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So Since It's October 2012....


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I really hope that they include a resources tab! I'm sick of staring at little fuel draining icons all the time! I would love a system that counts every last drop of fuel on board my spacecraft and lets me know how much is remaining.

Also, I think spaceplanes are too easy, I want Squad to add some sort of intake air system so that the game is more like real life!

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Guys... it's April 2013. 0.19 is already out!

funniest post on this thread!

*dude walks in on conversation and completely misses the point*

I'm still lurking on the forum - don't even have an account yet! but i've paid my monies and am lapping up every drop of speculation. rover wheels sound nice!

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funniest post on this thread!

*dude walks in on conversation and completely misses the point*

I'm still lurking on the forum - don't even have an account yet! but i've paid my monies and am lapping up every drop of speculation. rover wheels sound nice!

More like going to Jool and crash with Duna, geting the Mun to mess up you Minmus launches is to easy.

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