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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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  Kerbostar said:
i get problems with stock extention some of the IVA are textured red and white mostly just the plane parts also do i need fire spitter to see the propeler animation? http://imgur.com/DmFdUob

I get a similar effect on the outside of many of the fuel tanks. (In case anyone remembers me from before, I'm now using stock textures so thats not the problem)

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Hosted at Kerbal Stuff


(And I even made an image showing some of the changes)

Changelog (actually kept one for once. Look at me being all organised and stuff).

SXT 19

Added KOPO4E low profile rocket engine
Added angled Mk2 adaptor
Added to 1.25m to 2x0.625m bi-coupler
Fixed MEM ascent and descent engines
Tweaks to Ke-111 glass and added lights
Fixed Aeronautical 2.5m to 3.75m adaptor texture
Fixed Ke-90 turbofan texture
Re-named 'Barrel of Fuel' to 'Mk1 LFO Barrel'
Buffed NK-8 from 2400 to 2600 kN
Tweaked KC-8 'Economy' Passenger Cabin weight
Tweaked both KC-8 crash tolerance to be more inline with other plane fuselage parts
Fixes to Remote-tech and modular fuel module-manager patches regards of pjf and Nathan
Tweak to RCS Boon drag and crash tolerance
Fixed internal texture bugs.

I'll be splitting the 'Releases' section threads later as well, just posting it here first.


  Dakota2063 said:
Sounds good, Did you fix the parts with squad extensions? If not, I can quickly fix those tonight. I finally uploaded the files. I really like the sounds of using firespitter to streamline the parts. Was going to mess with those myself. SHould post more pictures of my up and coming fleet. Made some really cool landers while playing through carrer, though I really need to nerf down the science gain as I'm almost finished with the tech tree with one visit to the mUn and Minmus. That or stop using outsourced R&D.

Can't wait to get home to try these out.

Yeah, I used your fixes for those, thanks, btw.

The firespitter stuff is really useful, I'm mainly using it for choosing what's in fuel-tanks, but you can also choose from a range of greeble for the 2x1 hulls by right-clicking on it. Tweakscale also seems to work perfectly with it. So that's pretty great.

@A Killy Panda,

Thanks, look forwards to seeing some screenshots.


Thanks, that's fixed in the new SXT version.

@ Kitworks,

That shouldn't be happening. If it is it tends to be because it can't find the texture it's looking for; could you check the .cfg of one of those parts, you'll see a path for a file in Squad/ for the textures in the MODEL{ texture =} part of the config. Could you check that that file is definitely there?

e.g. If it says in the config 'texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTankRadial/model000'

then check for [KSP_root]/GameData/Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTankRadial/model000.mbm

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  AccidentalDisassembly said:
Was anything ever done with the new cargo bay models that open on the end rather than the top? Those looked very neat...

Yeah, I don't really think that they care about those parts. I've been begging for them for a long time, and Mr. Wizard has actually done some work on them, from what I understand. But I get the impression that Lack has no use for such parts, and is therefore making approximately zero effort to work on them at all, so they'll never see the light of day. Unfortunately. :(

Btw, the above is my OPINION, and my personal impression of the state of completion of the part(s) in question. If I'm wrong, I'll be happy to recant my position. I HOPE I'm wrong, actually. :)

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  Mekan1k said:
Any good names? (I can't think of any good ones)

Hmm, fast little liner. 'Sonic Sparrow'?


SXT should work alright, for LLL you'll want to find a copy of firespitter for .24.x


Yeah, should be in the next release.


Really now, quite unnecessary. They have been worked on; there were problems with the model so it need to be re-done from scratch, and I did offer to send you the files to work on yourself.

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  Lack said:


SXT should work alright, for LLL you'll want to find a copy of firespitter for .24.x

Yeah, I have Firespitter for .24.2 and works just fine, just couldn't remember the last time I had updated it and wanted to make sure I had the very last release before .25 came along.

Thanks though, I'll download and try.

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Disregard, found the issue with missing textures. The part is trying to use some textures from .25 Squad folder that do not exist in .24 =/ Probably from moving file names and such. Example:

texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/cabin texture = model001_NRM , Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/cabin_n

The storage container isn't in command, and I don't think it is labeled like this. I'll have to dig to find out.

Guess I'll have to repath all of them. Or maybe try merging the Squad folder.

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Hi Lack,

your work is, as always, awesome.

Some little thing I found in SXT: the grey little pipes (both long and short) are not showing. However, the 90º turn and the 6 way hub appear.

It happens to me since I updated to version 18 of SXT. Could you please re-add them?

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  Lack said:

Really now, quite unnecessary. They have been worked on; there were problems with the model so it need to be re-done from scratch, and I did offer to send you the files to work on yourself.

Hey man, I'm sorry that I sounded kind of harsh, I still love you like a brother from another mother! :) But I call it like I see it. It's your mod, so it's natural and appropriate that you would and should work on things that YOU find important. :) So if jerks like me ask for stuff, but you don't find them to be a very high priority, you can and should tell me to go jump. Or, being the polite person that you are, simply take your own time in getting around to it when you're good and ready.

I'm okay with this. Really. :) I was just expressing my thoughts to AD that it's unfortunate that there has been no news of these parts for quite some time, and postulating a reason for the delay. As I said, I was hoping I was wrong, both about the reasons for the lack of developments, and about whether we could look forward to them at all. It appears that I WAS wrong, which is good, so I apologize for not giving you the benefit of the doubt.

So, we good? :) I hope so.

Oh, and thanks for the offer of the files to work on myself, but I'm certainly no modder. I can find my way around editing a config file pretty well, but all the intricacies of modeling parts is WAY beyond me, lol! This is why I defer to artists like yourself and all the other talented modders here that make so much cool stuff for casual gamers like me to play with.

So, again, sorry for harshing on you, Lack. Wasn't meant as a personal attack.

Keep on keepin' on, my friend. Later!


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@Lack Love the mod thank you. There is a problem with the fuel tank none of them display Karbonite in game.

I have found that in some places Karbonite support was not added and missing the fuel tank support.

I fix the issue with adding it to the config.

the 2x1 tank

fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6 // the 6 was missing

1x1 as no Karbonite

textureDisplayNames = LFO;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;Xenon;MonoProp;Kethane

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  sprocketdrox said:
Disregard, found the issue with missing textures. The part is trying to use some textures from .25 Squad folder that do not exist in .24 =/ Probably from moving file names and such. Example:

texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/cabin texture = model001_NRM , Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/cabin_n

Ah yes, they did change a lot of the file paths with .25, you'll want an older version from before they shifted everything around.

Try this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SXT-17-prerelease.zip


I disabled those parts while clearing up clutter, the should still be in there. go to /GameData/SXT/Partdisabler.cfg and remove the lines in the '--- Pipes ---' section and they should appear in the parts list again.


No worries, it was just something that worked out being more work than I expected, and I don't get that much time now so it got put aside a lot.

I've actually got it working now; scrapped all the playing around with the constrain and lookat modules (just did it with animations instead), added an extra section to the arms and fixed the lights. I'll upload LLL-13.1 later today hopefully.

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Hmm, I honestly have no idea. I can't even think how that might work mechanistically, changing ISP in the cfg shouldn't really change anything else as far as I know.


Thanks, and thanks for spotting that; I should have that fixed now, expect that to be uploaded later on.

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No worries, it was just something that worked out being more work than I expected, and I don't get that much time now so it got put aside a lot.

I've actually got it working now; scrapped all the playing around with the constrain and lookat modules (just did it with animations instead), added an extra section to the arms and fixed the lights. I'll upload LLL-13.1 later today hopefully.

OOOOHH, fantastic! :D Again, sorry to have been such a pain about it. But that looks great, thank you very much! TweakScaleable, I presume? I can't imagine why it wouldn't be, all your other cargo parts are...

Anyway, again, thanks so much for listening to me, us, your fans and supporters. :) And as always, I'm looking forward to any and everything you come up with next!

Later, my friend! :D

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  Neutrinovore said:
OOOOHH, fantastic! :D Again, sorry to have been such a pain about it. But that looks great, thank you very much! TweakScaleable, I presume? I can't imagine why it wouldn't be, all your other cargo parts are...

Anyway, again, thanks so much for listening to me, us, your fans and supporters. :) And as always, I'm looking forward to any and everything you come up with next!

Later, my friend! :D

Oh of course.

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Edit: Release


Download - Dropbox

Added an 'End piece ramp' ([url]http://imgur.com/a/bXiLn[/url])
Fixed older fuel-tank types not loading part of their model
Fixed missing fuel-type for karbonite
Added configs for Deadly-re-entry, Connected Living Space, Remote tech
Fixed a few other minor bugs

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Thank you so much for the previous build. I was having a hard time making sure all the Squad textures from .25 loaded properly for .24.2

For the most part it worked but I was missing 1 single texture and couldn't figure it out, so there were always a few that were that red and white nightmare.

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  alaskafish said:
How do you use the air brakes?

You'll need an up to date copy of the fire-spitter plugin (found here) for those to work. I normally set them up via action groups, generally you can put them under 'brakes' and it'll work fine.

Also, while I'm working on a few more things before SXT-v20 is released, I have put a more up to date copy of the air-brakes (re-balanced and a new one) in the SXT 'Sub-packs' section found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79542


I think I just linked that to the 'claw' code, but if you copy this into the .cfg it should work fine.

name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = top
nodeType = size1


Ooh, very nice. If you've got any more screenshots/videos I'd be interested in seeing them; generally I don't see the mods in action all that much, so it's nice to see.

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