBMs, Gemini landers and those HUGE Big G parts :)?

Or any way I can remove them myself? I don't ever see myself using those parts and I don't like to leave parts I don't use hanging around eating up RAM.


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Almost had an aneurysm with that. What you do is you go into the folders and delete the parts you don't want.

Come on bro.. come on...

Yeah, I did that and my install of KSP went nuts, the UI was mangled, Kerbals went MIA for no reason... I had to totally remove the whole FASA pack to get things to work again.

No idea if it is the pack or conflicts within my install of KSP.

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Yeah, I did that and my install of KSP went nuts, the UI was mangled, Kerbals went MIA for no reason... I had to totally remove the whole FASA pack to get things to work again.

No idea if it is the pack or conflicts within my install of KSP.

This pack uses no plugins, so there shouldn't be any problems. Maybe you removed the wrong parts, and kerbals in vessels with those parts are erased along with the ship. Got no idea about the UI trouble, though. Maybe some part was dependant on a texture that you removed?

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