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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Looking really good Frizzank. Could you perhaps change the Titan ICBM SAS Navigation System into a command pod? Not only was it the brains of the Titan ICBM (the small MIRV Core that you made a probe body is from a Peacekeeper missile), but it would also allow an unmanned version of MOL as seen below.

EDIT: Also does the equipment bay open on both sides individually, or only as a whole?


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The Big G extendable docking port wont dock to standard size ports and when using MJ (I feel the burning of the flames already), it seems think doesnt have one but at the same time it thinks it does, but judging by how oriented to dock it believes its on the side of the craft

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Say, would it be possible to alter the escape towers so they decouple upon staging and fire their SRBs via custom action? This would make more sense in the context of KSP where Abort is an action. Right now, a successful launch means either tying up one of the valuable custom 10 action slots with a decouple trigger for the tower, or triggering it via right-click context menu which takes me my hand off of my one of my controls for a few tiny seconds (I use Flightstick + Razer Nostromo). I've had a lot go wrong in a few tiny seconds. :)

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Say, would it be possible to alter the escape towers so they decouple upon staging and fire their SRBs via custom action? This would make more sense in the context of KSP where Abort is an action. Right now, a successful launch means either tying up one of the valuable custom 10 action slots with a decouple trigger for the tower, or triggering it via right-click context menu which takes me my hand off of my one of my controls for a few tiny seconds (I use Flightstick + Razer Nostromo). I've had a lot go wrong in a few tiny seconds. :)

Have you tried it, because i've been using it like that for awhile?

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Have you tried it, because i've been using it like that for awhile?

Erm... no.

hangs head in shame

I just noticed last night that the staging icon for the towers is the SRB icon so I assumed that staging fired it off and that decoupling had to be done via custom action. Unfortunately, my workday is just starting so I have to wait entire hours before I can test it! Hours, can you imagine??

*grumble* *grumble* *pesky day job* *grumble*

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The Big G extendable docking port wont dock to standard size ports and when using MJ (I feel the burning of the flames already), it seems think doesnt have one but at the same time it thinks it does, but judging by how oriented to dock it believes its on the side of the craft

It's kind of messed up. The animation part I did really screws with docking port orientation, and I basically need to re-create the whole thing and put the docking port as a separate piece(It doesn't like being backwards). That way it will line up correctly with the "control from here" action and mecjeb.

Say, would it be possible to alter the escape towers so they decouple upon staging

Im not sure what you want here? If you stage the escape tower it decouples, fires and goes on its marry way. The staging Icon is limited by squad, there is no escape tower icon so I picked the SRB. It was easier to pick it out of the crowd of other icons. They did say they would support custom icons later but this will do for now.

Edited by frizzank
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It's kind of messed up. The animation part I did really screws with docking port orientation, and I basically need to re-create the whole thing and put the docking port as a separate piece(It doesn't like being backwards). That way it will line up correctly with the "control from here" action and mecjeb.

How come that the stock animated ports don't have this problem? Anyway, since you'll be re-making Big G docking port, could you make a version fitting 2.5m parts (but still docking to standard ports)? It'd be a nice addition, I like how this port looks.

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Its attached to the bottom and facing down while the part is facing up. The standard docking port everything is facing up. Like I said, I can fix it, it just needs to be remade.

Awesome shuttle by the way.

If anyone is interesting in trying it out before .23 comes out tomorrow. When I does I will put the science hooks into it so its a Lab and not just another science part.

FASA 3.3


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Lovely. I'll check it out when I can. Does that mean MOL is done and you'll start working on ATV soon? :) I'd really like to recreate Gemini 8, not to mention Agena itself was an upper stage that often flew on both Titan and Atlas.

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Well, a shuttle is a thing that transports other things from a point A to point B, but I'm assuming you meant US Space Shuttle here. That's not the Shuttle, that's the Russian Buran from Bobcat

Yes I know, I was commenting on his use of it.

Shuttle is a generic term, like if I said "Nice car", and you said "Well I am assuming you meant the BMW M5 internal combustion powered wheeled vehicle, no its actually a Nissan Leaf electric powered vehicle."

Both are cars, and both are shuttles. :)

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Well, a shuttle is a thing that transports other things from a point A to point B, but I'm assuming you meant US Space Shuttle here. That's not the Shuttle, that's the Russian Buran from Bobcat :P

Note, he said "shuttle" not Shuttle. The former is a generic term, the latter is short for Space Shuttle. That's why proper capitalization matters. :)

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Could do with sub-assembly files for the RCS caps with the chutes attached, getting the chute on in the right place is a bugger

Really? Always find it very easy. It's just RCS block, then main chute on the RCS block node, then the drogue chute on the main chute node and finally the nosecone on the RCS block node.

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Could do with sub-assembly files for the RCS caps with the chutes attached, getting the chute on in the right place is a bugger

If your having problems building just load the craft files.

Yea You Tube!!!

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Really? Always find it very easy. It's just RCS block, then main chute on the RCS block node, then the drogue chute on the main chute node and finally the nosecone on the RCS block node.

Main chute doesnt snap onto the center, and it rotates around the attachment node, so I spend ages aligning it so the nose-cap goes on straight and on center

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Main chute doesnt snap onto the center, and it rotates around the attachment node, so I spend ages aligning it so the nose-cap goes on straight and on center

It is also surface attachable, that's why your having problems. If you move your view more to the side instead of strait down it will snap to the top node instead of the surface. It works like this for everything that is surface attachable and stackable, including stock parts.

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I almost never have a straight down view though, it still wont snap, the drogue snaps on top of it tho

You have to be exactly eye level with the RCS Block. I had the same problem for the longest time.. was about to post when I figured that out. I hope that helps you!

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Firzzank, As always AWESOME work! Thanks for the quick Reply and fix to the Centaur, you save my KSP program!

With the exception of an Air Brake I moved off of B9, I am exclusively using your mod at this point (sans background mods like Enhanced Nav Ball and DLL enhnacements)

I am wondering if I could make a small request. The Rescue Gemini, Love the idea but the textures freak out on my monitor. I have traced it to the color of white used for those textures (it is more of a blue white vs the natural white of all the rest of your mod but I won't bore you with CIE color chart information.) This color difference can clearly be seen if you put the white lander legs on the standard Gemini Service Module. Would it be possible to switch the color when you have a chance to the standard white that the rest of the mod uses? It would help me because the texture won't fritz out and should clean up the look of the model (Less blurry due to the glare issue from the Blue-white color.)

Thanks in Advance!


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